comments for Lost in Space
sort: go backA little early for me to give a full judgment, but I admit that I am invested. I got really stressed out for a while, barely being able to keep going at times but finally making it to the Oxygen Room's door... Only to immediately realize I didn't have the resources to make it in without dying. Fast forward probably another half-an-hour of playing and I did finally succumb to the lack of oxygen. Now, this may be because I often don't read when starting a game for the first time, in a flippant, "Who reads manuals anyway," sort of fashion, but I didn't actually expect a prestige system and thought that would be the end of things. As such, I took that run very slowly, finding the game at times to be tedious yet rewarding with its system making every action precious rather than incentivizing me to just go fast. It's imperfect, as all game jam games tend to be, but man do I really like what I see here so far. It will take me some time (a lot of time because I'm not always focusing on it) to get further than I did on my first run, but I do get the feeling, what with this being a game jam game, that I'll be left at the end wanting more. And perhaps some refinement of the idea. But with the novel mechanics and fun design, this may become one of my favorites alongside the likes of other unusual incrementals such as The Junkyard and Peter Talisman.
I really like the concept, was hooked as soon as I figured out the basics. Tedious, yes, but satisfying.
- Losing oxygen by clicking on nothingness (no meaningful interaction) and changing rooms is extremely punitive and takes away from the fun of exploring the game. It's specially frustrating on people who may have motor issues or other disabilities that make them more prone to misclicks (or just someone with bad memory when it comes to where something is/how much they need).
- We should be able to select the amount we want to craft in the Crafting Room. Some times you may not want to spend minutes and your entire stock to craft 500 of something when we only need 100, but clicking 100 times manually would be a chore.
Otherwise really neat game, I enjoyed the novel mechanics.
been playing, its super grindy but i like it
one huge tip that will help you is CONNECT YOUR SPACESHIP WITH AN ENERGY GRID KIT trust me it will save you
dam it no longer loads in my pc and is just a grey / blue screen
Towards the end of my first attempt, I assumed there would be a light prestige/reincarnation mechanic when I died, since that made sense. But I didn't google to find out. End result: I played my first run wondering if I would have an afterlife & afraid of dying.
In other words, most realistic incremental game ever.
Just beat it, 7h 34m with 0 deaths.
It's fun, I really enjoyed it. You have limited resources and it really requires some planning and prioritization.
Expanded oxygen tanks is a really nice upgrade to get early since each oxygen refill still brings you up by 50% of max, so you get more out of each use. A couple of each efficiency upgrade is enough until the late game, then focus on solving puzzles (in a separate document to minimize trips).
Once you get through the early game (around when you open the battery room), it gets a lot easier to optimize resource usage - the upgrade which allows you to recharge energy wirelessly (first buy the one in the generator room, then the global one) is a massive boost to efficiency and needs to be prioritized despite the latter's high cost. Once I had the global upgrade (and had connected all my rooms to the grid), I opened the last 3 rooms and won without using a single oxygen tank or even using the oxygen room's refills because it's such a force multiplier - being able to make infinite items in a single click is massive. You can get all the efficiency upgrades in just a couple of clicks at that point.
Really fun, though. I like this sort of concept and progression. Good job.
The game is just a grey screen?
i do not have the brain power to figure out the water puzzle in the crafting room so im kindajust doing nothing important now
It seems like all the stars will have lower energy when you mine them, and production is affected by energy left. It took a long time to get just a little bit of energy at the end.
Great game. Clean and fun. Felt a lot like crank in a lot of ways. Took about 6 hours to complete. Good balance and great feeling incremental. Early game is a little grindy but late game automation makes up for it. I wish propulsion reroll was more forgiving, but it really only mattered for the last room. I don't have any negative things to say about this game. It's rare to get a fully complete incremental from a game Jam. Great job definitely one of the best I've played.
Such is a unique piece of idle game.
Ah darn. Export/import doesn't work yet.
Maybe I'll try again tomorrow, not feeling it right now.
developer response: Huh, it isn't? I tested it during development, and it worked fine. Can you send an exported save?
UPD: ah, I see, it does not work inside iframe. You can "Open original" and export-import there.
Really fun idea! It's a game jam game so the balance is definitely off. It took me ~1.5 days of in-game time and 3 deaths to beat it. I highly recommend using a sudoku solver like this: there's just no reason to have to solve the sudoku and conserve your clicks at the same time.
i'm in spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace
i must be stupid. i cant figure out the crafting room. ive tried 100 different ways 1000 times. how do i beat this thing???????
Fun game, though you can kind of cheese or make the game easier for yourself by putting an autoclicker on at the beginning and grinding experience to effectively make oxygen a non-issue. Maybe make the experience gain time based rather than room based.
Looks like the linked site's down but you can still play it on -
nice game
It's really annoying that clicking on anything, even if it does nothing, or even clicking on the background of the game uses up oxygen.