just create some features or something
create incremental (ideas)

0$: start generating 1$ per second
10$: multiply your cash gain by x4
50$: boost cash by log5(cash)
200$: tickspeed x2
500$: cash is boosted by ˄1.25
2,000$: boost cash by sqrt(log8(cash˄1.5))

20,000$: change the 50$ upgrade's log to 3
60,000$: tickspeed x1.5
Reset cash and cash upgrades to gain rebirth points (rp)
1st rebirth point at 100,000
rp gain formula:
rp boost to cash formula:

1RP: $ is boosted by RP upgrades. (Formula: 1+Upgrade#)
2RP: Keep 1 $ Upgrade per best RP. (Can be toggled on or off.)
3RP Unlock more $ upgrades.
5RP: Unlock the ability to bulk buy RP points.
20RP: Change the first upgrades formula to 2xUpgrade#

25,000,000$: boost cash by sqrt(log10(cash)) (must have 3RP upgrade)
80,000,000$: improve rp gain formula (must have 3RP upgrade)
250,000,000$: improve rp boost to cash formula (must have 3RP upgrade)
1.00e9$: unlock a useful machine... (must have 3RP upgrade)
lets you give boosts to cash and RP gain, but you have to make a decision
Cash mode: x4 cash, x2 RP
Neutral mode: x3 cash, x3 RP
Rebirth mode: x2 cash, x4 RP
Choose wisely, because you can only switch between modes when you reach 1e12$

(I'm too lazy to do the math, so these upgrades might not be fairly priced! I'm also assuming THE MACHINE stops on RP resets, for minor balancing reasons.)
10,00RP: Keep THE MACHINE's boost on RP reset.
100,000RP: Unlock a RP buyable!?
10,000,000RP: Unlock a second RP buyable!
RP Buyable 1: Increase RP gain.
Price formula: [Times Bought]^4
Effect formula: 1.5^[Times bought]
RP Buyable 2: Increase RP buyable 1 base.
Price formula: [Times Bought]^8
Changes RPB1 effect formula to: (1.5+(.25 x [Times RBP2 bought]))^[Times RPB1 bought]

Reach 50,000,000 saved RP to unlock even more (fairly powerful) cash and RP upgrades shown below
1.00e13$: tickspeed x10
2.40e14$: improve rp boost to cash formula again
300,000,000RP: You can pick 2 modes for THE MACHINE to be in
4.00e15$: Create a synergy boost between cash and RP (RP*log10(log10(cash)) and cash times log10(RP))
1.00e17$: increase RPB2 effect base by +0.005
1.00e9RP: add 0.25 bonus RPB1 buys
2.00e9RP and 1.00e20$ (this one's a big one!): THE MACHINE's boosts are improved , THE MACHINE is in all 3 modes simultaneously, and unlock Super Rebirth
(someone should make an actual game out of this)
Super Rebirth resets everything rebirth points do including rebirth points, all upgrades, THE MACHINE, and RP buyables,
but you gain super rebirth points (SRP)
1st SRP at 1.00e10RP
SRP gain formula:
SRP boost to cash:
SRP boost to RP:
First Super Rebirth reset also unlocks automation for first 8 cash upgrades, and those upgrades no longer spend anything

(I agree, this could be fun if someone actually made it! Maybe when I learn to code :3)
(SRP could have upgrades, as well as milestones?)
1SRP Milestone: Automate first 8 cash upgrades and RBP1, and they cost nothing.
2SRP Milestone: Keep the first 5 RP upgrades on SRP reset.
3SRP Milestone: Change the second RP upgrade effect. (Changes it to ~Unlocks a $ buyable~)
$ Buyable 1: Increase RP gain.
Price formula: [Times Bought]^6
Effect formula: 1.1^[Times bought]
5SRP Milestone: Automate the first $ buyable, and its effect is increased. (From 1.1^x to 1.3^x.)
5SRP Upgrade: Unlock Challenges!
(Challenges work the same as they do in most games- A temporary nerf for a buff after completion.)
Challenges force a SRP reset, without gaining SRP.
Challenge 1: Wait, wasn't there something else?
Challenge effect: Removes the ability to get RP.
Challenge goal: Unlock THE MACHINE (Again.)
Challenge reward: Gain 20% of your RP on reset per second.

10SRP: cash gain ^1.1
20SRP milestone: automate first 5 rebirth upgrades, they no longer cost RP, and unlock another challenge
Challenge 2 (A low-income family in the midst of inflation): Cash gain ^0.5 and rebirth requirement is 10x higher
Goal: 10RP
Reward: Rebirth requirement is 10x lower
25SRP upg: Unlock more RP and cash upgrades shown below
1.00e12 RP: Improve 4.00e15$'s RP->cash boost (new effect: cash*log10(log2(RP))
5.00e12 RP: Improve SRP boost to cash effect
$1.00e30: Automate RP buyables, and they no longer cost RP
150SRP upg: Extend THE MACHINE with a unique currency...
The 150SRP upg unlocks a new currency called Power
It also repeals the 1st effect of the 2.00e9RP and 1.00e20$ upgrade, and instead Power increases THE MACHINE's boosts
Power boost to THE MACHINE's boosts:
Base gain is 0.1/s

(Accidentally posted an empty reply -w-")
(Power feels like it would have maybe milestones and an AD-esque mechanic, each buyable generating the previous one, so it's more of a self-contained layer with not much else effecting it, but with it effecting other things? This mechanic could be swapped out later for something more interesting, if need be.)
1 Power Milestone: Unlock Power Pylons.
Power Pylon (PPy) 1: Generate 0.1 Power/s
PPy1 Cost Formula: [Times bought]^1.5 (First is 1 Power)
1 PPy1 Milestone: Unlock a challenge!
Challenge 3: Clicking simulator 202X
Goal: SRP Reset
Effect: All automation is disabled, each upgrade must be clicked twice to buy it, and disable holding down on buyables to buy multiple.
Reward: Gain 100% RP/s, and reduce all RP buyable scaling by ^1. (RPB1 X^4 -> X^3, so on so forth.) Also unlock more Power milestones.
20 Power Milestone: Unlock PPy2
Power Pylon (PPy) 2: Generate 0.1 PPy1/s
PPy2 Cost Formula: [Times bought]^2 (Bought using PPy1, not Power. First costs 1 PPy1.)
3 PPy2 Milestone: Each Power Pylon bought (Not created) grants that Power Pylon a multiplicative 1.2x boost.
100 Power Milestone: PPy1's are 5x more effective.

(this is definitely extremely unbalanced but I'm just rolling with it and putting what I think is a good price)
600 Power milestone: unlock PPy3
PPy3: Generate 0.1 PPy2/s
PPy3 cost formula: (times bought)^2.5 (PPy3 costs PPy2, and so on)
1000 Power milestone: reduce PPy(n) -> PPy(n+1) cost exponent by -0.05, and unlock more upgrades shown below
500 SRP: every bought upgrade increases cash tickspeed by +40% non-compounding
$1.00e40: cash gain *Power
$1.00e45: RP gain *log10(Power)
1.00e25 RP: first 3 PPy's production x2
5000 Power milestone: unlock a new challenge and PPy4
Challenge 4: Sold Out
Goal: Super rebirth reset
Effect: You cannot buy cash upgrades
Reward: Cash boosts SRP gain at a very reduced rate (log10(cash))^0.1
PPy4: Generate 0.1 PPy3/s. On 10th PPy4, first 3 PPy's production x2
PPy4 (base) cost formula: (times bought)^3

