comments for a billion bananas
sort: go backdon't you just hate it when you have so many bananas you just have to eat that you have to befriend some monkeys and elephants to eat them as well?
The volume of one billion bananas is roughly 1.2x the volume of the empire state building.
Pro Tip: dung beetles carry over and 3000+ make for an easy win.
pretty good time killer
wait i just did themath you eat 1 billion bananas
the dude in math problems be like:
i cant tell if im gonna die or gonna be extremely healthy after this. and dont upvote or i will be a tsunami fr
why do i poop so much 💀
finally at x128 humongous Banana Multiplier, its getting too repetitive so im gonna drop off. good game tho
You can literally create 1896 nuclear bombs with this.
New island idea: banana country
description: b a n a n a
you need to eat 1 trillion to win but the banana roads make your trucks 10 times speed
wait if you send a truck of banana to the local community how are we so sure they'll eat that amount? maybe they never ate them in the first place thats maybe why harvest island have so much bananas
All royal runs after 121hours!!! i'm finally free...
@GenoDuck & @dddw
"Massive Banana Multiplier" increases in powers of 2 (2,4,8,16,32,64,128) and can be upgraded after each island.
"Humongous Banana Multiplier" increases by +1 after completing all islands
I gorilla?
needs more bananas
Is there only two prestiges? Feels like it will take forever to get 1 billion at this rate.
poopy game
@Bingus, massive banana multiplier doesn't increase dung beetle production, because beetle doesn't produce banana.
how he find so many banana 🤨