Distance Incremental

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Posted May 10, 2023. Updated May 10, 2023. Played 15147 times for a total of 28633 hours.
Run to the edge of infinity!
Want more? Visit https://jacorb90.me (on galaxy: https://galaxy.click/user/15)
newest comments
Is it just my browser or is the UI completely unreadable? why are the buttons so tiny, I've gotta lean in and squint just to read em but ofc, the useless news ticker HAS to be there and it HAS to be readable, and it HAS to be a genuine headache to navigate your way into disabling it
"it was made way after this" bro the latest update AND the v2.1 fanmade are made before this
@KananR, DI is made before Circle Grinding Incremental.
kananr: idk it was made way after this lol
why did I think this was based off Circle Grinding Incremental's distance incremental at first 😂😂😂
top comments
I got jumpscared by infinity tab twice
1. This game is the best incremental game ever for me. 2. It has excellent balancing(except: time reversal upgrade 5-10, with 700 sec timewalls at most/unlocking theories, with 1000 sec timewall) 3. This game supports other mods, so you can enter Easy/AAU for faster playing and you can enter NA/Hard/Extreme/Hiker's Dream to play harder 4. Hard/Hiker's Dream will be very hard, and extreme mode will be very hard at multiverse stage. 5. Conclusion: This game is well-balanced, and gives player a choice of difficulty(by providing various modes), so I rank it 5/5.
i got rickrolled
@abajay, both scalings and (softcapped) are bad. Scalings make costs go up faster, while (softcapped) nerfs the effect formula.
This is my favorite game because I am such a little nerd.