2.50e5 Power Milestone: Unlocks a new challenges, 3 more upgrades and PPy5
Challenge 5: World of reversal (completable 4 times)
Goal: 1.00e5 RP
Effect: You have 1 Tax that divides your cash gain by it. every seconds Tax is multiplied by 1+(0.005*2^(challenge completion+1))
Reward: all PPy are boosted by log50(PPy(n-2) (log divides by 1.5 per completion)
PPy5: Generate 0.1 PPy4/s. On 5th PPy5, first 4 PPy's production x2
PPy5 (base) cost formula: (times bought)^3.5
1.00e50$: get x1.4 more SRP
1.00e60$: Power is boosted by sqrt(SRP)
1.00e6 Power: Upgrade every single upgrade that cost cash
(New versions of upgrades)
0$: start generating cash based on cash*(upgrades bought/5)
10$: multiply your cash gain by x5
50$: boost cash by log4.5(cash)
200$: tickspeed x3
500$: cash is boosted by ^1.3
2,000$: boost cash by sqrt(log7(cash^1.55))
20,000$: change the 50$ upgrade's log to 2.5
60,000$: tickspeed x2
25,000,000$: boost cash by sqrt(log8(cash)) (must have 3RP upgrade)
80,000,000$: improve rp gain formula square root -> ^0.75 (must have 3RP upgrade)
250,000,000$: improve rp boost to cash formula square root -> ^0.75 (must have 3RP upgrade)
1.00e9$: you have all 3 modes activated at once (must have 3RP upgrade)
1.00e13$: tickspeed x10
2.40e14$: improve rp boost to cash formula again ^0.75 -> ^0.85
4.00e15$: Create a synergy boost between cash and RP (RP*log8(log9(cash)) and cash times log8(RP))
1.00e17$: increase RPB2 effect base by +0.01
$1.00e30: Automate RP buyables, and they no longer cost RP, also the cost is decreased by ^0.95
$1.00e40: cash gain *Power ,also increase power by x1.5
$1.00e45: RP gain log10(Power) ,also increase power by x1.5
1.00e50$: get x1.6 more SRP
1.00e60$: Power is boosted by sqrt(SRP2)

thats a lot of content. i expected this to have nothing

(I would rename new versions of upgrades to upgrades v2.0)
5.00e6 Power milestone: Unlock the final Power Pylon, PPy6
PPy6: Generates 0.025*(PPy6 amount) PPy5/s. On second PPy6, unlock more SRP milestones shown below
PPy6 (base) cost formula: (times bought)^4
1.00e7 SRP milestone: cash gain x10
3.00e7 SRP milestone: All Power pylon production ^1.1
1.00e8 SRP milestone: Unlock one more cash buyable and upgrade before next prestige layer...
$ buyable 2: Boost tickspeed by 1.5x per upgrade
Cost formula: 1.00e95*10^(times bought)
1.00e100$: A googol dollars. You've come very far. All previous resource gain ^1.02, and unlock a new reset layer...
resets everything up until this point except automation to gain hyper rebirth points (HRP). Numbers are about to get big.
First HRP at 1.00e110$, 5.00e8 SRP, and 5.00e7 Power
Cost formulas:
HRP boosts to:
Cash: *3^HRP
Power: *2^(HRP/2)
On first HRP reset, keep $1.00e9 upgrade v2.0 on HRP reset, and unlock Hyper-cash
Base Hyper-cash (HC) generation is 0.1/sec, and Hyper-cash boosts Cash gain a lot (^1+(HC/100))

*2^((HRP/2)+0.5) cuz it would be *2^0.5

HRP upgrades are split into 4 categories: Basic, Machine, Hyper and Combined. Each time you buy the first upgrade in that category the other categories cost increases by *2
Basic: 1HRP: *100 Cash, 2HRP: *15 RP and *5 SRP, 3HRP: you start with 100 SRP, 5HRP: *10 cash and SRP
Machine: 1HRP: all modes are applied twice, 2HRP: *5 PPy generation, 3HRP: You start with 1 PPy3, 5HRP: decrease all cost scailing of PPy by -^0.2
Hyper: 1HRP: hyper cash boost cash by log3(HC), 2HRP: hyper cash *10, 3HRP: hyper cash boosts RP and SRP by log5(HC), 5HRP: hyper cash boosts HRP by log10(HC), also hyper cash *3
Combined: 2HRP: *5 Cash, *3 RP, *2 SRP, *5 Power, 3HRP: *2 Tickspeed, *2 PPy generation, *2 cash, 5HRP: HC,RP,SRP,Power *5, 10HRP: unlocks a new extension to the machine
The matter combustor:
in the matter combustor you generate Matter, Anti-Matter, Dark-Matter and Exotic-Matter or (M,AM,DM,EM) +1/s
Matter and Anti-Matter divide each others gain by sqrt(M)/sqrt(AM) Dark-Matter and Exotic-Matter do the same


Matter path:
Matter boosts all previous resources by:
Matter/100m + 1
Matter up1:Double matter gain (cost:5 matter)
Matter up2:Divide antimatter gain by 3 (cost:10 matter)
Matter up3:*1.1 all previous resources (cost:15 matter)
Matter buy1:get a quark (cost:5 matter, x1.1 cost per purchase)
Quark effect:
Quarks multiply matter and divide antimatter gain by
Q/10 + 1
Matter mile1:
Name: That’s a lot of matter!
Req:100 matter
Effect:Divide antimatter gain by milestones/2 + 1
Matter mile2:
Name: I need more matter!
Req:1000 matter
Effect:Antimatter divides itself by Antim/5 + 1
Matter mile3:
Name: That’s enough matter
Req:100000 matter
Effect:Effects of previous milestones *1.5
Matter up4:Improve Quarks effect:
Q/10 + 1 - Q/5 + 1 (cost:150k matter)
Matter up5:Quarks now affect milestones:
*Q/50 + 1 boost to all matter milestones (cost:300k matter)
Matter up6:Improve Mile2 effect:
Antim/5 + 1 - Antim/2.5 + 1 (cost:500k matter)
Matter up7:Antimatter’s effect to matter is reduced:
sqrt(am) - sqrt(am/3) (cost:1m matter)
Matter buy2:Get an atom (cost:10m matter, x1.1 cost per purchase)
Atom’s multiply matter and milestones by:
Atom’s/2 + 1
Matter up8:Reduce cost scaling of every buyable:
x1.1 - x1.05 (cost:100m matter)
Ultimate-matter fragment 1:Resets all matter related stuff and closes this path (you still gain matter though!), Also gives x2 gain to every -matter, you need 4 fragments of ultimate-matter to unlock the ultimate matter, you can get them by completing each path. Also, if you dont understand, its effect is:
*2^ultimate-matter fragments to all -matter, to previous resources:
*(sqrt(2^U-MF))/10 + 1 (cost:1b matter)

Anti-Matter path:
Anti-Matter boosts all previous resources by:
Anti-Matter up1: Exotic-matter and Dark-matter boost Anti-matter by log3(EM+DM) (cost: 6AM)
Anti-Matter up2: matter division to antimatter is weaker (√M -> ∛M) (cost: 20AM)
Anti-Matter up3: anti-matter boost to all resources is changed (log5 -> log4) (cost: 35AM)
Anti-Matter up4: ^1.2 Anti-Matter (cost: 50AM)
Anti-Matter up5: unlock 3 buyables (cost: 75AM)
Anti-Matter buy1: AM x1.25 (cost: 100AM ^1.1 per buy)
Anti-Matter buy2: decrease AM up1 log by /1.05 (cost: 200AM ^1.15 per buy)
Anti-Matter buy3: Matter is divided by /1.2 (cost: 500AM ^1.2 per buy)
Anti-Matter up6: buyables cost scailing is decreased by -^0.05 (cost:10,000 AM)
Anti-Matter up7: buff AM buy1 to (x1.25 -> x1.35) (cost: 100,000AM)
Anti-Matter up8: x10 AM
Ultimate-matter fragment 2:Resets all anti-matter related stuff and closes this path (you still gain anti-matter though!), Also all divions are now weakened by ^0.85 (cost: 10,000,000AM)

