comments for Automating The Philosophers Stone
sort: go backI accidentally pressed the reset save button and there's no confirmation or anything
developer response: I'm so sorry this is one of the things I wanted to implement, but didn't get into time for the small time of the game jam! I can help provide a save if you wish, but thanks for playing and that'll be fixed soon after the jam <3
The scaling feels...pretty busted here. I'm not sure if it's intended but I'm pretty sure I easily eclipsed all 7 challenge goals on first run
The idea is interesting, but it hasn't been balanced at all
interesting idea. After a while, everything just snowballs so much that you can just buy everything and complete all the challenges with ease. Would be cool if it was rebalanced at some point, but I don't know how difficult that might be.
Can anyone tell me how to reset my save after completing the game, options tab cannot be chosen and the popup quickly appear again after closing
developer response: I'm so sorry, that seems like a really weird bug I try to disable showing the end card ever again after seeing the X. I just released an update (Should update here in about 10 minutes) that adds a continue and reset game button straight to the end card so hopefuly there should be a better way about it now. Thanks so much for playing through the whole game <3
So I have no idea what happened, but "You have -113100484201366 Water"
pretty cool i can't see what some upgrades cost tho
The game seems unbalanced
Was kind of expecting the permanent autobuyers from reset energy to be the kind that just give it to you without taking the money. And is generators freezing for a bit when you buy things intended or a bug?
Would be nice if all the challenges showed what the reward would be upon exiting, so far I've only seen challenge 2 do it. Does challenge 4's production reduction start counting from the start of the challenge or does that counter reset when you do philosopher reset?
developer response: The autobuyers aren't taking from your energy, but the first buy of a generator cost energy, I could change that to cost non-energy once you get that milestone if that would look better. The generator freezing problem I have not seen yet, but if you want to share your save I would be more then happy to try to find a way to fix it. Also, the showing reward is a really good idea and I'll implement that and it should be out soon. Challenge 4 prod reduction starts counting from start of challenge, I can change the text to make it a little clearer. Thakns for the feedback and playing the game <3
Your balance issue is with Air. There's a tricky wall before 3%, but when you unlock air, production ramps so fast that you unlock the next 3 milestones on the next reset. That's likely where you need to tune.
developer response: For now, thats sort of intended. Currently there isn't much content between unlocking air and unlocking challenges and the next 3 milestones are more Quality of Life and letter people do longer runs then anything else. I wanted it to be get to 3%, get air, and make the player start using air to ramp to next 3 milestones to make resets a little easier / enjoyable while the true push is getting to challenges and completing those to progress further, but thanks for the feedback! I'll look into what I could add more to make that part of the game have a little more fun between doing a couple runs.
I meant it freezes for just a little bit and inconsistently at that, it starts working again after less than a second. Just seemed odd that Air generation would pause for a moment.
Full text of buttons is only visible when 'Expanded' is selected. Firefox.
developer response: Yep! Sorry about that, some of the text font size scalings doesnt work on all aspect ratios. I'm going to work on balancing that today and you should see an update later to make it look way better! Thanks for the feedback <3
I made the mistake of going to the upgrades tab in Full screen :skull:
oh no @yeet
i didnt even notice it XD
For anyone talking about balanced, I spent the whole day today completely rebalancing everything (Havent done a balance run on throught his since its a game jam game and I just got the content down), but it should be way better now