Despite a previous complaint about the No Damage Challenges, it ended up not being that bad and only took me about 10 minutes to build out my spreadsheet denoting the combinations and results. Overall really loved the TMT mod and it gets a 5 rating from me. There were a few awkward pacing moments, I think there were about 3 parts that felt way too slow, and a very noticeable part that felt way too fast where you unlocked 3-4 new layers and completed their milestones and upgrades fully in a matter of minutes. Outside of that, fantastic work and thank you for the game.
Definitely need a tip on the No Damage challenges. Unless I'm missing something, it feels like having an output state what the correct answer should have been would be a massive QoL improvement. If I'm intended to fumble my way through this to eventually discover the answer for all 50 combinations I'm demotivated and don't really want to finish the game.
Many of the subtabs don't work when the game is unfocused. I think the update() of those layers are written wrong, and they should use delta-time instead of assuming each tick is 50ms.
is there a way to turn off the "milestone gotten!" from popping up for coin milestones on EVERY single push of super mushroom, fire flower, etc resets? they block the buttons i want to push.
The coin milestones resetting every time you get prestige gets really annoying really quickly, i.e. they get in the way of upgrades. I'd suggest moving the unlock to them not resetting to the fire flowers milestone 1.
The start of the game oddly reminds me of The Pro Tree. Way too much grinding for upgrades at the beginning with layers looking like they have no substance outside of upgrades and milestones, which can get repetitive and boring for some players. Also, I don't think the first super mushroom upgrade should have a base effect of x1, when you reset for 1 super mushroom and use it on the upgrade it made the reset practically pointless, and one of the no-nos in incremental games is to let people have any type of soft-reset in-game that does not have any reward in turn.
Only good side to this game is I can clear courses faster than in an actual copy of Super Mario Maker 2, but other than that this TMT unfortunately joins The Pro Tree in the club of Not-Too-Good TMTs.
developer response: Thans for your advice. Now when you bought 1st Super mushroom upgrade with 0 super mushrooms you would get a x2.378 multiplier to cleared courses. (x+1)^1.25 to (x+2)^1.25.
newest comments
Despite a previous complaint about the No Damage Challenges, it ended up not being that bad and only took me about 10 minutes to build out my spreadsheet denoting the combinations and results. Overall really loved the TMT mod and it gets a 5 rating from me. There were a few awkward pacing moments, I think there were about 3 parts that felt way too slow, and a very noticeable part that felt way too fast where you unlocked 3-4 new layers and completed their milestones and upgrades fully in a matter of minutes. Outside of that, fantastic work and thank you for the game.
Definitely need a tip on the No Damage challenges. Unless I'm missing something, it feels like having an output state what the correct answer should have been would be a massive QoL improvement. If I'm intended to fumble my way through this to eventually discover the answer for all 50 combinations I'm demotivated and don't really want to finish the game.
how do you unlock the yoshi layer ?
Many of the subtabs don't work when the game is unfocused. I think the update() of those layers are written wrong, and they should use delta-time instead of assuming each tick is 50ms.
I am stuck. I can't unlock Yoshi Egg Layer.
top comments
is there a way to turn off the "milestone gotten!" from popping up for coin milestones on EVERY single push of super mushroom, fire flower, etc resets? they block the buttons i want to push.
For the love of god please a fix for milestone messages, game is already too clicky.
The coin milestones resetting every time you get prestige gets really annoying really quickly, i.e. they get in the way of upgrades. I'd suggest moving the unlock to them not resetting to the fire flowers milestone 1.
The start of the game oddly reminds me of The Pro Tree. Way too much grinding for upgrades at the beginning with layers looking like they have no substance outside of upgrades and milestones, which can get repetitive and boring for some players. Also, I don't think the first super mushroom upgrade should have a base effect of x1, when you reset for 1 super mushroom and use it on the upgrade it made the reset practically pointless, and one of the no-nos in incremental games is to let people have any type of soft-reset in-game that does not have any reward in turn.
Only good side to this game is I can clear courses faster than in an actual copy of Super Mario Maker 2, but other than thatthis TMT unfortunately joins The Pro Tree in the club of Not-Too-Good TMTs.developer response: Thans for your advice. Now when you bought 1st Super mushroom upgrade with 0 super mushrooms you would get a x2.378 multiplier to cleared courses. (x+1)^1.25 to (x+2)^1.25.
bro fuck that frog layer man