Row 1:
The start
Purchase the first upgrade
100 antimatter cash is a lot
Get 100 cash
We can’t afford 9
Purchase the 8th upgrade
Row 2:
Rebirth once
Reincarnated *2
Rebirth twice
Reincarnated *10
Rebirth 10 times
We COULD afford 9
Purchase the 9th cash upgrade
Life and death
Purchase 5 RP upgrades
The gods are pleased
Get 1000 RP
Row 3:
Don’t you dare sleep!
Don’t rebirth for 5 hours
I don’t believe in gods
Get 100m cash and don’t rebirth for 5 hours with it
The machine
Unlock the machine
Purchase the 6th RP upgrade
Reward:x3 RP gain
Are you serious
Purchase the 7th RP upgrade
Reward:x2 RP gain
Atleast its something
Purchase the 1st RP buyable 2 times
Totally balanced
Purchase the 8th RP upgrade
Reward:RP gain gets multiplied by sqrt(RP)
Is this overpowered?
Purchase the 2nd RP buyable 3 times
Row 4:
Too easy!
Rebirth with only the first upgrade
Reward:First upgrade formula is now cash*(upgrades bought/2.5)
Faster than a potato
Purchase the 13th cash upgrade
Kinda boring
Purchase the 14th cash upgrade
Atleast its different
Purchase the 15th cash upgrade
Purchase the 10th RP upgrade
Super reincarnation/10
Purchase the 11th RP upgrade
Super reincarnation/2
Purchase the 17th cash upgrade
Super Rebirth once
Reward:x5 RP and cash gain
Super Rebirth twice
Super Rebirth five times
Super rebirth ten times
Reward:Every cash upgrade is *2
You stupid
You thought you could get an achievement for SR-ing without any RP?
Go play challenge 1
You smart
Win challenge 1
Exponentiation unlocked
Purchase the second SRP upgrade
Get the 5th milestone
You smarter
Win challenge 2
Purchase the 4th SRP upgrade
Powerful milestone
Get the first power milestone
Powerful pylons
Get a power pylon
Powerf- okay okay, it’s now clicking simulator don’t get mad at me please
Win the 3rd challenge
Powerful milestone 2
Get the 2nd power milestone
Powerful^(Powerful pylons 2) pylons
Purchase Power pylon 2
Powerful pylon milestone
Get the 3rd power milestone
Powerful milerock
Get the 4th power milestone
Reward:x5 cash, RP, SRP and PPy gain
Row 5:
You smartest
Win challenge 4
You omniscient
Win challenge 5
Reward:Tax gain is divided by 1.1
You omniscient^4
Win challenge 5 4 times
Reward:You gain tax but its gain is:
cubert(tax)/1000+tax/10k per second and it multiplies your cash instead of dividing (starting tax = 10), softcap at 1m tax, after 1m tax its effect becomes cubert(tax)/1m+tax/10m
Get 1.00e100 cash
Reward:*1.001 cash gain
Hyper rebirth once
Reward:x3 all previous resources
Hyper rebirth twice
Hyper rebirth 5 times
Reward:Boost to all previous resources by Log5(HRP)+1
Hyper rebirth 10 times
Reward:Boost of R^^^5 becomes Log2(HRP)+1
Basic = based
Complete the basic category
Futuristic reincarnation
Complete the hyper category
AI = future
Complete the machine category
Basic < AI < Hyper < Combined
Complete the combined category
Basic = AI = Hyper = Combined
Complete all categories
Reward:Gain of all previous resources *1.1
I matter
Complete the matter path
Antimatter without the dimensions
Complete the antimatter path
Also when you want you could add at the end of the reply all achievements that your reply has (for example if there's a milestone you could add a achievement to the end of the reply with its name, how-to get and its reward), you could also copy this whole massive thing and add more achievements or fix some if you want

hey uhh shadow69420. you can only do 1 part and then wait until someone else makes the next part. you cant make like 5 part alone. this is a collab, not just you

so uhh i can only count 1 of the messages


can you delete the messages so it doesnt fill up that much space?


(i made a big mistake in that one so im fixing it in this message)
Dark-Matter Path:
Dark-Matter boosts all stats by DM^0.25+1
DM up1: x1.5 and ^1.1 Dark Matter (cost: 8DM)
DM up2: Dark Matter boosts itself by log5(DM^1.5) (cost: 20DM)
DM up3: x(10^10) previous recourses (cost: 35DM)
DM up4: Dark Matter is boosted by log10(Cash^0.08) (cost: 50DM)
DM up5: unlock the blackhole (cost: 80DM)
BH is increasing in size by x2 and ^1.2 every second (starting at 1 plank lenght)
but it also decreases in size by /BH^0.6 every second
BH also boost DM gain by sqrt(BH^0.8)
DM buy1: increase the multiplicative effect of BH by x1.5 (Cost: 100DM (x2 per buy))
DM buy2: increase the exponential effect of BH by ^1.1 (Cost: 400DM (x2 per buy))
BH buy1: Dark Matter is boosted by X^0.75 (X is the amount of bought) (Cost: 10,000 Plank Lenght (x4 per buy))
BH buy2: Exotic Matter Is Divided by /2 (Cost: 1B Plank Lenght (x4 per buy))
DM up6: unlock Black hole milestones (cost:1T DM)
BH ms1
Requierment: 1Qa plank lenght
Effect: decrese all scailing of DM and BH buyables by /1.5
BH ms2
Requierment: 10^18 plank lenght
Effect: up1,up2,up3 and up4 are aplied twice
BH ms3
Requierment: 10^45 plank lenght
Effect: divide the multiplicative boost of BH by /3 but increase the exponential by x2
BH ms4
Requierment: 10^69 plank lenght
Effect: lol the funny. exotic matter doesnt decrease dark matter and BH buy 2 is replaced to x1.25 DM
BH ms5
Requierment: 10^100 plank lenght
Effect: get Ultimate-matter fragment 3
Ultimate-matter fragment 3:Resets all anti-matter related stuff and closes this path (you still gain anti-matter though!), Also all divions are now weakened by ^0.85 (cost: 10,000,000AM)

At the end its supposed to be dark matter, not antimatter

Exotic matter path:
Exotic matter boosts all previous resources by log1000(EM)
EM upgrade 1:Triple EM gain (5 EM)
EM upgrade 2:Dark matter effect is weakened: /DM^0.5 - /DM^0.30 (25 EM)
EM buyable 1:Start to produce hypothetical particles: [purchases] per second (10 EM, x1,5 cost)
Hypothetical particles divide DM gain by Log2(HP)+1
They also produce unstable matter: Log100k(HP) per second
Which decays at a rate of 0.1 per 1/1000 of a second
But they exponentiate EM gain by (UM*2)+1
EM upgrade 3:Matter and antimatter multiply EM gain by:
Log2(M*AM) (100 EM)
HP upgrade 1:Hypothetical particles production is now:
[Purchases^1.5] per second (1k HP)
HP milestone 1:
Name:Hypothetically speaking…
Goal:100k HP
Reward:Unstable matter production is now Log100k(HP3)^1.05
HP milestone 2:
Name:No existence
Goal:2m HP
Reward:Unstable matter production gets boosted by EM:
EM milestone 1:
Name:The return of EM
Goal:1m EM
Reward:EM gets multiplied by:
EM upgrade 5:Log of UM gain is now 33k (10m EM)
EM buyable 2:Double UM and HP gain (1m EM, x1,5 cost)
EM upgrade 6:Scaling of all EM buyables is now x1,125 (33m EM)
EM upgrade 7:EM boosts itself by *Log10(EM) (100m EM)
EM challenge 1:
Name:No no existence
Goal:25m EM
Effect:You gain no HP and no UM
Reward:HP and UM boost eachothers gain:
UM to HP Log1,125(UM10+1)+1
HP to UM *Cubert(HP/1000+1)
HP challenge 1:
Name:Yes existence
Goal:100k HP
Effect:HP gain is HP^0.25
Reward:^1.45 HP and UM gain
UM upgrade 1:^2.5 UM gain (5 UM)
EM upgrade 8:Triple EM gain (1b EM)
EM upgrade 9:x10 EM gain (4b EM)
EM upgrade 10:EM boosts all currencies by log10(EM) instead of log1000(EM)
Ultimate-matter fragment 4:Congrats, you have gotten the last ultimate matter fragment! All the paths are now closed, now, you can ascend to the other realm, keep in mind, it will almost be the same, but some things will be different, you can see the amount of ascensions in the left upper corner (100b EM)
Ascension gain formula:
First AP at 100b EM
100b EM/1000*((all resources divided by eachother)+1)
The matter combustor is always on in all realms, because it’s 5-dimensional, but you can choose paths after a certain upgrade only.
And ascension resets everything below it, if you dont understand prestige layers. And you don’t keep realm tabs, like “realm-0, realm-1, realm-2” etc., it only shows the realm you’re currently in, you also unlock a study tree where you can spend Ascension points, there are max of 10 realms, after it you will not go to any other realm, but you still could gain ascension points.

