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comments for Le Boring Tree (TMT mod)

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420 June 12, 2023
+14comment score: 14

developer response:

dddw countest April 23, 2024
+9comment score: 9

what if you keep updating this game forever without anyone knowing and it slowly becomes the best game ever and noone knows

hexaglitch September 8, 2023
+6comment score: 6

this game is peak

developer response: maybe =]

LooFII September 15, 2023
+5comment score: 5

good 🆎🅾️🅱️🅰️ game

Birdie12 gamedev July 8, 2023
+3comment score: 3

I'm stuck at a wall (literally). I have 2 boring boosters, 2 amongus, 12 goal points, GP boost / non-static multiplier

The upgrades for amongus disappeared, how am I supposed to progress??

developer response: can i have a save? i'll check it for you.

fartman1314 July 10, 2024
+3comment score: 3

theres so much grass in this incremental world of cutting
also rename grasshop to beanhop for it to make more sense fr

Yahoo_Gamer November 4, 2024
+3comment score: 3

this is probably the farthest I've gotten in any tree game (not boring) good job, you got me hooked

balchm June 12, 2023
+2comment score: 2

nothing happens when u join

developer response: go to difficulty sub-layer to start the game, sorry if it wasn't clear enough

mitosis June 20, 2023
+2comment score: 2

Can't export save. Error message is Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'btoa' on 'Window': The string to be encoded contains characters outside of the Latin1 range. at exportSave I believe that's because player.subtabs.amogus.mainTabs = "🆎"

developer response: That makes sense, Thanks for feedback!

Pighouse tester July 3, 2023
+2comment score: 2

after unlocking buy max for deadly viruses, holding down the "D" key can sometimes give far more deadly viruses than you should be able to get
I can only get about 245 when buying slowly, but holding down "D" gave me 846

developer response: I don't know how to fix it, but thanks for reminding anyways!

Birdie12 gamedev July 9, 2023
+2comment score: 2

here's my broken save with absolutely no way to progress:

developer response: I believe you can still go back to the upgrades tab, if not then i'll try fixing it

gavincapp August 19, 2023
+2comment score: 2

first chess milestone doesnt work

developer response: it should work.

gavincapp August 23, 2023
+2comment score: 2

no it doesnt. the milestone dissapears and i dont automatically get boosters

bdh2022 October 4, 2023
+2comment score: 2

This game was fun unlike its name. I beaten this tree on all modes(That is, 4 times).

developer response: Congratulation! :D (h o w)

glitch October 27, 2023
+2comment score: 2

ඞsussy baka
also when's the new updating coming

developer response: in 18000 seconds (i don't know)

Peconpie10 June 14, 2023
+1comment score: 1

export button breaks after unlocking deadly virus and getting DIEmention upgrade 5 seems impossible

developer response: If you meant buying DIEmension upgrade D5, then try grinding more Extracted AB with black knights and respec chess pieces to gain some "unspent MP" back.

Oferzeer May 9, 2024
0comment score: 0

wanted to be friends on discord but the new discord names fucked it up

developer response: refer to momentcookie instead :D

1141pm October 5, 2024
0comment score: 0

Uh what do I do with goal points?(like they're useless)