comments for Yet Another Merge Game
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Glad this has been added to Galaxy! Haven't played for a while, so i'm going to use this as an opportunity to restart without having to wipe my save. Great game! Though if IIRC, automation is a bit lacking for a while.
i will create a black hole
Any plans to add more content to this game or are you just porting it over to galaxy?
even though i found a hack to maxing my upgrades without me touching them, please add some sort of auto-buyer function.
The water icon looks like a chemical formula of formaldehyde
Fun for what it is. If you plan to add more to the game then it should get an unlockable autobuyer, also a proper ending would add a lot to the game's enjoyment even in the game's current state
What is the "support me" boost that the foam upgrade mentions? Click ability?
I don't see anything explicitly labeled as "support me"
Reached molecules. If there's nothing else I think I'll call it here.
Molecules feel like a dull timewall where you have to select which brick you want to work on.
holy clap the first grindy but good game i found
"There's no definitive end."
Like hell there isn't, you can cap out all the molecule powers and keep grinding for a few days after that to cap every last upgrade that can be capped, which I just did because of obsessive compulsive completionism.
Last upgrade was Max Objects 43/43, it took over a month of grinding to get here and my mergers have reached #12,869.
reminds me of my mobile game days, masterpiece.
I love getting my balls merge into one ball
this is a work of art
Tip: If you hold a hotkey, switch to another tab, let go of the hotkey, then return to the game, the game will act as if you're still holding the key. So you can do this with M and E to automatically max upgrades and select best cores
what is the "support me" boost and the social boost?
not bad