ngl this feels like your trying to put 2 features into 1 message

also ascension is going to be difficult too add new features cuz its just realm effects, ascension upgrades, achievements and nothing else.
i also had stuff planned when you reach 4 ultimate matter fragments

i mean i could rework it a little to be simmilar to ascension

im just going to ask if its okay if i do that instead. dont worry. you will be able to add much more after my message

if you disagree just say it im just gonna post it here
after reaching the 4th ultimate matter fragment the universe collapses giving you 1 ultimate-matter and a singularity. you also start generating strange matter 0.01/s (SM).
singularity milestone:
1 singularity:
you keep the matter combustor and all the matter paths start open and getting the ultimate matter fragment wont close them. All divisions between -matter is removed .And some of the effects are changed:
Matter up2:
Multiply antimatter gain by 3 (cost:10 matter)
Quark effect:
Quarks multiply matter and antimatter gain by Q/10 + 1
Matter mile1:
Effect:Multply antimatter gain by milestones/2 + 1
Matter mile2:
Effect:Antimatter multiplies itself by Antim/5 + 1
Matter up7:Antimatter now boosts matter by sqrt(am)
Anti-Matter up2: matter multiplies antimatter by sqrt(M)
Anti-Matter buy3: Matter is multplied by x1.2
BH buy2: DM Is Multiplied by x1.1
Hypothetical particles multiply DM gain by Log3(HP)+1
ultimate matter and strange matter is used for the ultimate tree (no upgrades yet).
you can now choose to enter new universes. these new universes have negative effects to some of your original stats and they may have new stats/features to make it harder for you. thats why you need to upgreade the ultimate tree to help you progress in theese universes. (stuff unlocked from the ultimate trees are aplied to all universes unless stated otherwise)
note that singularities are only awarded once while other stats can be awarded multiple times
(done) Universe 1: The Purity
Negative Effects:
goal: get 4 ultimate-matter fragment
Reward: 1 ultimate-matter, 1 singularity

ultimate tree first upgrade:
1 ultimate-matter, boosts pre-universe timespeed (increases speed of all previous features)
formula: singularities^2
Universe 2: Big Bang
Negative Effects:
All production is drastically reduced, but gradually increases over the course of the last reset (ANY reset resets the timer) (timer increases faster based on pre-universe timespeed)
formula: x^(1 - (1 / (log(log(timer + 1) + 1)) + 1))
goal: get 4 ultimate-matter fragment
reward: some amount of ultimate-matter, 1 singularity
the next singularity milestone should probably do something cool to compensate.
I don't actually know how much ultimate-matter to give for the Universe.
also potentially making it so that Universes are non-linear could be cool
more tree upgrades will definitely be required to make this universe possible
the universe effect is definitely extremely intense, since constant ressetting will be very slow, but longer runs will be comparatively faster compared to Uni 1
can't wait for this to be an actual game

ok first im changing the first singularity milestone to only have all the paths open but you dont keep the matter combustor. also the second effect is the same
and also making it so achivements dont give rewards since that makes those parts unbalanced
also im gonna make universe 2 give 4 ultimate matter
(also ultimate and strange matter are T2-matter and M,AM,DM and EM are T1-Matter)
so here are some more ultimate tree upgrades
Name: Reset prevention
Cost: 1 Ultimate Matter
Effect: you keep first 8 cash upgrades on all resets
Name: extra reset currency
Cost: 1 Ultimate Matter
Effect: you gain tripple rebirths, super rebirths and hyper rebirths
Name: v2.0 preserved
Cost: 2 Ultimate Matter
Effect: you keep v2.0 upgrades on every reset
Name: a little bit strange
Cost: 4 Strange Matter
Effect: double strange matter gain and it now boosts all -matter by log2(log1.5(SM)+1)+1
Name: why is this not special
Cost: 16 Strange Matter
Effect: Triple Cash and super rebirth gain and double rebirth gain
Singularity Milestone 2:
2 Singularities:
Effect: unlock 2 more upgrade categories for hyper rebirth and also extend the other 4 by 1 more upgrade
Basic: 5th: 10HRP: Cash x10,000,000
Machine: 5th: 10HRP: all Power Challenges rewards apply twice
Hyper: 5th: 10HRP: hyper rebirth is boosted by log100(sqrt(SR)+1)
Combined: 5th: 20HRP: tickspeed is boosted by log5(10th root(Cash)+1)
Matter: 10HRP: ^1.05 AntiMatter 20HRP: DM buy2 scailing is divided by /3 50HRP: EM upgrade 3 is buffed to log1.6(MAM) 100HRP: x10 Matter 250HRP: all T1-Matter is boosted by sqrt(3rd root(log10(MAMDMEM)+1))
Universe: 100HRP: x2 SM 250HRP: Strange matter is boosted by Singularities count 1,000HRP: uhh x1.5 SM 4,000HRP: x1.25 Ultimate matter from this world 25,000HRP: +1 extra Singularity from this world

I'm probably going to try to make this game
it just needs a name

Use the title of this thread (Create Incremental)

you will probably need to do some balancing for this since its just a thread so there really isnt any way to test stuff except if you do a lot of math

which yeah its too much of a hassle for just a thread

I have started coding the game (currently up to THE MACHINE)
game is available at https://banacubed.github.io/Create-Incremental/
for anyone interested
Anyways, back to concepts
Universe 3: Big Crunch
Negative effects:
All rebirth, super rebirth and hyper rebirth are disabled, ultimate matter fragments cost 2x as much of their corresponding matter
Goal: 4 ultimate matter fragments
Rewards: 4 Ultimate Matter, 1 singularity
Meant to be possible at the same time as Universe 2
3 Singularity Milestone
Unlock two more matter types, and two more potential ultimate matter fragments (UMF from now on)
Heavenly Matter and Cursed Matter (divides each others gain by sqrt(x), gain 1/s at base, basically the same as other T1-Matter)

holy hell it's an actual game now

ok so im adding 1 more effect to universe 3: also keep the matter combustor unlocked
since i changed it so you wont have it until bought again (made to prevent user to just ignore everything except for the 4 matters)

