comments for The MJ Tree REWRITTEN v0.5
sort: go backMJs are Michael Jackson
fix export clipboard please
Note: This game is not fully released and will be fully released soon!
hi gamedev. the export to clipboard is broken
Michael Jacksons/machine jets/major joints/mango juice. WHAT ARE MJS??????????????????
plz make mango juice worlds boost point generation
1*, cannot export to clipboard. I need to use in a different browser and do not want to start all over again.
it's that game... again
Anyone else stuck trying to get the 14th mastered stille??
@EnderSand2486 MJ means Michael Jackson
I love getting machine jets
The game title is confusing. The developer didn't point out what are MJs.
Beated the game in 5h 36m 24.52s, loved it a lot
gg 6h 32m 52.74s
After getting MJ Universe (and the first upgrade) the MJ buyable doesn't exist anymore except MJ Worlds
developer response: fixed
by the way, the thingy that boosts MJ's on the MJ's Catagory. it dissipeard after I refreshed
MJ is our savior.
do you just like change the world cost every update or like get it from another website or something
what are mjs exactly??