sort: go backWhere is endgame right now? I completed all the 'missions' and have Tier 6 on the mergent tokens merges. Is this it? I don't think it is feasible to get to Tier 7, with the price of the merge blocks increasing the way they do.
yeah i got to level 8 and i just cannot do it anymore, my hand is already starting to hurt
auto-merge, if it exists, needs to unlock way earlier than it does
Auto merge unlocks way too late
This is very Unique! I really like it
i'm loving this game. sad that it doesn't gt updated anymore :(
Reached the end of current content; unique spin on an idle game, eagerly waiting more updates!
button simulators naming in 2035:
Could be a bug: the VIP Gain upgrade says it should be giving me +8.00 points per second, but my gain per second is only 3.07?
developer response: It is a bug. I'm not sure if I can push out the update that fixes it, but it has been fixed on my local game. I hope you've enjoyed the game in spite of this bug!
Good start. Hope to see it blossom from here.
Currently, it contains:
Merging things
Merging things
A prestige
Merging things
is it just me, or does the VIP gain mergent token upgrade just. not do anything
Just reached the end of content, what will be in the next update if there will be one, I will try to get a tier 6 mergeable.
Vip gain 1 doesnt work sadge
VIP Gain isn't actually giving a bonus VIP points a sec for me, idk if it's bugged
developer response: It is. There's an update on the way that will be fixing this as well as adding more content.
I have no idea if this speaks to how versatile The Prestige Tree is or how good at coding the modder is.
developer response: It's moreso how versatile TMT is. Grids can do just about anything you will them to do with enough effort
I think mergent tokens are broken, I got 57 on my first reset
developer response: I just fixed them
that title name is ungodly
I really like how you can move around the mergeables, it's something that you don't see a lot in merging games but it's great if you want to keep things organized