now onto the new content
Universe 4: Time Bomb
Negative effects:
when you start you will have only 15 minutes to complete the universe. if you run out of time the universe will reset
Goal: 4 ultimate matter fragments
Rewards: 10 Ultimate Matter, 1 singularity
meant to be possible after universe 2 and 3
Universe 5: Pylon Overtake
Negative effects:
there are no cash upgrades. but instead you get Cash Pylons that generates cash
Goal: 10e100$
Rewards: 1 singularity,
Buffs: Power Pylons are 10x more powerfull
(buffs are keept on other universes too)
(you start with 1 CPy1)
CPy1: generate 1$ per second (cost: 10$)
CPy2: generate 0.1 CPy1 per second (cost: 100$)
CPy3: generate 0.1 CPy2 per second (cost: 10,000$)
CPy4: generate 0.1 CPy3 per second (cost: 100,000,000$)
CPy5: generate 0.1 CPy4 per second (cost: 1e15$)
CPy6: generate 0.1 CPy5 per second (cost: 1e36$)
CPy7: generate 0.1 CPy6 per second (cost: 1e75$)
ultimate tree upgrades:
Name: Reset prevention 2
Cost: 6 Ultimate Matter
Effect: you keep 4 more cash upgrades and first 5 rebirth upgrades
Name: logarithm my beloved
Cost: 4 Ultimate Matter
Effect: boost cash gain by sqrt(log8(Cash^1.2))
Name: Super Super Rebirth
Cost: 4 Ultimate Matter
Effect: ^1.05 Super Rebirths
Name: Forgotten Power
Cost: 10 Ultimate Matter
Effect: Power boosts rebirth by sqrt(Power^0.6) and boosts hyper rebirts by sqrt(Power^0.2)
Cost: 10e150$
Effect: boost cash by log4(SM)
Name: this seems strangly linear
Cost: 40 Strange Matter
Effect: strange matter is multiplied by x2 and it boosts tickspeed by sqrt(sqrt(SM)
Name: strangers
Cost: 100 Strange Matter
Effect: get the ability to buy Matter workers
Matter Worker (Cost: 25 SM x2 per buy)
boost M,AM,DM,EM by x1.25
(next big ultimate tree upgrades should be Cash upgrades v3.0 and Rebirth upgrades v2.0)

yo BanaCubed you should post the game on galaxy

I've already posted it, it just needs to be verified (might take up to a day)
edit: its also only up to end of Rebirth (which because of unbalancing has been moved to 1e19RP)
edit 2: it appears to be taking more than a day to be verified
edit 3: I might be missing something since the game still hasn't been verified

makes sense

adoplayzz says:
ok so im adding 1 more effect to universe 3: also keep the matter combustor unlocked
I forgot about the matter combustor tbh

its okay. rn im just waiting for the next message

so uh still no message ):


I wish I could figure out what is happening with the current ideas

oh heyy a forum for ideas

imma beat the game and give my thoughts

I beat the game!

Why is only like half the ideas used?

galaxyuser63274 says:
(I would rename new versions of upgrades to upgrades v2.0)
5.00e6 Power milestone: Unlock the final Power Pylon, PPy6PPy6: Generates 0.025*(PPy6 amount) PPy5/s. On second PPy6, unlock more SRP milestones shown below
PPy6 (base) cost formula: (times bought)^4
1.00e7 SRP milestone: cash gain x10
3.00e7 SRP milestone: All Power pylon production ^1.1
1.00e8 SRP milestone: Unlock one more cash buyable and upgrade before next prestige layer...$ buyable 2: Boost tickspeed by 1.5x per upgrade
Cost formula: 1.00e95*10^(times bought)1.00e100$: A googol dollars. You've come very far. All previous resource gain ^1.02, and unlock a new reset layer...
resets everything up until this point except automation to gain hyper rebirth points (HRP). Numbers are about to get big.
First HRP at 1.00e110$, 5.00e8 SRP, and 5.00e7 Power
Cost formulas:
Power:HRP boosts to:
Cash: *3^HRP
Power: *2^(HRP/2)On first HRP reset, keep $1.00e9 upgrade v2.0 on HRP reset, and unlock Hyper-cash
Base Hyper-cash (HC) generation is 0.1/sec, and Hyper-cash boosts Cash gain a lot (^1+(HC/100))
galaxyuser63274 says:
(I would rename new versions of upgrades to upgrades v2.0)
5.00e6 Power milestone: Unlock the final Power Pylon, PPy6PPy6: Generates 0.025*(PPy6 amount) PPy5/s. On second PPy6, unlock more SRP milestones shown below
PPy6 (base) cost formula: (times bought)^4
1.00e7 SRP milestone: cash gain x10
3.00e7 SRP milestone: All Power pylon production ^1.1
1.00e8 SRP milestone: Unlock one more cash buyable and upgrade before next prestige layer...$ buyable 2: Boost tickspeed by 1.5x per upgrade
Cost formula: 1.00e95*10^(times bought)1.00e100$: A googol dollars. You've come very far. All previous resource gain ^1.02, and unlock a new reset layer...
resets everything up until this point except automation to gain hyper rebirth points (HRP). Numbers are about to get big.
First HRP at 1.00e110$, 5.00e8 SRP, and 5.00e7 Power
Cost formulas:
Power:HRP boosts to:
Cash: *3^HRP
Power: *2^(HRP/2)On first HRP reset, keep $1.00e9 upgrade v2.0 on HRP reset, and unlock Hyper-cash
Base Hyper-cash (HC) generation is 0.1/sec, and Hyper-cash boosts Cash gain a lot (^1+(HC/100))

This isn’t used at all

what, in the Create Incremental game?

tencars111 says:
This isn’t used at all
it hasnt been made yet. it will later on

tencars111 says:
Why is only like half the ideas used?
I haven't managed to finish coding all the ideas (I am the person coding the game, this forum is the ideas that I have taken and changed a bit)
I'm currently working on Hyper Rebirth, which should ideally be done in under a few weeks
Also, I have changed the ending of Super Rebirth (basically SR is finished). I might end up adding more / changing it a bit in future
Also, this forum should probably only be used for ideas (I didn't make this forum) and any questions about the actual game can be done in the game chat or comments.

ghajestis says:
imma beat the game and give my thoughts
After beating the game I'd recommend reading through the entire forum since a decent amount of the forum thread isn't included yet

Hyper-Rebirth is next up in the game :D

i need somone to make ideas because i think its unfair if 1 person makes a lot of content at once since they can choose to go to a completly different way than other people wanted to go

adoplayzz says:
i need somone to make ideas because i think its unfair if 1 person makes a lot of content at once since they can choose to go to a completly different way than other people wanted to go
I don't really know what I should put next because I don't know what's going on with singularities and universes and all that...

Universes are like challenges that can be done multiple times for Ultimeate Matter, and singularities are only obtained of first Universe Completion
I don't really have much time to think of ideas since I'm busy making Hyper Rebirth into the game

