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comments for Immortality Idle

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HalfX August 12, 2023
+14comment score: 14

My 2nd highest aptitude is for Toughness, 60. My Highest is for Charisma, 6200. I am fairly sure this is not the intended way to play

galaxyuser63274 countest March 11, 2024
+11comment score: 11

What the hell am I supposed to do

Nap September 8, 2023
+7comment score: 7

Nope That exactly how you play it@HalfX

RomanQrr April 26, 2024
+6comment score: 6

New update is nice, but:

1. Discord link doesn't work.

2. Equipment panel where you can see what armor and weapons you have equipped is missing entirely.

2.5. Because of the 2, the default layout differs from the one before the movable panels patch.

3. The buttons for plan presets are missing.

4. The board size where you can move the panels is huge and unnecessary. It needs to find the right most and bottom most points the player is using and cut the board dimensions to it with maybe some margin. Or at least give players an option to enable this.

5. (non-crucial) The resizing of the panels is only available at the bottom left corner, making it awkward to manipulate the panels into the places I would want them to go.

This is a huge step forward and is amazing just how much you were able to do already. I know this because I've been trying to write something similar about a month ago. Keep at it. You are doing great.

Shreeze January 22, 2024
+4comment score: 4

Awesome game! The only thing I'm wondering is, does anyone know what achievements unlock auto merge weapons and auto equip weapons and also how to get those achievements? With armor it was super easy, you only needed to equip a full set and wear rough-level armor. But I dual-wielded weapons and got a weapon to tier 100 and still nothing.

RomanQrr May 18, 2024
+4comment score: 4

For those who want to play this, but not the latest update, there's been another listing for this game at an earlier patch before the AI art and the layout changes.

Also for those who are stuck there is a github for the game where you can look up things. The files you want are "activity.service" and "achivement.service". Github had a great search feature and the code is largely readable.

yeet counter November 25, 2024
+3comment score: 3

Pro tip: to progress, you will have to do odd jobs until you unlock other things. Keep in mind that most players will lose money when they do this and still have to perform/beg once in a while.

shadyartube November 15, 2023
+3comment score: 3

after like 2 or 3 days of normal/hard mode i turned on easy mode which now i can even have followers with like Billions of physical stats what is the different if i grinded on normal do i have to regret what i have done?

dysiode donator May 3, 2024
+3comment score: 3

Came back to this after a long break and there's two things
1. The activities are all hidden (literally "display: none;" in the CSS) for some reason so it's literally unplayable in it's current state
2. I have to say the new layout system is... a great idea, but poorly executed. All the extra space means scrollbars for days, the widgets themselves aren't responsible (the health widget, for example, can't be made any more narrow or it cuts off), and it really just assumes you're playing on a massive screen.

The changelog says to add "classic" to the url to get the old design back, but that of course is impossible on Galaxy

Sovereign July 11, 2023
+3comment score: 3

I have so much charisma you'd think I could talk my way into getting a discount...

N3rdSpeed April 25, 2024
+2comment score: 2

for that one dude mad abt not being able to buy walls
upgrade to a house dumbass

ArcherTurtle April 27, 2024
+2comment score: 2

Could have potential, but the popovers appearing below the help icons doesn't work for me. They're obscured by my cursor and I can't read them.

fettschwanz July 12, 2023
+2comment score: 2

@Sovereign - are you new to incrementals? I've been playing for a couple of days and my lifespan is 3 digits

Maxisverycool555 December 15, 2024
+2comment score: 2

I played this before in roblox- its so similar-

Despacitoian May 2, 2024
+2comment score: 2

i currently start with 1262 charisma and every other stat less than 1.5

i cant help but feel something mayyyy be wrong with my gameplay

rapidemboar July 12, 2023
+2comment score: 2

Pretty good first impression, though I do wish there were more options to pause the schedule. My HP drops like a rock if I run out of money while fast-forwarding everything in banked time and I die before I can even react.

Omegacore2023 July 5, 2023
+2comment score: 2


Bingus July 8, 2023
+1comment score: 1

How do i start increasing my lifespan?

NotACommunist March 5, 2024
+1comment score: 1

what comes after cabbage?

fettschwanz July 10, 2023
0comment score: 0

"how to get walls" -Upgrade your house. "How do i start increasing my lifespan?" -Increase your stats, your lifespan is slowly gonna increase.