i joined roblox on 2017 on a now lost account [scammed]
i lost MANY, MANY accounts due to me being extremely gullible and doing free robux scams multiple times
roblox is crazy now
i mean it has changed alot in an arguably good AND bad way.
the state of roblox youtube is terrible
but they are improving [and removing] many features
now i was a mobile roblox gamer in 2017 [due to me being young]
so i never experienced "parties".
they removed those so i never got a chance to experience those
such as* tix, events, and alot more like the list goes on*
and many many more terrible topics that i will not discuss here
if you are intrested, go do research on them
roblox has also IMPROVED alot
they have an improved menu,
people who make good games [and bad ones but this is the pros section]
and the community is ALOT more divided into what's good and bad
they also have UGC! [user generated i forgot]
where people can make their own items
there are a ton of good and bad items
and i mean the list goes on
i could write 17 essays about what happened to roblox and what it was
but i want to know YOUR opinion on this
what do you think happened to ROBLOX?