Could be kinda unbalanced
Cost:128 Strange Matter
Effect:SM boosts itself by Log1000(SM)+1
Name:Big Boost
Cost:155 Strange Matter
Effect:Boost EVERY resource gain by x1.05 (kept on every reset)
Name:Not a big boost
Cost:190 Strange Matter
Effect:Base SM gain is multiplied by x1.005
Name:Where cash upgrades 3.0?
Cost:220 Strange Matter
Effect:Boost SM gain by Ultimate Tree Upgrades you have bought:
Name:2 degrees to 3.0
Cost:256 Strange Matter
Effect:effect of UTU strange^2^7 is now:
SM boosts itself by log500(SM)+2
Name:Not 3.0
Cost:300 Strange Matter
Effect:Base SM gain +0.05
Cost:350 Strange Matter
Effect:Base SM gain is increasing by +0.0001 every second
Name:Funni number
Cost:420.69 Strange Matter
Effect:Cash, Rebirth, Super rebirth, Hyper rebirth, Power, -Matter (including SM) gain is x1.69420
Name:1 degree to 1000
Cost:500 SM
Effect:SM boosts every resource gain by sqrt^10 (SM), ^10 means 10 square roots
Name:1 degree to 3.0
Cost:512 Strange Matter
Effect:SM gain *2.15
Name:Is this balanced?
Cost:700 Strange Matter
Effect:SM gain *1.7
Cost:850 Strange Matter
Effect:SM gain *1.85
Name:3.0 coming soon
Cost:975 Strange Matter
Effect:SM gain *1.579
Name:YAY 3.0
Cost:1024 Strange Matter
Effect:Unlock 3.0 cash upgrades and SM gain ^1.05
3.0 Cash Upgrades:
0$: Start generating cash (+1 per second), if cash >=1 then start generating cash by +300% per second
10$: Cash gain x3 (after purchase cash gain will be +3/second or +900% per second)
50$: Tickspeed x5
200$: Cash gain is *log2(Cash)+1
1000$: Cash gain ^2
1200$: Cash gain x11
5000$: Tickspeed is boosted by cash:
60000$: Base cash gain is now +10/second or +3000% per second
25,000,000$: Boost cash by *sqrt(log1.25(cash))+1
80,000,000$: RP gain formula is now ceil(cash/10)
250,000,000$: RP boost to cash formula is now 1+RP^0.9
1.00e9$: All three mods are activated at once and their effects are now:
Money mode:x8 rebirth gain, x16 cash gain
Neutral mode:x12 rebirth and cash gain
Rebirth mode:x16 rebirth gain, x8 cash gain
All effects stack, so the boost to cash from the machine is now *1536, same with rebirth
1.00e13$: Tickspeed *log2(cash)
2.40e14$: RP boost to cash formula is now 1+RP^1.5
4.00e15$: Cash and RP boost eachother by RPlog1.125(cash) and Cashlog1.1(RP)
1.00e17$: Increase RPB1 effect base by +2.5\
1.00e30$: Automate RP buyables, they cost nothing and their cost is ^0.05
1.00e40$: Cash gain is multiplied by power: *Power | And increase power gain by ^1.25
1.00e45$: RP gain *log1.125(Power) and increase power gain by ^1.5
1.00e50$: get x10 more Cash, RP, Power and SRP
1.00e60$: Power is boosted by log1.0125(SRP10)+1
1.00e100$: ^2 all previous resource gain and unlock HRP
UT cash upgrades:
Cash gain is *log2(SM)
Idk if UTCU count
Cash 3.0 yay
Unlock 3.0 upgrades
Too overpowered
Purchase Cash Upgrade 1000$
Too^100 overpowered
Purchase Cash Upgrade 1.00e50$
Too^10^100 overpowered
Purchase cash upgrade 1.00e100$
10^158 degrees to infinity
Purchase UTCU 1.00e150$ (if UTCUs count)
I hope this isn’t too many features
Get all achievements related to 3.0 cash upgrades
Reward:^1.05 cash, RP, power, SRP, HRP gain

if (username = Vanonymous) {
resources = resources^10^10;
else {
all resources = (all resources) ^ 0.5;

if (username = Vanonymous) {
resources = resources^0;
else {
all resources = (all resources) ^ 2;

**Universe 6: softcaped ):> **
Negative effects: all softcaps start instantly and they are 10 times stronger
Goal: 4 ultimate-matter fregments
Rewards: 2 singularity
Buffs: softcaps are 5% weaker
Universe 7: data overload
Negative effects: (all resources) ^0.6 and every upgrade resets the curency
Goal: 3 ultimate-matter fragments
Rewards: 2 singularity
Buffs: cash x10e20
**Universe 8: HARD MODE **
Negative effects: (all resources) ^0.6, matters divide each other once again, there is tax constantly present and you only have the first and second power pylon
Goal: 6 ultimate-matter fragments
Rewards: 3 singularity
Buffs: (all resources) ^1.05
(someone make heavenly matter and cursed matter paths next)

getting around e31,152 cash breaks the game (results in Nan)

LavaBeastYT says:
getting around e31,152 cash breaks the game (results in Nan)
I don't check here for bugs often so this is really not a good place to put them

Maybe Heavenly matter upgs boost universe buffs and cursed matter upgs weaken in-universe nerfs?

Hey! I had some ideas, but take this with a grain of salt since I haven't beaten what's out just yet.
I'm thinking of a new reset layer (possibly called "Transcendental Prestige" or the like). This layer would reset EVERYTHING (nothing would be unlocked once you reset) but you would gain a TPP which you can use to purchase upgrades.
There are 25 of these upgrades, but each row has the same price (e.g. all row 1 upgrades cost 1 TPP, all row 2 upgrades cost 15, etc) Rows have 5 upgrades each, and a completed row provides a x2 multiplier to your TPP gain. There are also milestones for this layer (like all of the previous ones) but these milestones are based off of how many times you have performed the reset (as opposed to how much of its resource you have) These milestones will all have QOL changes (like speeding up automation, returning lost features, etc)
Once you have every upgrade and milestone, unlock an achievement (Something like "master of trancendentalism" as a nod towards AD) and unlock "Strange Matter", an infinitely replicating resource (like Replicanti), which has a 5% chance to be raised to the power of 2 every second. The rest of this layer will revolve around this mechanic. Push TPP, use TPP to upgrade Strange Matter, inflate, repeat.
There are Strange Matter Upgrades, which boost the effectiveness of strange matter, such as the rate at which it replicates, the chance of it replicating (initially capped at 100%, but maybe that can go beyond that in a future layer), the power that it gets raised to, and a boost to its effect.
Strange Matter provides a boost to Power equal to log10(x)^0.25.
I wouldn't mind if this doesn't get used! I'm making a tmt mod of my own (which might not even be recognizable as tmt with the visual overhaul) and I plan to use a similar mechanic with the same name.

addendum: i realized someone else had a "strange matter" idea, so perhaps you could call it "Charmed Matter" instead (as charm quarks are the inversion of strange quarks iirc)

I might take a short break from making the game.
Also, there is now a discord, which I can't find/remember the invite for, but it's in the game
edit: I found it https://discord.gg/wt5XyPRtte
Transcendental Prestige would be interesting as a concept for after Universes are finished
5 Singularity Milestone
Every extra Ultimate Matter Fragment not required to beat the Universe provides an extra 50% Ultimate Matter
anyways, onto heavenly matter
Nerfs Cursed Matter gain by sqrt(HM)
Base effect: Raises ALL pre-Universe resources by x/5000 + 1
Cost: 5 HM
Effect: Multiply M, AM, DM and EM gain by HM's nerf to CM
Cost: 15 HM
Effect: Multiply HM gain by 7.77
Cost: 100 HM
Effect: Divide CM's gain and nerf by 6.66
HM Buyable 1
Cost: 77 HM
Scaling: ^1.11 per purchase
Effect: HM gain multiplied by 1.77 per purchase
HM Milestone 1
Unlock: 777 HM
Effect: Keep All Matter Milestones on entering any already completed Universe
HM Buyable 2
Cost: 7777 HM
Scaling: *7 per purchase
Effect: Increase the first buyable effect base by 0.77
Also decreases CM gain by /1.77 per purchase
I can't think of any other things to put in this path
The path is probably around halfway done

