What is the largest number system right now?

i remember something that was like 1e10e308, idk the name of it but i guess you can try it

Decimal.js / break_infinity.js both have 1e9e15
logarithmica_numerus_lite.js has 1e1.79e308
confractus_numerus.js has ee9e15
break_eternity.js has F1.79e308
OmegaNum.js has J9e15
ExpantaNum.js has K9e15
TMT (so most games) uses break_eternity.js
The only game (that I'm aware of) that actually reaches the limit of ExpantaNum.js is Endless Stairwell

ExpantaNum isn’t actually the biggest number its just the biggest number we can currently used with our 64 bit limit technically you can go bigger

i hope someone comes up with a way to dynamically "convert" a number into a different library that gives up a LOT of precision to go above K9e15

theoretically you could do K9e1e (less precise by alot but it does get the job done) or just go all the way to Z9e15 (this will increase the amount of numbers by so much i cant even describe it)

my thinking time in tests

the largest number so far is the "Large Number Garden Number"
i have no clue how large it is because i think i need to have a doctorate in maths and everything surrounding it to understand what the hell it is.
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