Was there a change in the way that save locations are handled in the site? This morning, all of my saves were wiped across all games that I was playing, but only on the site itself. I was able to grab my save files from the non-Galaxy sites where the games were hosted and import them back in
Save Issue

I just had the same issue today.

Super sorry for taking so long to respond. Nothing has changed with the way saves are stored, and I would make it very obvious if such a change was going to occur. Could you let me know what browser/version you're on at the moment?

Same happened to me. On Chrome, both Windows and Mac.

Did this happen just recently?
I wonder if Chrome updated something. There haven't really been reports of this on Chrome before, but now it seems to be happening a lot all of a sudden :thinking:

Yeah, I'd guess it was about a week ago. I thought I was going crazy. Thank goodness for the awesome cloud save system!
Maybe something in this? https://chromereleases.googleblog.com/2023/09/stable-channel-update-for-desktop_12.html

same issue as well, using Microsoft edge

Wait, today?
Shit, what is going on??

Maybe irrelevant, maybe relevant, but I'm using brave and saves don't work on galaxy.click, but they work when visiting the game pages directly. I don't know if they ever worked for me.
Maybe a third party cookie thing. Maybe related to some extension like privacy badger or ublock. I'm not knowledgeable enough aobut browser development to investigate why.
(My test case is array game, but I think the shark game also had the same problem)

On Brave it's because of Brave shields. It (essentially) misconstrues the way that galaxy works as a potential tracker, so it clears the embedded site's data.
I've been meaning to add some sort of popup for brave warning about save loss if shields are enabled, but I don't want people to think that the site is some evil ad farm. I dunno, I'll think of something eventually

Well that's annoying. When playing a game, brave reports zero trackers blocked, and doesn't offer a clear way to identify what's being identified as a tracker, which leaves me with the options of:
- Don't use brave (not currently interested)
- Don't use shields on this site (might be reasonable today, but i'm anti-tracker generally and it's normal for them to show up during ongoing development, sometimes even accidentally)
- Don't use galaxy.click
- Do some deep investigation to figure out how to use brave's under-documented tweaks to the filter lists or similar.
None seem fun. I guess a popup is probably the way to go to reduce the chance of negative sentiment when their "time is wasted". I think wording can address this. "There is currently an incompatiability between the Brave shields feature and galaxy.click's loading of games in a frame, which means your saves will not be persisted. Consider using another browser, or lowering shields on Brave for galaxy.click"
Surely a pain in the buttocks to write and test (and maintain!) but that's my 2 cents, which can be immediately put in the trash of course.

why do you not want to disable shields, i had them off since like 3 months ago and ive had no problem after i did

^ i honestly forgot when i turned them off but i turned them off ever since i realized stuff arent saving on galaxy

Same here today.

same with me today

I mean, hasn't happened to me yet, and i've always had shields on

All games had saves wiped last night. It looks like this has been a problem for months and playing 10 games or so, this is frustrating

Wondering if it has to due with data expiring or something...but I'm not sure how that would happen. It seems to be happening at inconsistent dates...
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