comments for Incremenergy
sort: go backwhat's next? Energy^energy?
Neat game. Rather short, though.
pretty cool game
Nice short game to relax.
what the hell
Fun game
such a good game
im stuck on fortune and i have no idea what to do
nvm lol i just exited the fortune now im sorta stuck on constellations
anyone know what to do for the stars? im currently on black hole and idek what im doing lol
Im stuck at 11 stars idk what to do (very long timewall?)
on stars
Cool game. Completed it without any problem in 2 days
{{getUnlockText()}} ({{format(getUnlockProgress()*100)}}%)
You have {{format(}} Energy{{format(tmp.en.exp)}}
Due to Energy Overflow, your Energy is being divided by {{format(tmp.en.divPerSec)}} every second.
Autosave: {{player.autosave?"ON":"OFF"}}Offline Time: {{player.offTime?"ON":"OFF"}}
Completed Goals: {{player.hideComplGoals?"HIDDEN":"SHOWN"}}
The Energy mechanic works like this: You generate 1 Base Energy/sec, then it's raised to the power of the exponent shown.
Positive Karma = Higher chance of getting more Gifts. Negative Karma = Higher chance of getting less Gifts.
Goals: {{formatWhole(player.goals.length)}} / {{formatWhole(total_goal_count)}}
Req: {{goal_data[x].reqDisplay}}
Progress: {{hasGoal(x)?"COMPLETE":(format(Decimal.mul(goal_data[x].progress(), 100))+"%")}}
You have {{format(}} Super-Energy{{format(tmp.sup.exp)}}
Cost: {{formatWhole(auto_data[x].cost)}} Super-Energy
Level: {{formatWhole(player.upgs[x])}} + {{format(tmp.en.upgs[x].extra)}}
Currently: {{energyUpgs[x].displayEff()}}
Cost: {{format(tmp.en.upgs[x].cost)}} Energy
You have {{format(}} Super-Energy{{format(tmp.sup.exp)}}, which adds {{format(tmp.sup.enEff)}} levels to the first 3 Energy Upgrades.
You have supercharged your Energy {{formatWhole(player.sup.times)}} times.
Supercharge your Energy to gain {{formatWhole(tmp.sup.gain)}} base Super-Energy, and to increase the Super-Energy exponent by {{format(tmp.sup.expInc)}}.
Req: Energy exponent of {{formatWhole(12)}}
Level: {{formatWhole(player.sup.upgs[x])}} + {{format(tmp.sup.upgs[x].extra)}}
Currently: {{superUpgs[x].displayEff()}}
Cost: {{format(tmp.sup.upgs[x].cost)}} Super-Energy
You have {{format(}} Mega-Energy{{format(tmp.mega.exp)}}, which adds {{format(tmp.mega.enEff)}} to the Energy & Super-Energy exponents.
You have {{formatWhole(player.mega.factories)}} Mega Factories, which increase the Mega-Energy exponent by {{format(tmp.mega.factoryEff)}}.
Sacrifice all previous progress to build a Mega Factory.
Req: Energy exponent of {{formatWhole(tmp.mega.req)}}
Cost: {{format(megaUpgs[x].cost)}} Mega-Energy
+{{formatWhole(tmp.skills[x].xpGain)}} XP (next at {{format(nextXP(x))}} {{skill_data[x].basedOn}})
Level: {{formatWhole(tmp.skills[x].lvl)}} (Next: {{formatWhole(tmp.skills[x].next)}} more XP)
You have {{format(}} Hyper-Energy{{format(tmp.hyper.exp)}}, which makes Energy Overflow {{format(tmp.hyper.enEff.times(100))}}% weaker, and adds {{format(tmp.hyper.enEff2)}} to all previous Energy exponents.
You have split {{formatWhole(player.hyper.splitAtoms)}} atoms, which adds {{format(tmp.hyper.powerToExp)}} to the Hyper-Energy exponent.
You have put all your energies into the Hypertube {{formatWhole(player.hyper.times)}} times.
Put all your Energies into the Hypertube to split {{formatWhole(tmp.hyper.gain)}} atoms.
Req: Energy exponent of {{formatWhole(6e8)}}
WARNING: Each Hyper Upgrade level decreases the Hyper-Energy exponent by {{format(tmp.hyper.upgDecExp)}}. (Currently: -{{format(tmp.hyper.totalUpgs.times(tmp.hyper.upgDecExp))}})
Reset Hyper Upgrades
Level: {{formatWhole(player.hyper.upgs[x])}} + {{format(tmp.hyper.upgs[x].extra)}}
Currently: {{hyperUpgs[x].displayEff()}}
Cost: {{format(tmp.hyper.upgs[x].cost)}} Hyper-Energy
You have {{format(}} Fortune Energy{{format(tmp.fortune.exp)}}
Your best Energy exponent in an Unfortunate run is {{format(player.fortune.furthest)}}, which adds {{format(tmp.fortune.furthestToExp)}} to the Fortune Energy exponent.
{{("Exit this Unfortunate run.":"Start an Unfortunate run, which square roots all Energy exponents."}}
You have {{formatWhole(}} Gifts, which multi
there is something so satisfying about watching numbers go up