comments for Shark Game: New Frontiers
sort: go back@incraldanerd: If you insist, I'll add RedditGalaxy Gold so you can gild games and give the developer a week of RedditGalaxy Premium and 100 RedditGalaxy Coins.
(Only kidding, of course. That's never coming, and if it does, please stop using this site and beat some sense into me c:)
The original was a pretty interesting incremental with a few nice ideas and a lot of different resources. This version not only makes the UI better, but also has various incentives to find optimal routes through the worlds, as well as making each world completely distinct, like a flavor of incremention instead of a mistake you can make during reset.
The new update, Turbulence world, is a bit disappointing. It's only difference from very beginning of the game, as far as I can tell, is another fish to gather fish (which we had in dolphins, but dolphins had their own tech), charts (which, okay, that was neat how you get 1 map), and storm (which disappears after 1 research without any repercussion). Maybe make it so that there is limited space for sharks and other producers, so you have to look for other caves or build shelter. And if you have more producers than you can support, the storm starts blowing them all away, including breeders, until you aren't overcrowded? Because otherwise it plays a lot like the other worlds, especially with the whole "sacrifice a resource you produce faster than science for science" and there isn't even an alternative use for it.
Still love the game. Will probably reset completely and beat the game again.
developer response: Thank you for the feedback, and I'm glad you're enjoying the game! Tempestuous originally had some other ideas involving the storm (e.g. explorers get blown away slowly over time) but I ended up scrapping them early on because I found them annoying. I decided only to put it at the start for that reason. Your idea is great, though. There's a concept for another world which uses a similar mechanic.
In the end, Tempestuous was always meant to be a bit more vanilla than the other worlds. It also went through a lot of reworks, so finding a good design was hard. When I landed on a good one, it stuck. Maybe some day I'll go back and tweak it, though.
the more i play this, the more i LOVE it. would vote 6/5, but yhvr didn't add that for some reason lol
The original was pretty great, but this is so much better than even that. Truly one of the best incremental games out there.
5/5, shorks++
This is by far the best idle game I've ever played, I was so sad when i beat it :[ I love the sharks!!!! I love the friendship!!!!! The little guys!!!!! The horrors!!!!!! The art!!!!!! I cannot WAIT for another update, I am clawing at the walls. Or the sand or whatever. I got so invested in the story!!! And the UI is so pleasing to look at, a lot of other games on here are the same rescripted white text on black background but this is different!!! It has so much character, and so many characters!! I will search for another game like this for the rest of my days </3 this is not dramatic. I am normal.
im in the and theres a sotring my stuff. Wish I had one in real life.
this is my favorite incremental game of all time. i love how much flavor text there is, the cute art, how each world's aesthetic and mechanics harmonize, the way idle time is handled, and the pace of progression. the only criticism i have is that lategame grinding can get repetitive, since . great game 10/10
OH GOD NOT CURIOS CRABS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(for people who want to know where it is, it's in this weird very hot area with no sharks
but besides that, 10/5 very epic gaming
"What is a shark? A miserable little pile of fish"
- Sharkula
Good game, having planets where your resources decrease effectiveness over time is a fun challenge. Is there any development being done/planned for making new planets or artwork?
best game on galaxy
Unbelievably good, one of the best, a phenomenal continuation of a classic. Great job.
Just Started replaying after a year, and I forgot how fresh restarting a game is.
Really cute incremental game. Just did my first prestige and can see myself play this all the way through.
Once you've completed the Aspect Tree, is there anything after that? Is there more?
Great game with clear and easy to reach goals. Lacks some kind of end game that you'd unlock after completing each ocean, which makes anything past this point trivial (unless I missed something?) but definitely one of my favorite incremental games, and the one I'd recommend to anyone willing to discover this genre. Each ocean truly feels unique and every time I complete one, I want to see what the next one has to offer. Loved the latest one too, seemed a bit longer than the others, which is nice.
developer response: Current endgame looks like using your knowledge of each world to devise strategies to beat them faster. The faster you beat them, the more essence you get. More essence means more upgrades means faster times.
Also, there are plans for ways to add more worlds to explore in the future.
Nice mod/game!
I encountered a bug giving me over 14k essence for completing a world. How can i find your discord to send my screenshot?
developer response: While in a world, please go to the top right to find the discord link.
I don't have screenshots, but I ran into the negative world time bug 3x and had to wipe saves. Each time, I spec'd the Distant Foresight aspect, as well as the one beyond it. In my current save, I've ignored that aspect entirely. I'm about the same number of world clears in and have yet to encounter it--possibly related?
Also, sharks.
developer response: Wow, that sucks. Very sorry to hear that you've been experiencing the bug so many times. While it's currently thought that the bug is caused by the minute hand incorrectly recording idle time, I'm chipping away at the issue to discover the source, so it could be anything. If you run into it again, please put the information it shows on the discord.
is anyhting changed from the original?
developer response: Yeah. It's not easy to summarize it all, but these three are the most significant, overarching kinds of changes:
- Gave each world a unique story, mechanics, animals, and upgrade tree, as opposed to the original game's worlds, which generally had either just multipliers or a single unique mechanic.
- Scrapped and replaced nearly the entire prestige system, adding a visual upgrade tree and rewards for beating worlds more quickly than intended.
- Greatly improved the UI everywhere, including the addition of tooltips, grotto multiplier breakdown, the log on the right side, lots and lots of new art, and much, much more.