HM challenge 1
Name:Heaven and hell
Goal:777 HM
N-Effect:There is 1 Hellish matter, which is multiplied by 2 every second, it divides HM gain by Log10(HelM/1000+1)+1
Reward:HM multiplies itself by log777(HM)+1
HM challenge 2
Goal:77 HM
N-Effect:There is 1 hellish matter and its gain is 1000% per second, there are also sins with a gain of 5/s which boosts HelM gain (*Sins+1)
Reward:Unlock an upgrade and HM gain x1.777
HM upgrade 4:
Name:Anti demon spray
Cost:77777 HM
Reward:Any hellish matter gain is /10 and you can beat HMC1 and 2 3 times:
Goal for HMC1 and 2 is x1.666 and each completion provides a boost to HelM and sins gain: *Completions/2+1 (only on the challenge you’re beating, so there can’t be 4, 5 or 6 completions), effects are multiplied by completions: *completions
HM buyable 3
Name:Holy water
Cost:777777 (x1,777 cost)
Reward:x2 HM for every purchase
HM milestone 2
Goal:7,777,777 HM
Reward:Unlock HM challenge 3, x7.77 HM and ^1.05 HM gain
HM challenge 3:
Goal:777 HM
N-Effect:Previous 2 challenges at hard mode:
HMC1:HelM divides HM gain by Log2(HelM/100+1)+1
HMC2:Sins gain is 20/s and they boost HelM by *(sins+1)^1.1+1
Reward:HM gain is *77.7 and CM gain is /7.77
HM upgrade 5
Name:True God
Reward:x777 HM gain and ^1.0777 HM gain and unlock something…
Universal piece 1:Congrats, you have gotten your first UnP, it boosts all universe buffs by x1.1 and divides nerfs by /1.1, it also divides both CM and HM gain by /1.1, but it boosts all universe resources by x1.05 (7,777,777,777,777 HM)
Complete HMC1
Sins = sins^0
Complete HMC2
Balanced = sins
Complete HMC1 and HMC2
Complete HMC1 3 times
Sins = sins^-3
Complete HMC2 3 times
Balanced^3 = sins^-3
Complete HMC1 and HMC2 3 times
When ascensions?
Get HM milestone 2
GD reference?!?!?!?
Complete HMC3
Reward:HM gain x2.205
UMF maybe?
Get HM upgrade 5
UMF 2.0
Get UnP1
Reward:HM gain ^1.1
Heavenly Achievement
Get all achievements related to Heavenly matter
Reward:Unlock the cursed matter path and close the heavenly matter path, you still gain HM though

So having only 2 s. achievements is kinda strange, and that is why I made ideas for Secret Achievements
Secret Achievement 3: Nerd
Hint: No one even reads these
Open the changelog page
Secret Achievement 4: 1 hour for 1 achievement
Hint: Purchase 1 upgrade. Then wait.
Have $3600 with only having the first upgrade
Secret Achievement 5: Endgame
Reach endgame (Changes every update)
Secret Achievement 6: Blind
Hint: You can see?
Use the theme "Quality"
Secret Achievement 7: Play again, please
Hint: Offline
Go offline for 1 week
I want at least 1 achievement to be submitted pls!!

Secret Achievement 8: Achievement #-1
Hint:Why always completing ACHIEVEMENTS?
Be online but don't get any achievements for 30 minutes
But there are no Achievements here!
Secret Achievement 9: I wanna write SOMETHING
Hint:That's NOT a chat box!
Copy more than 100KB text in the Import Window
Secret Achievement 10:too op plz nerf
Hint:CashCashCash......Cash ("Cash" times)
Get 1.00e50$ without cash upgrade 5 version 3.0
Don't you think upgrade 5 is too overpowered?
Secret Achievement 11:Bad idea
Hint:20% < 100%
Do Rebirth Reset 100 times while having completed Challenge 1
I hate idle routes...

It's time for balancing :/
statistics for cash mult(before RU7, 1.00e9 cash & 10,000 RP)
CU2 ×4
CU3 ×㏒3(cash) (thanks to CU7)
CU5 ^1.25
CU6 ×㏒8(cash^1.5)^0.5
CU4&CU8 ×3 in total
RP ×RP^0.7 (thanks to CU10)
RU1 ×6
Mode at least ×2
Rebirth takes under a few sec with about 5000 RP
all money upgrades contains ㏒(#) become max(㏒(#),1) to make sure that -infinity disappears
RU6's price ×20.24 (20,240 RP)
RU7's price ×1.23456 (123,456 RP)
RU8's price ×125 (1,250,000,000 RP)
Don't forget the CU9&CU10! 1250 times more makes ~×512 cash then ~×78 RP and after repeated many times get infinity :(
RP softcap(after 1.00e9 RP): (cash/1e5)^0.7 -> 1.00e8*max(10,㏑(cash)^0.7)

Cursed Matter
Cursed matter has no upgrades, but instead has a lot of challenges
Entering a challenge also temporarily resets Heavenly Matter and it's upgrades
Chall 1
Heavenly matter always nerfs cursed matter, and double it's generation
Goal: 15 CM
Reward: Cursed matter multiplies it's own gain (x^0.25)
Chall 2
Cursed matter's nerf to heavenly matter is stronger and also affects itself
Goal: 15 CM
Reward: Cursed matter now boosts itself based on its best amount (log10(x+1)+1, base is halved for each completion)
Can be completed 3 times
Chall 3
Crimson Sea
HM and CM now buff each other instead of nerf each other (HM upgrades are unpurchasable in this challenge)
Goal: 1e6 CM
Reward: Double CM gain for each CM challenge completion (2^x)
Chall 4
CM gain is nerfed (x(0.2^completions))
Goal: 1e3^completions CM
Reward: N/A (affects chall 3)
Can be completed infinite times
Chall 5
The log of MatterAMDM*EM divides time, and their amount cannot decrease, and they are automated.
Goal: 1e5 CM
Reward: Increase max completions of Chall 2 to 10
Chall 6
Angelic Demise
HM now directly divides CM gain (x^completions)
Goal: 1e10 CM
Reward: Decrease Chall 4 completions in nerf and goal calculation (/completions+1)
Can be completed 4 times
Chall 666
Hell Reference
All previous challenges at max completions (Chall 4 at 100 completions)
Goal: 1e15 CM
Reward: Finish the Cursed Matter path

after completing universe 8 you unlock more upgrades in the ultimate tree
12 Singularity Milestone
get 5% more ultimate-matter per singularity you have
Name: particle accelerator
Cost: 25 Ultimate Matter
Effect: hyper cash now multiplies all matters on 10th root(log5(x))
Name: ascended pylons
Cost: 35 Ultimate Matter
Effect: adds the first 3 Cash pylon from universe 5 but it generates cash power which multiplies cash by it
Name: starter boost
Cost: 50 Ultimate Matter
Effect: boosts cash,rebirth,super rebirth, power and hyper rebirth by ^1.25 until you unlock your first ultimate matter fragment
also boost hyper cash by ^1.1
Name: starter boost is worth it now
Cost: 75 Ultimate Matter
Effect: cash multiplies matter by log10(log10(x)), rebirth mutiplies anti-matter by log8(log8(x)), super rebirth multiplies dark-matter and exotic-matter by log5(log5(x)), syper rebirth multiplies heavenly matter and cursed matter by log15(log15(x))
Name: Ultimate Generation
Cost: 150 Ultimate Matter
Effect: generate 0.1% of Ultimate-Matter based on your best universe run. the generation is also nerfed as you get more ultimate power sqrt(log1.1(UM))+1*2

Universe 9: 1 for all
you can only buy 1 of each type of upgrades ($, RP, SRP, NOT HRP, Matter, AM, DM, EM)
edit: also disables automation for these upgrades (for control of which upgrade is bought)
goal: 6 UMF
reward: 100 UM/upgrades bought+1, 3 singularity
buff: each type of upgrades is merged into one 'super upgrade' which has the cost of the cheapest one, but all of the effects. This doesn't apply in this universe.
Universe 10: all for 1
all previous universes combined, their buffs on completion don't apply, also all super rebirth challenges at once
goal: 1e100 of all obtainable pre-universe currencies
reward: 1e9 UM/game time seconds taken+1, 5 singularity
buff: unlock multiverse enhancements, multiply time speed by completions, unlock the ability to reset time speed to 1x (for reward maxing)
general concept for multiverse enhancements is adding more features (like gold alongside cash)
For those looking to see where the next content update will take progression (so literally nobody), this is where v1.0 will end

Universe 11: Big Rip
Stuff gets doubly exponentially less effective, but if the linear decrease rate grows high enough, $, matter, AM, DM, and EM grow exponentially, which also causes a decrease in linear decrease rate. Universe 9 and 10 rewards are disabled
goal: 5 UMF
buff: there is a power that rises exponentially with a softcap
reward: unlocks the last 4 cash pylons from Universe 5, but they generate the cash power from ascended pylons

