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comments for The Gaming Tree

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CrimsonFrost July 11, 2023
+15comment score: 15

The pacing in this is ABYSMAL, if I couldnt hold enter to spam actions I'd have ended it all right then and there. I want to like the themes but it feels like I'm going nowhere constantly. If this is meant to replicate the worst parts of an MMO with almost none of the good, congratulations. You did it.

Mantus July 10, 2023
+14comment score: 14

1) Your 250 slimes achievement doesn't work. 2) There's no indication of when the Boss layer unlocks, so you don't know how much of a wall you have to grind through. 3) You need to rework passive income to make it more powerful than holding down enter, or, better yet, just make all damage passively generated.

horosphere July 10, 2023
+10comment score: 10

No achievement for killing 250 innocent slimes. Can only assume all the slimes I've butchered after the first were not, in fact, innocent. Tsk.

smileyrandom July 11, 2023
+7comment score: 7

Not a bad concept but it'd benefit greatly from having the next upgrades be visible (show each one after buying the previous, maybe?)

Shinwmyste gamedev July 12, 2023
+5comment score: 5

Add a tip in XP layer
“Hold the button”

yhvr owner July 27, 2023
+5comment score: 5

Doesn't appear to be working for me? I've reloaded multiple times

Uncaught TypeError: tmp.t is undefined at mod.js:222

Asenath July 10, 2023
+3comment score: 3

although it goes well with the adventure theme I wish there was a hint of some sort on when the next thing is unlocked. All in all a good tree so far.

Pennwick December 7, 2023
+3comment score: 3

I seem to be having some sort of bug when trying to increase the quantity in the forge. Whenever I try to increase the quantity of the recipe it goes back to just x1 on the next frame. This even happens when I upped my capacity to 20 with the Bronze Plantings upgrade. Is there some upgrade I'm missing or am I hitting a bug? The forge page says that my capacity should be 10. Its really slowing things down.

As critique for the game itself I initially dropped it due to the high activity levels required at the start. Gave it another shot recently and once I got a bunch of clock upgrades going you can finally stop needing to hold down the attack button. It'd be nice if that could be boosted somehow a bit earlier but it works passably now.

developer response: That's weird, can you send me your save?

TheAcidicToxic9 July 29, 2023
+3comment score: 3

the boss challenges can be so annoying at times not bc of the challenges itself but when im trying to do a mini and relic challenge i suddenly get pulled into one undoing all the progress i did with that other challenge

selemene31 August 10, 2023
+2comment score: 2

misfortune missing stuff

H3draut3r counter September 14, 2023
+2comment score: 2

oh.... ffs..... GREAT.... autosave wasn't saving.... did hit 3 coins and almost close to level 5.... and then overnight, windows kicked in for updates..... and i lost everything -.-
Allright.... time to cheat my way back to the content i was

downvoid tester September 5, 2023
+2comment score: 2

the game is broken it won't load

developer response: Can you send me your save?

bagelbits December 5, 2023
+2comment score: 2

Game broke in the middle of the third miniboss when I did a coin reset and bought a bunch of things. I can't access my save anymore but this is the error in the console:
recipe.consumes[(+index)] is not iterable

developer response: Can you send me your save?

Edit: Should be fixed

savagex December 6, 2023
+2comment score: 2

i have the same error in console ( recipe.consumes[(+index)] is not iterable ) in freezer.js. How do i send the save?

ive gotten the same error twice right when i finish off 1000 goblins and unlock the goblin ceo boss.

developer response: Open your browser's console, select The Gaming Tree as evaluation context, type localStorage.thegamingtreev3 and copy the value

Edit: Should be fixed

eerosiuh counter December 7, 2023
+2comment score: 2

Mom! I'm a true gamer now!

lingluo July 11, 2023
+2comment score: 2

Mining is completely useless during first boss, it always got reset by row 2 layers before I could get the 50 stone upgrade

Lustre July 27, 2023
+2comment score: 2

Game doesn't work

unicodes gamedev December 31, 2023
+2comment score: 2

man i want to make tree games like this
can someone teach me how to make games like this?

Peconpie10 September 5, 2023
+2comment score: 2

game broke when importing save after getting 3 coins.

developer response: I've fixed the issue

vvc donator July 28, 2023
+2comment score: 2

if you have your save backed up (do it!) pressing "play again" and losing your progress allowed the page to work.