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comments for Spirit Dungeons: Legacy

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Termt July 31, 2023
+14comment score: 14

So the full version still isn't out? Not even a demo or a teaser of it?

It's been several years since I first played this, by now I'm more concerned than curious about the state the full version of the game is in.

ahardusername June 16, 2024
+8comment score: 8

I played it when it was called soul not foubd

Asenath July 30, 2023
+4comment score: 4

like the concept and the minimalistic style and I am glad this game made it to this side

gaxed October 3, 2023
+4comment score: 4

very cool game, i hope the full version comes out soon! keep up the work

yeet counter April 30, 2024
+3comment score: 3

Good game, very good indeed. However, one thing I noticed is that if you choose a unit skill, (Skeleton, Zombie, ect.) that unit will not generate until you buy at least one level. Looking at the comments, this seems to be a demo. Please make the full version!

Electromagneta December 22, 2023
+1comment score: 1

It's weird that when i click and drag morality is open a new account with that link :
Explain please?

dimanoob2284 July 30, 2023
0comment score: 0

cool game

developer response: Thank you <3

Sovereign July 31, 2023
0comment score: 0

For reference, I have over a million souls on the waitlist. I doubt the full version will ever come out.