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comments for eternea inftis (the eternal infinity)

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yhvr owner August 11, 2024
+25comment score: 25

@qeqe198, game developers can't delete comments at the moment. negative comments without constructive criticism are manually removed by staff, as they are not allowed on the site.

UserDidntUnderstand August 11, 2024
+8comment score: 8

Hotkeys: hold "M" to buy time upgrades, press "C" to leave challenges, hotkeys for resets are their first letter, (example: "G" to goldify, "I" to infinity, "E" to eternity, etc.) press ctrl+s to save, press "V" to invert colors.

All that information was in settings tab, and I am using that, thank you developer!

developer response: another is "D" to start/restart dilation

Wrab countest August 11, 2024
+8comment score: 8

here's no automation or it unlocks way too late, you're expected to click the same 8 buttons thousands of times

yenooh August 11, 2024
+7comment score: 7

i passed through long timewall, and reset for a gold, realized single gold does nothing at all
this game sucks

developer response: I have changed it add 1 so you can get a 2x gain from 1 gold

crimjoni August 11, 2024
+3comment score: 3

did i just goldify for no effect or anything???

chutz747 August 11, 2024
+3comment score: 3

Afraid I share the sentiment of the other commenters, game progress very slow.

Eric66678 August 11, 2024
+3comment score: 3

i got the automation that starts at the infinity stage, which is two layers after the first layer, and there are many long timewalls

Sanas gamedev August 11, 2024
+2comment score: 2

For your first goldify, get more than 1 gold for a effect

Termt August 13, 2024
+2comment score: 2

Having actually played a bit now: 1st gold upgrade feels good. 2nd gold upgrade feels... barely acceptable. 3rd and 4th gold upgrades feel bad.
The upgrades are relatively weak and don't justify such a huge price increase. From 2 to 3 is a x5 gold increase and the price jumps by... x40? And from 3 to 4 it's again a x5 increase with a price increase of x26?
The 4th upgrade feels like it's essentialy x3 gold and the price increase is x5. But because the previous upgrades, comparatively anyway, sucked it feels like a much higher hurdle.
I'm essentially getting 6.3k gold per reset and I'll need (200/6.3 = 31.7) 32 resets. 9 clicks per reset, 288 manual clicks.
And after getting that 5th upgrade my gold gain is really only only bumped up to 9k, that's a x1.5 increase. And for the next one you want me to get... x5 as much as the last one...
No thanks, I'll come back when the price increases aren't as tedious.

developer response: hi Termt, you can hold "m" to max to first 8 upgrades and press "g" to goldify, I am also finding a better cost for some upgrades to not take too long

Sanas gamedev August 11, 2024
+2comment score: 2

And game is black screen making it unplayable

developer response: sorry, i changed something

Tech_627 gamedev August 15, 2024
+2comment score: 2

Ok so I beated the game tbh the best one.. yes I know automation comes later but still hotkeys are there which is good.. I like the last layer's thing with lore if that's what it is.. overall pretty cool game I hope it gets updated it took me like 2hours to beat lol

apathypeace August 12, 2024
+2comment score: 2


developer response: I'll lower the cost to 100,000

Nerlahh777 August 12, 2024
+2comment score: 2

Can you add absolutism (fifth reset layer)

developer response: hmm, I guess if you can tell me what it's going to be about.

Termt August 13, 2024
+2comment score: 2

I already don't like this game for opening up with one of those stupid browser dialog boxes saying "hi". Other games do it when there's a use or reason (such as a confirmation), and they also shouldn't be doing it. Handle those things within the game itself.

unicodes gamedev August 12, 2024
+2comment score: 2

it's a simple and easily moddable game, if you what you can mod it
if you what you can mod it

CrownedBird August 21, 2024
+2comment score: 2

I don’t like how auto-buying requires keyboard keys on PC (judging by the settings).. you’re unnecessarily making the game unfriendly for mobile, and for what? Add a button or something before my wrists go sore.

Unless there’s an autobuy already at some stage that I clearly haven’t reached yet? It’s almost unmotivating to get there though.

developer response: i'll see what i can do

Centillion August 12, 2024
+2comment score: 2

The game bugged out and set my time per sec to 0

developer response: sorry Centllion and others, I forget to add a minimum value so it got multiplied by zero
(oops) :(

Mamkagod counter August 12, 2024
+2comment score: 2

Game glithed with 0.00e6 time/s, im stuck

Spectrius August 12, 2024
+2comment score: 2

The Goldify mechanic could use a slight increase to the scaling.

qeqe198 August 11, 2024
+1comment score: 1

I thought that the first gold reset shouldn't have any gains, it's too boring, the formula should be (x+1)^1.5 or something