comments for A tree for sure
sort: go backI beat the game and still don't have an answer to my question, smh 0/10 stars would play again 5/5
best game ever 999/5
developer response: That should get me a way better rating score, no doubt
"I have no idea how javascript works, I'm just trying to piece together this mess of a mod
Sorry for the quality"
I'm really excited to see what will you put together when you will know how javascript works and won't feel like you have to say "sorry for the quality"
developer response: Well, thank you for so much kindness, I feel like I'm getting better at js, and understanding what I'm doing, not just doing Legos with code from other mods
I still feel eons away from the gamedevs in here that built their games from scratch, but I'd say my confidence is getting better
Stay tuned for more updates if you liked the mod
Hey slightlyMAD is that your name? (nicely)
slightlyMAD IS YOUR NAME, ADMIT IT. (harshly)
developer response: Absolutely it is
For the life of me I cannot figure out how to complete the "The Upgrade Nurse" achievement. I even turned on the hints and I'm still lost.
i looked at theory tab.
'ladies and gentlemen, we got him. cookie time finally does a boost instead of a nerf'
'cost: 1.00e308 theories'
This is for sure a tree.
5 stars as of now
Very awesome game still 5/5 stars
i found out the "why do you even bother" achievement
You found 1 Achievements
boosting your self esteem by 1.00
This is most definitely a tree.
Guys, hear me out, I think this is a mod.
Quite interesting mechanics, some "hostile design" that one has to figure out how to overcome.
Reach 1.00e16 cryptic clues to unlock (You have 3.74e20 cryptic clues) Uhh... What do?
developer response: Seems like you need something else to unlock this, try progressing elsewhere
good game 10/10 so far
What does ur name means ?
developer response: Well isn't this a good question?
despair time wall :thumbsup:
Really good incremental game! Feels more like an adventure than the linear trees that most TMT mods have. Also like the fact that there are hidden achievements, +1 bonus point.
developer response: Thank you very much for the kind comments, don't hesitate to come by the modding tree discord if you wanna get notified for new updates !