Recently, I've noticed a bug in most games made using JS. The bug is that when you hover over a specific button the text moves down. Sometimes it stays, but sometimes it doesn't. I have no idea what's causing this bug.
Bug for All JS Games

I'm pretty sure that the bug is caused from a chromium update, since it affects most browsers.
The main example of it that I'm aware of it happening to is:
Button HTML Element
Has a fixed height and width
Has scale (or rotate3d) applied to transform in CSS (often scale from hovering)
Has multiple lines of text
All lines of text but the bottom one will move downwards
Text moves back when the transform is removed (by not hovering), or text on button is changed at all
This seems also be related to text on a button slowly migrating downwards over time.
Both these bugs only seem to happen on button HTML elements (likely because they vertically center text)
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