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developed by louigiverona



71 ratings

rated 4.3 stars, 71 ratings.
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Posted June 12, 2023. Updated June 12, 2023. Played 6004 times for a total of 20326 hours.


Machinery is a sci-fi incremental game where the player builds power plants.

newest comments

datapirate42 January 7, 2025
+2comment score: 2

Either I'm missing something (which is a problem as well) or this is exactly the worst type of "idle" game, where there's long stretches of nothing interesting to do, but you don't make any progress unless you're clicking a button once every minute so you can't actually idle either.

bck356 December 26, 2024
+1comment score: 1

I feel excruciatingly stupid; I can't figure out which magnetron symbol corresponds to which generator to save my life. I can't even figure out a way to use logic to deduct it, because it doesn't seem to visibly "spike" the power production percentage the way the radiator does.

I also realize that enabling and disabling generators is supposed to be part of the strategy of using the magnetron but I can't figure out how to do that either; the R key doesn't seem to do anything.

That all being said I DO still like this game quite a bit and neither of the aforementioned issues seem to be halting my progress; I'm still able to warp for an extra OOM of antimatter every time (up to e14 antimatter at this moment). But I can't tell if I'm stupid or doing something wrong when it comes to interfacing with some of the mechanics.

UnephenStephen August 26, 2024
+1comment score: 1

Do we know which source character set is used for the base 64 save data encoding? Trying to get back to an old save I had.

catsock August 20, 2024
+1comment score: 1

Cool game, but the performance is abysmal. I have a pretty beefy computer and I'm using Chrome as recommended, but towards the end of each quantum wipe the tick rate plummets

Talos0248 August 3, 2024
+1comment score: 1

Bit of chrome advice: apparently if you keep the sounds on but right click to mute the tab, the game will still run as normal without slowdowns if you switch tab focus :) Mentioning this since I have a volume equalizer installed on my PC and it makes small noises almost normal-level

top comments

dddw countest June 14, 2023
+5comment score: 5

please upload verteron controller factory on galaxy

developer response: Okie dokie!

420 June 13, 2023
+3comment score: 3

it has 100 hours already

unicodes gamedev April 24, 2024
+3comment score: 3


asyncmeow countest June 20, 2023
+3comment score: 3

replying to the dev response on another comment:

When you reload the page, the game simply doesn't save the states of generators.

to be honest, i'd still consider something like that not being saved as a bug

developer response: I understand where you're coming from. The game has no offline progress, so that didn't seem to be a big deal to me at the time. You refresh the page, click on the generators - and you're on.

There's another, more technical reason - the game is very "musical", at least for me. I like the way it sounds. But modern browsers prevent you from playing audio unless the user clicks on something. And at the time I decided the simplest solution is to just let the user trigger generators on reload.

There are better solutions to this, for sure. I could've added a "resume game" button, like I did in "a billion bananas", so your comment is quite fair.

datapirate42 January 7, 2025
+2comment score: 2

Either I'm missing something (which is a problem as well) or this is exactly the worst type of "idle" game, where there's long stretches of nothing interesting to do, but you don't make any progress unless you're clicking a button once every minute so you can't actually idle either.

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