The first time I came here, I think I was searching up "incremental" on my school computer and kablam, I found this site which is not blocked by my school thanks to the fact that there ain't that many ppl that are on this site yet. I've came home after that, booted up my home PC, then decided to make an account here a few days ago, and bam, I'm here. I've been relatively active on the forums as you can tell.
How did you first come here?

I have no idea. I woke up, and it was on my computer. As if I were destined to find this website. Pretty weird.
Jokes aside I actually have no idea one day I just realized I opened this site up and thought to myself "What is this? How did I find this?"

i usually find most cool communities through rabbit holes
when getting here my route to finding this was:
coolmathgames -> just a platformer -> yhvr -> galaxy

i searched up incremental games, found this and logged in cause i didnt want to lose my progress

year was 2020, i found out antimatter dimensions on my samsung tablet, after big crunching i moved onto the pc version. i searched ad on youtube and found superspruce. blah blah blah 2023 i went on yhvr's page and saw this!!!
best mistake of my life to download ad

someone told me from roblox that there was this super cool tree on this websit

In-person recommendation, I would say their exact username, but I forgot.

i was looking for new incremental games to play, since i had just recently beaten antimatter dimensions. found a couple of cool ones like array game, shame that one isn't getting updated anymore

I found this experience on roblox called "the upgrade tree:teamwork", In the description it said that it was inspired by Antimatter Dimensions study tree, so i decided to download AD, then i watched some guides and alot of videos on how to progress faster, and then i saw a guy on a website name "", so i decided to go on this website, and now i have played ~8 good incremental games, ~17 bad incremental games, and 1 that is very great but discontinued.

someone recommended in the antimatter dimensions discord

I don't even know.

I was looking through Jacorb's and Aarex's GitHub pages for new updates to their sites on an October night and I think I spotted Aarex's update saying he set up his "galaxy" account. "'Galaxy?'" I clicked on the link and scouted the website, found a game to play, and that started my presence on here

I found it from the initial ordinal gwarkup post on the incremental games subreddit and decided to create an account.

Hm i think i just looked Yhvr's account and found galaxy :P

I was looking through yhvr’s website when i saw galaxy and just clicked it I think. Idk might be Deja vu. If it wasn’t I probably just looked up incremental games and found it.

from this comment (by Nothsa2110405) on reddit

I have been incrementals for a while now and whilst looking at an TvTropes page about some TMT mod (i think it was the Tree Of Nerfs?) i found a link to this website, so i decided to check it and found it has a lot of incrementals i like.

Was trying to find the OG Shark Game and followed a link to Galaxy. Either that or Lored.

Actually, I'm not sure too sure how I got here, but it started with Cookie Clicker and I soon began to get quite interested in the incremental games genre. I did some searches and soon enough, I found this pretty active community! (There's fewer games on galaxy than meters I'll miss in an FPS game, so...)

found this site on fmhy's gaming page.

Was personally looking for Idle games to play during downtime in classes, led to a reddit thread that brought me here.

Basically the same as the OP

end of the school year, where at my school you have the whole day as computer free time. I searched up “incremental” and found I was confused and clicked on it and found this.

i forget things a lot but i think i was searching up how to make an incremental game, probably saw some other incremental and clicked on it, then somehow found galaxy

I actually found this website from Jacorb on their Discord server, and didn't know a ton of incrementals existed here

I found this by searching like 'basic clicker games' while trying to figure out how to make a fun clicker game. Love coming across niche sites.
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