comments for 8x8 tree
sort: go back1 prestige point gives 0.69 to point gain, nice
this comment is sponsored by Unlock Another Layer
Fun game, always something to do with very little waiting. Resets feel great.
Nah this has an id of 69
branches: ["layer id here","etc"]
add this to your add layer code
nice tree but i wanted to twist my neck 180 degrees after the reset
The hyperinflation implementation is broken. It's based on current points, instead of points gain (which it should be), and this causes manually resetting row1 layers to inflate. The bugs layer code are also quite chaotic and may cause problems.
This comment was sponsored by unlock another layer and the number 69.
We like the 8x8 tree for unlocking another layer and the id 69. Prestige points and Pointers we like the 8x8 tree!
5 hours and 40 mins to NaN the game not bad
nice tree 420/69
got hyper prestige points, can you update for more layers?
Nice game, took 7 hours to beat, will be waiting for upcoming updates
Pretty good game, relatively quick and pretty straightforward. It is unfortunate that the game seems to be abandoned, otherwise it could become a really good TPT mod. The game itself is pretty active, and you will need to regularly interact with the upgrades, even tho the lesser tier can be automated.
@Electromagneta, endgame is
nimbir scile ciil
game with nice id. 100/100