rn im at 108 hours, how about yall?
post yo level / playtime

I have 559 hours of playtime, over half of which (284h) is in Fundamental

Only 60, but 32 of that is Fundamental, I can't believe you can get 284 hrs of it ;)

yahtzee says:
I have 559 hours of playtime, over half of which (284h) is in Fundamental
thats nuts dude, i only have like 9 hours in fundamental

shatterdpixel says:
thats nuts dude, i only have like 9 hours in fundamental
Just keep playing, and you will get to new layers, and mechanics

2120 hours. level 78.

60 hours and level 12.
planning to get to level 25

1140 hours, level 57

I went to go view "my playtime" but apparently that page doesn't exist and I'm not sure if this should be in help&support forum or not
anyways level 26

205 hours

shatterdpixel says:
yahtzee says:
I have 559 hours of playtime, over half of which (284h) is in Fundamental
thats nuts dude, i only have like 9 hours in fundamental
im at endgame, but on its original site, i dunno how many hrs ive spent, but about 200 i guess

141 hours, level 19

like 1200 hours, level 59

150 hours of playtime
48 hours in the tree of life
18 hours in the plant tree
7 hours in endless stairwell
Level 20

18.9h with 2.4h in Universe Shrinker

level 5, 14.6h total
2.3h into fundamental
1.4h into calculator evolution and the silly caverns
1.3h into mine your way out 2
(and other games)

i dunno how to check playtime but im lvl 17 w/ most of that time in fundamental

Birdie12 says:
i dunno how to check playtime but im lvl 17 w/ most of that time in fundamental
hover over your name in the top right > games > my playtime :3

level 8 and 26.1 hours

52h and lvl 11
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