comments for Distance Incremental
sort: go back1. This game is the best incremental game ever for me. 2. It has excellent balancing(except: time reversal upgrade 5-10, with 700 sec timewalls at most/unlocking theories, with 1000 sec timewall) 3. This game supports other mods, so you can enter Easy/AAU for faster playing and you can enter NA/Hard/Extreme/Hiker's Dream to play harder 4. Hard/Hiker's Dream will be very hard, and extreme mode will be very hard at multiverse stage. 5. Conclusion: This game is well-balanced, and gives player a choice of difficulty(by providing various modes), so I rank it 5/5.
@abajay, both scalings and (softcapped) are bad. Scalings make costs go up faster, while (softcapped) nerfs the effect formula.
i got rickrolled
This is my favorite game because I am such a little nerd.
If you click at the top of a button, it'll move out from under your mouse and you won't end up actually clicking it. But also, this is good, yeah!!
For whomever stuck at HC(Normal, NA, AAU)
1. Only try to beat HC if it can be completed in a few seconds
2. Always never select: "Time Reversal Upgrades do nothing", "Pathogen Upgrades do nothing", "You can’t buy infinity upgrades"
3. Always set difficulty level to: Spaceon and Infinity to 1, Solaris to 6, the others to 0
4. Always select: "You can’t gain cadavers", "You can’t gain dark cores", "You can’t gain spectral gems", "Derivative Shifts do nothing", "Derivative Boosts do nothing"
5. Don't select "Trapped in purge" before foam. Only select this if you unlocked foam and you want more score.
6. Before inflation unlock set TV depth to 6 and goal to e1.4e5 uni. And wait for enough Theoretical boosters and then buy Theory a tree upg boosting Hadrons(the 1st one). Then move to 2nd one in Hadrons category, which halves Hadron interval so you can get 1600TP.
7. After inflation unlock the game will be easy again.
@Nothingtall, you should check those if you're about to get achievement 132:
1. Don't buy but get all upgs before it.
2. Make sure to beat .
3. Enter the , if 1 and 2 is done.
4. Reach 1 Pm to get this. If you can't reach 1 Pm, then do this later.
5. This applies to ALL modes.
why did I think this was based off Circle Grinding Incremental's distance incremental at first 😂😂😂
I actually can't get rick rolled because youtube won't respond lol #rickrollproof
@Hridhaan wdym?
can anyone provide advice? stuck in a weird place between . anything is appreciated!
lol +661 this session
Has a few tabs where it not quite mobile friendly. Some tabs are scrollable and some aren't, can turn landscape for last 2 columns in time reversal to see them. But for something longer than that it can get cut off like the stadium challenges. You'll have to open original to see them.
Perfect speed of where each upgrade feels perfectly balanced until endgame
how to complete 132nd achivement? i did what it said but it doesnt work
@bdh2022 doesnt work :/
extremre dream💀
45 min for tier 3 hell nah
"nah, extreme dream is impossible"
the 34th achivement:🗿
I got jumpscared by infinity tab twice