i am very confused
where do i put the upgrades? here is my code
("p", {
name: "Multiply", // This is optional, only used in a few places, If absent it just uses the layer id.
symbol: "M", // This appears on the layer's node. Default is the id with the first letter capitalized
position: 0, // Horizontal position within a row. By default it uses the layer id and sorts in alphabetical order
startData() { return {
unlocked: true,
points: new Decimal(0),
color: "#df4920",
requires: new Decimal(10), // Can be a function that takes requirement increases into account
resource: "Multiplacations", // Name of prestige currency
baseResource: "points", // Name of resource prestige is based on
baseAmount() {return player.points}, // Get the current amount of baseResource
type: "normal", // normal: cost to gain currency depends on amount gained. static: cost depends on how much you already have
exponent: 0.5, // Prestige currency exponent
gainMult() { // Calculate the multiplier for main currency from bonuses
mult = new Decimal(1)
return mult
gainExp() { // Calculate the exponent on main currency from bonuses
return new Decimal(1)
row: 0, // Row the layer is in on the tree (0 is the first row)
hotkeys: [
{key: "p", description: "P: Reset for prestige points", onPress(){if (canReset(this.layer)) doReset(this.layer)}},
layerShown(){return true}
so where do i put the upgrades: { }, ???
staff edit: fixed markdown c: