comments for Chinese Character Alchemy
sort: go backthe screen scrolls with the list unless you're in full screen
This needs a font, not all of the characters are displayed properly on my device
As a Chinese I don't really know how to progress in this game. I can't quickly remember how can these 'basic character' merge into other ones. Maybe I could do better if I was in the first grade of primary school.
Also I guess there should be a button to delete all item; I feel confused about the mess after every ~5min of trying to merge new characters.
It's also confusing some merges I imagined don't work, like 一+一=二, 一+丨=十 and so many others.
And the "Hide completed characters" thing doesn't automatically hide it when you completed an element
incral: CJK languages have some characters in common. pretty sure this game is specifically about chinese
clicking on a thing scrolls the game down it's pain to play
Also you can expand the screen using the "expand" button to prevent that from happening
I blinked and now I have almost 50hrs in this game. It scratches such a specific itch and I love it. I've never studied Mandarin.
are you sure this is chinese? because i got a vid on my other screen about a lingo level where you learn japanese, and saw a few familiar characters. does china also use these characters, or are you including asian characters in general?
Would love if there was a way to sort characters by order obtained/number of unobtained combinations!
A few characters (so far 472 and 257 but I'm sure there's more) are displayed as 𠮛
i keep trying to drag and drop the elements but it's not like that
If you don't know Chinese, this game is incredibly tedious and you'll have no clue what you're doing. A lot of the combinations are wholly not intuitive. You'd think that putting the vertical and horizontal line together would make the plus, but no, it doesn't.
This game wont load for me, idk why. I don't have any characters at all.
bug: every time I drag something it also scrolls down on the galaxy page for some reason
i told you
you gotta eat noodles kid
this is pain
how do you even play this I can’t do it on mobile even if I wait 2min
Im glad that I know a bit of chinese
I love it! Now import a dictionary so I can use this to help me practice my Mandarin