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Demigod 0.3 August 31, 2023

Folks, the game's version is still kept at 0.3, but there have been significant updates.

From 0.1 to 0.3 0.3 August 23, 2023

The 0.3 version dramatically changes the game from being super idle to being very dynamic and fast. A dopamine fest, basically.

However, for those of you who liked the idle version, I am going to continue working on it and will later release it as Demigod Infinity. If you want to find the original 0.1 version, it's still available online at

If you would like to provide your feedback for the idle version, pop in to my Discord. A couple of folks there are already providing their feedback, consensus being on just improving the 0.1 version a bit, but largely keeping it the same - idle and satisfying :)