Ive had this idea on my mind for some days now, a game called ''steps incremental'' where there are 100 prestige layers, im asking if its possible and if there are any idle games with 20+ prestige layers, if there are then please say their name i would love to play those.
Is it possible to make a game with 100 prestige layers?

oh god, that'd be alot. i may play it if you use a ton of features!!!

thats a pretty cool idea, but it would sadly take a REALLY long time

above unless theyre all the same but that would be boring

It might be possible using TMT, but the layers would have to gradually get more complicated to not make the game boring.
As far as games that already have a load of prestige layers goes, Incremental Mass Rewritten has at least ten depending on what counts as a prestige layer

What is this idea

Or better yet, pull an Omega Layers and nest prestige layers inside of other prestige layers
Like what if Meta had completely separate prestige layers from the greek alphabet progression, and there was a sort of Meta^2

Omega layers has an infinite amount of prestige layers, at least... If you consider them prestige layers. Also, Incremental Mass Rewritten, The Plague Tree and Prestige tree (both classic and rewritten) have a lot of lauers too. Anyways, would love to try it out. I mostly like incrementals with loads of content!

Procedurally generated layers would work fine, but, ya know, with one seed so it's fair. (Of course, those already sorta exist.)

actually, this gives me an idea...

It is. You can make randomly generated layers and total automations that won't reset in any prestige.
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