comments for The Excavation Tree
sort: go backnice, short mod. keep it going.
one suggestion: a 'max convert wood' button, as converting wood took ages later on (1M+ wood).
(It took you 1h 0m 53.38s to beat the game)
developer response: thanks for the suggestion
Honestly, tiers should remain unlocked once you get them. Even if you can't buy things in them after the reset, they should still be there for you to click on and look at. The reason I say this is because I reset to get a leaf, and then accidentally clicked out of the layer, so now I can't go back to spend the leaf I just gained because it relocked itself, so I have to wait until I get back to that layer to spend it now. That seems like a design flaw to me.
You can make numbers nicer to display by doing format(number).
Also, calling your game "a mod of the Prestige Tree" sells it short because TMT is far more than that and games made in it are much more unique than you'd expect a mod of another game to be.
Finished the game, it's really nice mod, although imo it lacks a lot of QoL-stuff like getting upgrades fixed earlier, bulk buy for stones, the whole coal mini area can be way less grindy than it is - felt like it was made that way to artificially make the game longer which is not good when it happens.
Still a good game to play, thank you very much. Hopefully it can grow deeper soon.
developer response: Thank you for the positive feedback :)
The Mini section could definitely use some QOL (too many buttons to click to navigate back and around to the different layers) but otherwise fun game, hope to see more content added in future.
I love the fact that theres no boring "wait for next upgrade to buy" and u can decide for yourself what branch / upgrade you wanna work on next
Does the Ctiks upgrade in tech tree give you 100 percent of sticks gained on reset? Cause I've gained nothing except the other 1 percent stick upgrade
developer response: You need to have both 1% and 10% upgrades if you want 100% to work
So many decimal places. Is there a reason?
developer response: I will fix later
nice update, got batterying now too. (player.B.layerShown was undefined here).
the cloud save shows >99,999 characters for my save
Pretty rad mod honestly
also +1 to the max convert wood
the get 100% sticks research I'm pretty sure is broken as I'm not gaining sticks automatically.
developer response: have to get all 10% and 1% upgrades too
the save text is too long to be exported
The save label is too big for galaxy cloud save
I’ve already finish the game, like it.
I've "fixed" my battery upgrades about 3 times now. Each time I get even fewer upgrades before needing to "fix" them again. Also Sticks are glowing red like there's a new upgrade, i assume tier 2, but when I go to the sticks theres nothing
developer response: you only need to fix them one time, and you don't have to fix it if you played since v1.2 (how much sticks do you have? dm me)
did you accidentally set the digit precision to 20 digits instead of 2 digits?
Great game, one of my favorites.
(What do stone sticks do)
export/import doesn't seem to be working
developer response: works for me, i had this problem before. the only fix was doing a hard reset.. (in my knowledge)
Battery maxed out at 650 so could not buy "Fork and Outlet" (700).
Battery Charger - 12
Longer Battery - 9
Challenge completed, 1st 2 battery upgrades purchased
Finished the game, but there is something broken with the battery path.
developer response: Edit your battery power using console, and type there "player.B.points = new Decimal(700)", also i will fix that too. Thanks!
Ctiks should not require the other two % upgrades to function. That doesn't make much sense. Just disable those when Ctiks is bought.