At first, There was just pure void.
Nothing at all, Then there was one.
One what? No one knows, All they know is that it kept duplicating itself, as the number of duplications started incrementing, Then the duplications started coming together and forming something.
That thing they formed was matter, The first of it's kind.
Then the original "Thing" start duplicating itself again.
And before you know it, they were starting to build things with matter, They learned how to create energy with it and thus created stars, They also used leftover matter to create planets too.
Those planets and stars would go on to generate more resources for them to build with, and then they created more, and more, and more, until at the center of it all, they accidentally created a black hole.
Things were getting sucked in and making it bigger, but this thing was too big for the black hole to eat.
And thus they continued to make more and more until they have what we call, "galaxy".
Galaxy Lore

To this day, they are still creating more and more things.

Then It Created Incremental growth inside of itself.

Monkey_D_Luffy says:
Then It Created Incremental growth inside of itself.
yeah i might make a galaxy lore sequel like a few months or years from now bc galaxy will have more features and stuff
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