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comments for The Upgrading Tree

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Lustre July 30, 2023
+11comment score: 11

There's too much information all at once. The beginning needs to be simplified, or parts hidden that aren't going to be used for a while. With a game called "The Upgrading Tree", I'd expect there to be little or nothing in the beginning, and then slowly more stuff is shown/added. I don't think it's a good idea to show several tabs with multiple boxes if you can't do anything with them yet.

Momm September 17, 2024
+5comment score: 5

Why did you make the changelog Chinese

NaiTaGQ July 30, 2023
+4comment score: 4

a nice game but it's little hard.

binnes July 30, 2023
+3comment score: 3

Slow start for the first few minutes but it picks up quickly and I like it so far.

binnes July 30, 2023
+3comment score: 3

Well, I exported my save and when I imported it I lost all progress, and then when I entered U1 it was just a black page. So I did a hard reset and now the game is stuck in Chinese and I cannot change it to English.

Trebar August 1, 2023
+3comment score: 3

"Exporting requires you exporting all universes' data and import meta uni first. so i don't recommend exporting."
OOF. This is a very easy thing to miss. That explains why when I imported the data that I just exported I ended up with a tooltip that said it was from another mod. When that happened, all of the progress within U1 got lost, and I can't even restart it because the node tree has disappeared even if I repurchase the P node. Is there any solution other than a hard wipe?

developer response: hmmmm try hard reset it and import again, using the correct importing steps? Don't forget meta universe data should be imported first. (or you can simply ingore this step if no progress there, but make sure you've been there once to make sure the setups right)

meta tab does not have a tree and this could be imported into universe 1...

morlan January 22, 2024
+2comment score: 2

Ill be honest - Im to dumb for this game. I managed U1 and that was really fun but in U2 I can't even get a second upgrade point.. tried everything I could imagine, but nothing worked. As I have no possibilty but to bruteforce, the waiting time for each try gets really annoying. also I think that the fifth achievement in u2 doesnt work properly?

Jeremymia June 1, 2024
+2comment score: 2

I don't usually enjoy games where you have to to pick the right set of upgrades because I find it to be a lot of trial and error. But this one is AMAZING! It feels pretty intuitive to progress. Great game.

ashton April 27, 2024
+1comment score: 1

is there a way to like change langue??

binnes July 31, 2023
+1comment score: 1

Ok I ended up fixing the blank page issue on loading a universe, I had to completely delete the site data for

Despacitoian May 10, 2024
+1comment score: 1

why did you make 5 comments saying the same thing

CheeseOverlord gamedev July 30, 2023
+1comment score: 1

I haven't gotten past Universe 1, but this mod sure has huge potential

QqQe308 August 1, 2023
+1comment score: 1

better than my every game

binnes August 1, 2023
+1comment score: 1

Buying a second booster or 3rd generator in ng- seems to halt progression and I can't figure out why. Some hidden cap?

developer response: hmmm maybe caused by less t? I didn't add cap there.
all softcaps except Upgrade Point buyables:

- General:
PU12(at 1e8)
PU13(at 4)
PU14(at 1.5)
PP effect(at 1e50)
Energy effect(at 100, 1e32, 1.79e308) hmmm this too overpowered

- Only in NG-:
Point Divisor(increases faster after it reached 64, 1e5, 1e10)
Timespeed(at 1e30)
Point Multplier(at 1e50)

No softcaps in universe 2 or meta universe. And I tried to make all these softcaps smooth.

QwQe308 gamedev July 31, 2023
+1comment score: 1

ok v1.02 pushed, early game will include less information now. (might need refresh after a while)

unicodes gamedev May 2, 2024
+1comment score: 1

Point = f(t) = 1.75 * t^0.65
t = 9.90 (+ 1 /s)

incremental_gamer contributor July 31, 2023
+1comment score: 1

Some suggestions I would make:
1. consolidate all of the trees into 1 tree, it's easier to navigate and to export saves
2. Like Lustre said, hide information that's not immediately relevant so there aren't 5140802948 confusing buttons to see
3. In the Automation layer in u1, if you can't afford something it's actually greyed out, not the pink it says

Overall, great incremental game that isn't about spamming the first button that you see.

binnes August 1, 2023
+1comment score: 1

@QwQe308 It must be something like that, I'm a bit later now and I can buy boosters and generators just fine. I did notice at first when I had the issue my points per second was showing a negative decimal, like around -0.55xxxx and slowly climbing toward zero (however my actual points were increasing still). I'm not sure at what point this changed but it now starts in the positive.

@Trebar I ran into this as well and a hard reset would not even fix it. I had to wipe the site data in my browser for

developer response: Maybe divisor increased a bit faster than point at that period? i tested again and it didn't occur. Interesting.

niccolozy August 2, 2023
+1comment score: 1

v1.02 there's a bug in universe 2, exchangedUnstableU1P is undefined in player.u.
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'gt') keeps being raised at line 220 of u.js in console as long as the U node is opened
Can't get the upgrade point properly from the reset either.

developer response: ok i will check it.
fixed. Thanks for reporting!

QwQe308 gamedev July 31, 2023
+1comment score: 1

thanks for suggesting! i will push a minor update soon.
for exporting and language issues, see the "TIPS" in the game description.