to make my first incremental?
which mod or coding language should i use

personally I'd say go with Unity or Godot, just start with an engine and learn it piece by piece to figure out how to do what ya wanna do. both Unity and Godot have easy-to-use UI options that make it easy to drop buttons on a page and get cracking with your idea!
it might be challenging at first but youtube is your friend and you'll learn things better if you just try them out and see what works.

FreyaArtoria says:
personally I'd say go with Unity or Godot, just start with an engine and learn it piece by piece to figure out how to do what ya wanna do. both Unity and Godot have easy-to-use UI options that make it easy to drop buttons on a page and get cracking with your idea!
it might be challenging at first but youtube is your friend and you'll learn things better if you just try them out and see what works.
alright, i may not be ready for that now cause i'm kinda doing lua so i'll take the chance of trying it out when i can. thanks!

[do not that I am just bad at communication, i am not trying to sound rude, even though it may sound like that].
Call them programming languages, calling them "coding" languages can enrage the Macbook "sticker-acquired" tech bros who only know TypeScript and nothing else.
For making games, I recommend things other than Lua, as Lua is not as big in game development as you may think (Don't let Roblox fool you, they only use Lua because it's simple for kids). Specifically, as mentioned above, try to learn Unity, Godot, or Unreal.
Unreal is definitely far too overkill for a simple 2D incremental game, and is better suited for highly realistic games. In fact, it struggles with 2D games. Also I don't trust nor like Epic Games. That upcoming game "Unrecord" is being made with this engine. That game looks like reality. Don't use Unreal unless you want to make REALITY SIMULATOR 3000
Unity is good, but some people will tell you not to use it because of controversy. They wouldn't try anything stupid like that again, though, as they are literally one of the biggest game engines in the world. Cult of the Lamb was made in this engine.
If you want to aim for something more community-oriented, then Godot is good, as it is literally developed BY the community (it's open sourced). It's not as good as Unity, but it's good for small projects and/or beginners. However, it is rapidly approaching the time when Godot will be up there with Unity and Unreal. Sonic Colors Ultimate was made with this engine. Despite that game being a buggy mess Godot is still a good engine itself.
If you, for some reason, don't want to learn any of the 3 engines mentioned above (which is stupid in my opinion, learn something you can bring with you into a future job!), you can go with Game Maker. It's good for 2D and nothing else. Undertale was made with this engine.
TMT and Profectus are good for simple games that play exactly like that one game made by Jacorb that I can't for the life of me remember because I have never played it (forgive me for my sins, but I find those games to get pretty repetitive and stale pretty fast so I never bothered playing the original)
YouTube is your friend. Tutorial series that focus on making one game and only show you how to make one game only are NOT your friend. Here's an example:
How to make PARALLAX BACKGROUNDS in Unity!
That is most likely a good tutorial, as it focuses on a single topic that can be used in MANY games. However....
How to make a Terraria Clone in Godot!
That most likely is not a good tutorial, as it focuses on making an entire game, which cannot be used in many games. However, if you're already familiar with many things in the engine, you can watch these videos as if they were more in-depth devlogs and pick apart different things they're doing and apply them to your games.
Platform choice, a big choice. PC? Mobile? If it's on PC, do I put it here on Galaxy, or on Steam? Do I put it in Kongregate (Does that website even still accept uploads? Last I checked they went to a more quality-focused system, which I do not agree with)? Or do I put it on my own personal website? Those are all questions you'll find you asking yourself once your game is finished. I'll tell you what I would do: I would put it on Steam, as that will get the most players, and then I'll put it on Galaxy too if it's a free game. If it's paid, I'd only put it in Steam.
Monetization is another big choice. All games need some sort of monetization, be it ads or IAPs. I personally would go with cosmetics and banner ads, rather than mechanical benefits, but it's up to you. Side note, Galaxy does not allow ads, but I think you can get away with IAPs. You'd have to read the to find out.
"But what if I want to reinvent the wheel and NOT use a game engine?" First off, no. Secondly, I would recommend C++ or Rust, as they're pretty versatile AND fast, I think. I personally am more of a Python kind of person, and if you decide to use Python for your game engine (Yes, to make a game without an engine you first need to MAKE the engine yourself), it would be pretty slow as Python is not the fastest language. But as a beginner, speed should not be as big of a priority as actually making functional, actually working code.
Final words: I hope to see a game on here (Or on steam) uploaded by you soon!

Sorry for the stupidly long response.

i recommend chef or coffee script personally

tristan says:
Sorry for the stupidly long response.
What long response ? I only see and read an 11th points usefull response :)

for text-based incrementals, use javascript, it is a easy language to learn, however it is a bit unintutive so bear with that
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