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comments for Infinity Clicker

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Termt August 23, 2024
+10comment score: 10

From at least the 1e15 clicker upgrade to the 800 infinity points upgrade it's literally just... "we doubled your point gain, hooray! We also doubled the goal."
That's the kind of goalpost moving that feels completely meaningless to me. I'm twice as fast and need to go twice as far so I spend the exact same amount of time as I already did for the previous upgrade, several times in a row. I don't FEEL faster or better.

developer response: so I'm not suppose to multiply cost and effect by the same amount?

Maplefrog7 August 26, 2024
+4comment score: 4

needs a way to export and import saves

developer response: next update :)

Funnyman69420 August 23, 2024
+4comment score: 4

i thought this was eternal inftis :skull:

Skullord August 27, 2024
+4comment score: 4

"Sort glyphs" really needs either a description or a warning that it will delete glyphs. Maybe even a confirmation so you don't accidentally lose progress by misclicking it or clicking it blindly.

developer response: definitely

ReddmanEhee August 28, 2024
+4comment score: 4


developer response: wait i spelt it wrong

Sido_Iris August 26, 2024
+4comment score: 4

After getting 1 of each glyph i clicked sort glyphs and it deleted all my glyphs undoing all that work and massively slowing down my production.

developer response: an empty input is valid apparently (it counts as zero)

papachabre August 27, 2024
+3comment score: 3

The game needs a lot of work to be fun.
1) I agree with Termt - there is no feeling of progression. Every prestige should feel faster or more productive than the last.
2) Several of the upgrades are useless. For example, the two eternity upgrades "Start with the first 7 infinite upgrades" and "Start with the first 9 infinite upgrades". The second one replaces the first and doesn't take that much more time to get, so getting the first just feels like a waste.
3) Getting EP is boring, it's capped at a certain amount, and there's no way to automate it. I gave up before getting the 250 EP upgrade. I don't want to perform the same exact actions 18 times to get an upgrade that I don't even know if it's worth it.
4) There should be some indication when more content is unlocked. I had no idea that I had to press the "right" button to see the EP window until I made it to eternity twice.

developer response: A1 => so make progression faster with every reset?
A2 => space out keeping upgrade or unlock automation sooner?
A3 => currently working on that, hopefully its not as bad
A4 => yea i would help

Neffdigity August 26, 2024
+3comment score: 3

I reloaded the game for the update and I had about 64 eternity points saved up towards the 500ep reward. Upon reloading the game, the game stole my 64 ep. Bruh.

developer response: I swapped out for Break Eternity instead of my goofy Decimal
now we get bigger numbers (you should have keeped upgrades)

Termt August 23, 2024
+3comment score: 3

Oh what a surprise... the 1st eternity offers an upgrade that doubles IP again. The 2nd eternity is useless because you can't get more than 1.3 EP, so you can't reach the 2EP upgrades. Once again doubling the speed and doubling the goal.
And the eternity gain upgrade for 2EP... doesn't work? Or is it just doubling the ep/s, which marginally speeds up the first minute and does nothing near the end of an infinity? That's misleading. I was expecting it to double IP gain from infinities. If it's just doubling ep/s I would've just not bought it and waited for the 5EP upgrade.

tristan countest August 23, 2024
+3comment score: 3

Only just started the game, but...
1. 1e5 from one click, WITHOUT any upgrades? Why so much? I know people like big numbers, but googology intersecting with incremental games is a byproduct of the PROGRESSION in incremental games. I feel that starting with 1e5/click is far too much.
2. You had a scroll wheel with the changelog, but why did you not add a scroll wheel for anything else? Clearly you know how to make them.
3. The game is fine otherwise.

developer response: A1 => when I was doing scrolling a forgot to do the catalog (sorry)
A2 => it was 1000x for a long time but it felt slow (I'll change it)
A3 => thanks? but you can make an "Issue" on GitHub if you want me to change any thing

unicodes gamedev August 23, 2024
+3comment score: 3

"10 seconds seconds"

galaxyuser63274 countest August 23, 2024
+2comment score: 2

orginal on scratch

smileyrandom August 29, 2024
+2comment score: 2

(I deleted my previous comment to add a bit more)
I'll second what IntoAMuteCrypt has said below. There are a few issues with at the moment:

As an aside, save importing didn't seem to work for me at all. No errors, it pops up saying "imported" but does nothing.

developer response: it looks like sorting is working, are you filling the input next to the sort button?
for importing, i'll try get to fixing it,
presets can come later
and yes power and level get square rooted sqrt(P)*sqrt(L) to give the power effect, so don't focus on just one

IntoAMuteCrypt August 28, 2024
+2comment score: 2

The part of the game really drags, because it's missing some really essential QOL.

developer response: I may have not said you can shift click to remove them and
they do sort by highest effect
also changed it to keep x unequipped and all of equipped
so it's a little better

Randomguys August 26, 2024
+2comment score: 2

Sorrry for not reporting on github but the ui for mobile is quite small(recommend adding a ui scaler)

developer response: iframes make UI small for some reason, i'll make a UI scale, but for now use galaxys (side bar => game tweeks)

r_grechko August 24, 2024
+2comment score: 2

and also and do nothing gr

goldjojo August 30, 2024
+2comment score: 2

developer response:
it sorts by highest effect (I just tested).
are the weaker ones equipped? that's why they stay.
and yet I still don't know why people are saying its not sorting properly?
also darker ones are equipped

Funnyman69420 August 29, 2024
+2comment score: 2

unicodes gamedev August 24, 2024
+2comment score: 2

make the ui bigger
why is it so small

developer response: i think the Iframe did that

ahardusername August 23, 2024
+2comment score: 2

very grindy in late inf