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comments for IdleAntFarm

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Sea2Sky counter September 30, 2024
+7comment score: 7

Love the UI design, would be nice if the LOCKED would say when it unlocks. Would also like the prestige to tell me the # of ants I need for the next point instead of giving me the log formula :)

developer response: Thanks for the feedback! Will deff implement.

uden September 30, 2024
+6comment score: 6

Interesting game. Could have a lot of potential if it's fleshed out and balanced a bit more. I appreciate how you added a setting to turn off the background for less powerful computers. Besides the battle system which is indeed very similar to NGU, one game that this did remind me of particularly was ( It has a similar sort of UI, basic progression, achievement system, and theming of course.

While you likely know of this, there does appear to be a lot of bugs. Here are a few significant ones:
Auto Adventure does nothing and just spams you with notifs.
After a certain point in tunnels, 10 ants will no longer be able to die for some reason. Therefore you can send 10 ants and let them sit there infinitely. The same appears to happen later with larger amounts of ants too. It may be something with mining speed. They are still encountering traps, they just don't die.
The save system is janky. Whenever I tried to export and import to check the upgrades before I got them (tunneling and royal ants), the cost of each upgrade would increase from 500 to 600 even though I had not bought that upgrade in the previous save. When I later tried to duplicate the tab to check a different upgrade, I found my prestige gain from my original save went from 22k to 2k mysteriously.
The Cosmic Rift appears to be inaccessible despite it being in the bestiary.

Other general suggestions:
Adventure mode isn't very challenging. In fact, I don't believe I needed to boost the attack and defense stat outside of the very beginning of the game. What makes this worse is that most of the sets and passives in the game boost attack and defense. Most of the drops also aren't that powerful especially considering some of these incredibly low drop rates. Maybe if you gave some gear bonus prestige points, bonus storage, minerals, or bonus royal jelly chance there would be a greater incentive to run adventure out of the first region. By time I reached a decent amount of ants, I could just send them straight to the last area.
Tunneling is way too powerful. Even disregarding the infinite depth bug, you can gain super high magnitudes of seeds and minerals from it after a little investment into the upgrades. This makes other features like Elite Ants (though powerful in their own right) and Adventure seeds almost obsolete as you will have no need for seeds from anywhere but tunneling.
Because of how Prestige gain is calculated, you have little to no incentive to go for long runs. The optimal way to play this game would be to actively go through tunneling (with higher amounts of royal jelly workers and elite ants this can be skipped) and larva/ants and then prestiging asap. While I don't think active play is a bad thing, it just makes any idle play not very worth it (especially since adventure is useless). However, if you enjoy this type of play, maybe add a few hotkeys like "P" for prestige.
The Prestige Multiplier upgrade appears to multiply prestige gain by two or similar to it. The upgrade description says "Increase the benefits gained from prestiging by 10%" which could mean many other things. Perhaps just rephrase it to Multiply Prestige Gain by 2.

Quietus January 24, 2025
+5comment score: 5

After playing for three days with a 100% collection rate on all currently acquirable Passives, I can safely say I hate this game. The rate of growth is insultingly slow as of the 8th generation and is intolerable by the 11th. The UI is annoyingly placed. The clickable windows being shifted by the "at capacity" message is amateur. The "dark mode" is a lazy, bad looking inversion of color. The tick rate for automatic growth is so slow that at a certain point, it's practically impossible to not be at 100% Resource Storage with a full set of Abyssal equipment, which makes the slow tick rate infuriating. It feels as if the only "winning" solution due to the tick rate to use an autoclicker to get a proper resource rate, or making a macro to dump Larvae into Ants at a rate that doesn't indue anger.

This game has potential; don't misunderstand. I would return to this game if the tick rate issue was addressed alone. I would hope the UI, color, and growth rates would also be address.

To sum, this game is at best a rough draft and would require significantly more work to be one of the greats, unless one is willing to be incredibly patient with the design choices the developer has made.

MG96 October 3, 2024
+5comment score: 5

The auto Queen upgrade should wait until there are at least 100 Ants before triggering.

unlucky_star October 3, 2024
+5comment score: 5

Something weird is happening with the storage and upgrades. I've been up to 10 million seeds before (I have the achievement for it too), somehow several prestiges later I'm getting less storage per upgrade and my upgrade cost is passing my maximum capacity around the 800K mark. It seems to get worse whenever I prestige and try to buy the prestige storage upgrades. I've noticed the regular storage upgrade seems to add weird, seemingly random numbers to the max capacity (later upgrades sometimes add less storage?)

Termt September 30, 2024
+4comment score: 4

Auto-create elite ants does not increase the price of the elite ant. I don't mind, but it's still a bug.
Personally I'd like it if I could set limits for "auto-upgrade storage". Like, for example, being 90% full of seeds.

developer response: You can, within settings!

nikadprod October 10, 2024
+4comment score: 4

trap avoidance button stops at 18.94m

CoolRadGamer countest September 30, 2024
+4comment score: 4

i like this game and the concept and the pixel art looks pretty cool as well i can see this game becoming pretty good in the future

Konosando October 1, 2024
+3comment score: 3

Unable to play as guest. Clicking the button does nothing.

hectic_scone October 1, 2024
+3comment score: 3

also it seems the "play as guest" button doesnt do anything for me

developer response: Should definitely work..

Sven October 4, 2024
+3comment score: 3

Love the game! Looking forward to future updates. Can you think about the following adds and fixes please:
Would like to filter achievements
My trap avoidance button can't click on buy upgrade past the cost of 18.94m. My other two purchase buttons are in the e+xx
Make the upgrade ant button either a hold it down for rapid tap speed or max because sometimes I have a hundred to thousands in que
Arctic Tundra set when all equipped says there is a set bonus, but it does not show the second line of what that bonus is like it does for say the soldier set which works fine
When double clicking my equipment accessories to equip them, it produces an error "no empty accessory slots available" instead of just swapping the gear.

RTLF2024 September 30, 2024
+3comment score: 3

This game has accounts? :O

Biroulik September 30, 2024
+2comment score: 2

the start is nice, but I'd really love to know the unlock condition for at least what you'd consider the next stuff in prestige or resources.

drtoze October 2, 2024
+2comment score: 2

There seems to be some kind of prestige pit when you come back to the game. I currently have 1.77e+8 ants but I can only prestige for 7.84k points. However previously I've prestiged for far more with a lot less ants. I think the prestige multiplier is falling off but the cost hasn't reset. This has happened most mornings since starting the game.

developer response: Will deff look into this

Soga December 19, 2024
+2comment score: 2

How can we get the Army to regenerate quicker? It seems like the buffs from Adventure work on the Army with the exception of healing it.

yhvr owner October 1, 2024
+2comment score: 2

It doesn't force you to have an account. There's literally an option to play as a guest right there

winfinity October 1, 2024
+2comment score: 2

equipment drag and drop is seriously problematic. even if you get the drop position correct (good luck), you're still punished with a hung game for MANY, MANY seconds. chrome/win, latest update as of typing this.

developer response: You can also double click to equip/unequip

Thenybo October 15, 2024
+1comment score: 1

Is there anyway to get rid of old equipment? Kinda running out of room.

zerop September 30, 2024
+1comment score: 1

idk what happend but i have infinity damage and 76 million defence

hectic_scone September 30, 2024
+1comment score: 1

i can't play the game. stuck on loading 0% and getting an error in the top left saying failed to save game state