20 Singularity Milestone
start with matter already completed
Universe 12: Heat Death
dark matter is dissabled. the blackhole grown exponentially by ^1.025 per second. black hole now divides time speed by log10(sqrt(BH^2)). also uni 9 and 10 are dissabled
goal: 2 UMF
reward 1e12 UM
buff: cash pylons are cheaper by log2.5(Power^0.2)
ME 1
unlock cash "gold" (new currency that is not reset by original path reset (like rebirth))
Cost: 1e10,000 cash
ME 2
unlock rebirth "data points" (last upgrade of data will unlock virtual matter)
Cost: 1e5,000 rebirth
ME 3
expand the cash and gold layer
Cost: 1e25,000 cash

Gold Upgrades
- Dual Investment
Cost: $1e308
Start producing 1 gold per game-time minute (likely going to have large timespeed boosts at this point, so it would be balanced) - The Golden
Cost: 100 Gold
Gild the machine with gold, replacing cash mode with gold mode (same boost to cash, but also log(effect) to gold) - Worth it's Weight
Cost: 1e6 Gold
Gold multiples timespeed (log(gold)^2) - Perfect
Cost: 16,180,339,887 (1.6e10)
Timespeed ^phi - Eternal
Cost: 1e20 Gold (needs data points to be unlocked)
Replace all metals in the machine with gold, replacing rebirth mode with data mode (same as rebirth mode but also log(effect) to data points)
next person should probably either make more gold upgrades or add data points upgrades
also wow galaxy has markdown support for lists

reset all gold upgrade and converts them to data
formula (log100(gold^1.05))/gold
data multiplies gold by data^3/gold (if number goes bellow 1 it will be set to 1)
Hypothetical Calculation
Cost: 10,000 data
gold is multiplied by Hypothetical Particles and Unstable matter (Hypho Part^0.1*Unstable matter^0.1) (i couldnt think of a better formula ): ) -
Data storage
Cost: 250,000 data
improve the data formula to (log90(gold^1.05))/gold^0.95 -
Golden ratio
Cost: 10^8
boost 2nd and 5th gold upgrade formula to log(effect^1.618) -
Data Board
Cost: 10^12 data
Unlock the Data Board
the data board has few commands that can be activated. they can have active or passive boost (the commands are writen so you can undertsand what happens)
(also time in the commands are affected by timespeed)
Command 1:
"uppgrade bought"
after "1,000,000" secondss
Command 2:
every "10,000" seconds
"gold * (strange matter ^ 0.4)"
Command 3:
Every "1" seconds
buy all "gold" upgrades

Multiverse Enhancement 3 Effect:
expand the cash and gold layer
More Cash Upgrades:
- $1e20 K
Billionaires Blossom
Every 9 OOM of cash increases timespeed (Universal Time or uTime) by +0.01% linearly - $1e25 K
Computer Purchase
Unlock Command 4:
every "1e9" seconds
if "can end universe" and "has already beaten this universe"
end "universe"
keep "data board" + "computer purchase"
- $1e40 K
Cash, RP, SRP, HRP, M, AM, DM, EM, Power, BHV, UM, HP amount can never go down except for ending universe (all pre-universe currencies) - $1e100 K
Down Payments
Unlock the ability to do each matter path twice
The second time a path is done, the timespeed in the path is reduced by 1e10 (seperate from uTime)
Completing a path a second time rewards a second UMF from that path - $1e1 M
Science Time
Black Hole Volume multiplies uTime
More Cash Buyables:
- Job at the IRS
Cost: 10^2^purchases
Effect: 2^purchases^2
On first purchase, tax starts growing exponentially, but this time it multiplies cash gain instead of dividing
Effect is rate of increase - Quantum Physics
Cost: 10^10^purchases
Effect: purchases
Raise the effect of last power pylon by effect to add another functional power pylon
More Gold Upgrades:
- 1e100 Gold
Multiply gold gain by log10(matter) - 1e250 Gold
Gold Standard
Multiply cash gain by gold^5 - 1e308 Gold
Sample Upgrade Name
Gild the fourth cash pylon, making it also multiply gold gain
Multiverse Enhancement 4:
1e10 K SRP:
Unlock Super Rebirth Points Atomization and Atoms
ME 5:
1e1 M Power:
Unlock Power Replicanti

Unlock Order Layer
Amount Formula: slog(cash)-3
Boosts previous currencies by x(x+1^x)
Order Upgrade
Make cash boost itself.
Formula: (log(log(log(cash)^2
Cost: 10 Order
More Cash Buyables
Almost Tetrational
Boost cash by 10^x
Cost formula: 10^^(purchases+2) Cash and 10^purchases Order -
Nicest Upgrade
Take cash to the power of 69.
Cost formula: 69^^purchases

AndyShow1 says:
Unlock Order Layer
Amount Formula: slog(cash)-3
Boosts previous currencies by x(x+1^x)
How to unlock?
Why not just make Atomization instead?
Order Upgrade
Make cash boost itself.
Formula: (log(log(log(cash)^2
Cost: 10 Order
Pretty pointless
Also closing brackets (what is being squared?)
More Cash Buyables
- Almost Tetrational
Boost cash by 10^x
Cost formula: 10^^(purchases+2) Cash and 10^purchases Order
Boost is multiply or exponent?
- Nicest Upgrade
Take cash to the power of 69.
Cost formula: 69^^purchases
No (values are too low for this to be remotely balanced)
What currency?
Overall, this feels like something that might work in a few prestige layers, but this is way to early for this to be balanced
I feel like your knowledge of balancing is heavily flawed, since your additions to my number is (moderately) bigger are also quite unbalanced

BanaCubed says:
AndyShow1 says:
Unlock Order Layer
Amount Formula: slog(cash)-3
Boosts previous currencies by x(x+1^x)How to unlock?
Why not just make Atomization instead?Order Upgrade
Make cash boost itself.
Formula: (log(log(log(cash)^2
Cost: 10 OrderPretty pointless
Also closing brackets (what is being squared?)More Cash Buyables
- Almost Tetrational
Boost cash by 10^x
Cost formula: 10^^(purchases+2) Cash and 10^purchases OrderBoost is multiply or exponent?
- Nicest Upgrade
Take cash to the power of 69.
Cost formula: 69^^purchasesNo (values are too low for this to be remotely balanced)
What currency?Overall, this feels like something that might work in a few prestige layers, but this is way to early for this to be balanced
I feel like your knowledge of balancing is heavily flawed, since your additions to my number is (moderately) bigger are also quite unbalanced
Another gold upgrade
Cost: e350 Gold
Gilds the 5th cash pylon, making it multiply gold gain too
(i hope the 5th cash pylon exists because I really don't know what I'm doing here)

there are only four cash pylons, so that would either be 5th power pylon or 3rd cash pylon (or just unlocks a fifth cash pylon, which would also be cool)
More Data Points Upgrades
1e15 data:
Polynomial Rebirths:
total Universes ended produces hyper rebirths done
hyper rebirths done produces super rebirths done
super rebirths done produces rebirths done
Rebirth also now has some milestones associated with rebirths done:
1e6 Rebirths
Unlock a seventh power pylon (should be intuitive how this one works)1e9 Rebirths
Unlock an eighth power pylon1e12 Rebirths
You'll never guess what this one does: (uTime^1.25)
1e20 data:
Universal Machine
Put THE MACHINE into a space between universes, making it, and all things inside it (Power, Data Board, being unlocked (the matter combustor is canonically a different machine)) persist between universes.
Does not work if a universe hasn't been beaten yet
1e30 data & 1e500 Gold:
Unlock virtual matter and golden matter (divides each others gain)
Features to make:
Virtual Matter
Golden Matter
Universe Tree Upgrades (please give QoL)
Multiverse Enhancements of
- Hyper Cash
- Matter Combustor
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