The Upgrading Tree

50 ratings
Posted July 30, 2023. Updated August 3, 2023. Played 2288 times for a total of 3452 hours.
A complex tree which will be upgraded on your own.
This game could be hard(especially unlocking generator upgs), and feel free to chat about solutions. Solutions are usually not unique.
Hugely strategy based, don't play it if you want to find a simple idle
Change language in Meta Universe's settings.(this page shows first when you entered the game)
SOME EXPLORERS MIGHT NOT SUPPORTED. if changing language does not work, meta universe cant get data, that means it couldn't work in this explorer.
Exporting requires you exporting all universes' data and import meta uni first. so i don't recommend exporting.
May no new content update as I'm working for a new game. Reported bugs will still be fixed but usually not immediately because of my schoolwork.
Feel free to report text bugs or others.
Github source code:
latest update
minor update August 3, 2023
fixed "exchangedUnstableU1P" error in universe 2.
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Progress has been slow, but I've managed to make progress up until now. I just cannot seem to get the generator upgrade 35. I can make all of the numbers prime numbers, but then as soon as I try to get 999 generator points, it's no longer a prime number, and will not work.
Why did you make the changelog Chinese
I don't usually enjoy games where you have to to pick the right set of upgrades because I find it to be a lot of trial and error. But this one is AMAZING! It feels pretty intuitive to progress. Great game.
why did you make 5 comments saying the same thing
top comments
There's too much information all at once. The beginning needs to be simplified, or parts hidden that aren't going to be used for a while. With a game called "The Upgrading Tree", I'd expect there to be little or nothing in the beginning, and then slowly more stuff is shown/added. I don't think it's a good idea to show several tabs with multiple boxes if you can't do anything with them yet.
Why did you make the changelog Chinese
a nice game but it's little hard.
"Exporting requires you exporting all universes' data and import meta uni first. so i don't recommend exporting."
OOF. This is a very easy thing to miss. That explains why when I imported the data that I just exported I ended up with a tooltip that said it was from another mod. When that happened, all of the progress within U1 got lost, and I can't even restart it because the node tree has disappeared even if I repurchase the P node. Is there any solution other than a hard wipe?
developer response: hmmmm try hard reset it and import again, using the correct importing steps? Don't forget meta universe data should be imported first. (or you can simply ingore this step if no progress there, but make sure you've been there once to make sure the setups right)
meta tab does not have a tree and this could be imported into universe 1...
Slow start for the first few minutes but it picks up quickly and I like it so far.