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comments for The Camellia Tree (Original, Not Ducdat0507's Rewritten Version)

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Termt August 14, 2023
+6comment score: 6

Anyone else having difficulty seeing the black text on the songs part? Black on not-quite-black is rarely a good color combination.

developer response: I’m working on it, it’s changed in the later update.

speedmaster24 countest August 19, 2023
+4comment score: 4

nice I beat it in 15 mins

developer response: Congrats, you beaten my broken tree

aneasyusername countest August 14, 2023
+2comment score: 2

it just came out whar

developer response: whar do you mean, it just magically updated to v0.2

HalfX August 15, 2023
+2comment score: 2

Perfect Solution to Inflation: Inflate harder but inflate prices

developer response: another perfect solution: don't let the player reset when they get passive gain

ducdat0507 countest August 15, 2023
+2comment score: 2

Balancing tips: Upgrades that boosts point gain based on a polynomial of itself + Upgrades that gives exponential boosts to point gain = Inflation

developer response: me when the ducky is ducking under inflation

VileRevenant August 16, 2023
+2comment score: 2

...are you supposed to beat this in 16 minutes? That seems too fast. Did I do an uh-oh?

developer response: Did you forget that this game is broken? Did you even READ the description?

ArcanaEden August 14, 2023
+1comment score: 1

for all the people who inflated their games, YES IM WORKING ON IT, I ALREADY PUT IN FAILSAFES TO PREVENT INFLATION.

developer response: saves, not games, my bad

CoolRadGamer countest September 4, 2023
+1comment score: 1

there was no inflation or stuff

but i guess it's quick enough that i dont feel bored of the generic tmt feel

unicodes gamedev January 2, 2024
+1comment score: 1

Can you learn how to make branches?
branches: "layer id here"

Europe2048 countest March 3, 2024
+1comment score: 1

I completed it (as of now)!
Suggestion: if you have enough members and messages, you can add channels, which boost your messages. However, you can't get too much of them.

l319836 gamedev December 3, 2024
+1comment score: 1

It took you 10m 19.79s to beat the game.
Can be faster

l319836 gamedev December 4, 2024
+1comment score: 1

It took you 8m 25.83s to beat the game.
Can still be faster