Every post must include one rule, which all subsequent posts also have to follow (this is the first rule)
excessive rules

limit 50 characters

any character limiting rules dont apply

this rule and the previous rule are unnullifiable

double posting kinda sucks ngl
All posts including this one are unnullifiable* (but the first rule still applies so everything above is unchanged)
*check rule 10 for more context

wait a minute making the 50 character limit unnullifiable would nullify the 3rd rule, but the 3rd rule is unnullifiable due to rule 4 and 5, which would make the 50 character limit nullifiable, which is unnullifiable due to rule 5 so im confused as to whether or not it applies or not, or maybe im just stupid and the first rule keeps the 50 character limit nullified. whatever ima just assume the latter, and i will delete this post if it remained unnullified
you cannot use the letters x,y, or z (the word you is immune to the dissallowing of the letter y)

I said the first rule still applies so rules above that post go unchanged. 2nd rule is nullified from 3rd, 3rd and 4th are unnullifiable...
limit 51 characters

ever¥ post must include a needed ™ at the end of the post, and if your post has a company/brand/game name in it you must put the gala(cks)y's terms of service before the ™

every rule now must have a simulation of a world evolution through text bellow the rule™
(↟=tree, ☻=human)
↟ ↟ ☻ ↟ ↟

Posts that violate one of its above unnullified rules will be nullified (with rule 1 meaning all the rules above this one are unaffected themselves, of course) (this is an exception in rule 5, so all following posts that aren't talked about in this post means rule 5 still applies)™
🪵 is wood
↟ 🪵🪵🪵🪵☻ ↟ ↟

every rule that has this symbol (🔥) gets the effect of fire. rules that have the effect of fire can violate rules that dont have the fire effect. same happens with non-fire rules. (non-fire rules can violate fire rules)
(this rule counts as both fire and non-fire)
🏚️ is house
↟ 🪵🏚️☻☻ ↟ ↟ ↟

nullified you forgot to put ™, also you're using the penultimate letter of the alphabet in words other than "you"
You can't post in the same daw as another post (once again rule 1 means all above posts are unaffected)
I'll also substitute all illegal y's with w's now

ever¥ user will start with 10 cash, and each post the¥ make, the¥ will earn 1 cash and the¥ must put the amount of cash the¥ have after adding.™
⛰️is mountain
⛰️↟ 🏚️🏚️☻☻☻☻ ↟ ↟ ↟

if a rule contains the vvord "rule" atleast 2 times than the civili(s)ation will loose 1 person™
(🦌 is a deer, it drops 2 🍖 meat. every 3rd rule after this rule needs to feed all humans 1 meat)
⛰️ ↟ ⛰️↟ 🏚️🏚️☻☻☻ 🪵🪵↟ ↟ 🦌🦌 ↟↟↟↟↟🦌↟↟
11 cash

ever¥ 2nd rule after this, will have to pa¥ ta×es to the government (-2 cash after adding). You can def¥ the government, but the civili(s)ation will lose 1 person.™
(😠 are raiders which move to the nearest deer/person ever¥ post, and if the¥ move to a person the¥ will kill it, but not the deers, and ⛺ are the bases of raiders)
↟⛰️⛰️ ↟ ⛰️↟ 🏚️🏚️🏚️☻☻☻☻ 🪵🪵🪵🪵 ↟ 🦌🦌 ↟↟↟↟↟🦌↟↟🦌↟😠⛺
11 cash

rule 12: you must number ¥our rules™
(an¥ s¥mbol that is followed by a + means there are 5 copies of it in a row, for example 🏚️+ is 🏚️🏚️🏚️🏚️🏚️)
↟⛰️⛰️ ↟ ⛰️↟ 🏚️+☻+ 🪵🪵 ↟ 🦌🦌 ↟+ 🦌↟↟🦌😠↟⛺
11 cash

rule 13: ever¥ 3rd word must have some markdown applied to it™️
(⚔ is a warrior
, who is capable of defeating a raider in a battle, but the¥ require twice as much meat. Unfortunate¥
, most people died because of starvation)
↟⛰️⛰️ ↟↟ ⛰️↟ 🏚️+ ☻☻ 🪵🪵 ↟ 🦌 ↟+↟ 🦌↟↟😠🦌↟⛺
9 cash
React to this message with either 👍 or 👎 on whether or
not I should edit first post to include current state of the civilization

(you forgot the ™)
rule 14: if all the humans die in the civilisation then the civilisation is reset and ever¥one looses 4 cash™
(a - means the world continues in the next row)
↟ ↟↟ 🦌🦌 ↟⛰️⛰️ ↟↟ 🦌⛰️↟ 🏚️+ ☻ 🪵🪵 ↟ ☻🍖🍖 -
↟+↟ 🦌↟↟😠🦌↟⛺🦌↟↟ ↟⛰️↟↟ ↟ ⛰️ ↟ ☻🦌🦌↟↟ ⛰️

rule 15: first time posters ma¥ choose to "pause" civilization rules for one step, ignoring ALL taxes (formall¥ doesn't count as a comment in this case). To clarif¥ rule #13, a set of characters with a space with separation counts as a word using regex / ([0-9A-Za-z]|¥)+( | (s)|)/g. Also, markdown around the text does not count (so this bold does not nullif¥ the rule). Cash does not need markdown. And another clarification: regexes do not violate x¥z rules. Rules containing meta rules about x¥z stuff ignore x/z rules.™
11 cash
↟ ↟↟ 🦌🦌 ↟⛰️⛰️ ↟↟ 🦌⛰️↟ 🏚️+ ☻ 🪵🪵 ↟ ☻🍖🍖 -
↟+↟ 🦌↟↟😠🦌↟⛺🦌↟↟ ↟⛰️↟↟ ↟ ⛰️ ↟ ☻🦌🦌↟↟ ⛰️

RULE 16: ARTICLE ONE: You are allowed to add multiple articles to rules if explanation is nessacary or to add restrictions to possibilities added by the rule.
ARTICLE TWO: You only need to add the TM symbol to the last article.
ARTICLE THREE: All articles must be numbered. The rule number only needs to be stated once.™️
Civillization not added upon, as the civillization was paused and nothing changed.
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