comments for The Milestone Tree NG+
sort: go backmust find a game to fill the antimatter dimensions-shaped hole in my heart
I'm also stuck at milestone 184. I assume I need to build up my special transcend points via the 6th EP milestone, but that doesn't seem to work - I can build them up to e200+ in the transcension challenge but they reset down to ~e50 when I leave it
It's so convenient that the milestones are inverse ordered!
Also, players beware: You seem to hit hyperinflation around the same time that you unlock prestige-milestone tree and it will lock up your game
In terms of a review, content feels like it goes a bit too fast from milestone 163-180ish (most of the new content)... pretty much from the second I got Exotic Points running, they just zoomed past... I automated Challenge Slayer before ever even using it. Went back to do some Transcendence Special Points, and found 90% automated. Etc. Some of the earlier/original game felt a bit tedious, in how much you needed to push micro gains to hit the next milestone, but this went so far in the opposite direction.
milestone 65-75 is a slog if bouncing between two resources to eek out a tiny percentage more because your progress stops and there is only one thing to do making this extremely active. No max all for prestige boosts yet so every reset you're looking at 20-60 clicks to get back up to where you gain progress again. Too linear, too much clicking.
It's a good game. I'll wait for the update.
If you're stuck at 184, make sure you have 'upgrading fusioner' enabled in MP and 'special transcend points' enabled in T. I used softcap and prestige-dilated boost.
what if my progress has stuck at the 94th milestone and the challenges are not going through
I seem to be stuck currently at milestone 95 can't seem to get passed it at the moment and I'm not able to complete any of the four challenges at this point either Althpugh I have beaten the challenges C1: 4x C2: 4x C3: 3x C4: 3x.
i stuck at ms 95, i cant do any challenges. i dont have enough hps to get buyables, thats a hell
uh oh. the corruption button went buggy and displayed something like "-1", and sadly i clicked it. turns out it gave me 100 corruptions at once even though i don't have the space, so now i'm stuck with 348 corruptions with 211 solved, effectively softlocking myself, cause i can't buy new corruptions at this price!
i cant get any multiverse prestige points and everything is pretty much frozen with no hopes of progress so i might need some help here
weird thing i noticed, after newest update i suddenly am having trouble getting past exotic prestige
New update encounters hyperinflation somewhere around 11-13 multiverse prestige points. Not entirely sure what triggers it, but it doesn't seem avoidable.
The bold font in this game is now the defining font of NG+ games
developer response: Fr fr
7 7 2 8 m i l e s t o n e s ☠️ ☠️ ☠️
Really curious about whatever is going on in the changelog, ive been staring at this for like an hour
I really like the concept of the game, but I feel like early-game can by spiced up by adding "clickables" when super-prestige/pick another value is less than 1e100,000. However, I must say it's really fun and I will definitely play more!
developer response: I'll speed up pre-145th milestone content in future update
1043 milestones☠️☠️☠️
Quick note for anyone about to leave a review: The new content starts at the 145th milestone. For any gameplay balancing issues/constructive criticism in terms of the game before hitting this milestone, the original game is right here -> Have a good day!
developer response: Thanks for leaving this comment here!