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comments for Bliss

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RomanQrr October 14, 2023
+8comment score: 8

This is already better than a lot of other incremental games, purely because the most efficient path is not quite as obvious as to be immediately boiled down to a single option, yet not so obtuse that I can't be bothered to figure it out without excel.

But this game does suffer from the same problem all your games do: they take too darn long to get anywhere, while requiring complete attention for the most efficient play.

And yeah, this ain't bliss.

developer response: Could you point me to a game where the beginning of the game is handled better? And what exactly here you feel requires your complete attention?

otterlocks October 31, 2023
+6comment score: 6

I think I've finally milked this gameplay loop for all its worth with a x281 trillion Singularity multiplier. Enjoyed it a lot :)

developer response: Thank you for playing! <3

Icecreamdude tester October 14, 2023
+6comment score: 6

also make it more indicative when you hit the ceiling

Icecreamdude tester October 13, 2023
+3comment score: 3

I don't like how the currency counter is shifted all the way to the left of the screen while the upgrades are on the right, hard to navigate with my eyes. A good idea would be to center the currency text and put the upgrades under it in the center of the screen.

Electromagneta December 19, 2023
+2comment score: 2

Maybe respect for Brain thingy, and a tuto, because you can easily mess it up.

windy October 13, 2023
+2comment score: 2

this has only entertained me for 5 seconds the description is false advertising

UserDidntUnderstand October 13, 2023
+2comment score: 2

Question to louigi: Whats endgame????

developer response: Singularity. It then acts as a meta-prestige

sharpnova October 17, 2023
+1comment score: 1

re: dev - that sounds great. glad you're responding to people's feedback, i appreciate that a lot

sharpnova October 21, 2023
+1comment score: 1

It would be nice if you didn't have the game just scroll to the new buyables as soon as they unlock. I'm sick of accidentally buying something that isn't useful yet just because the game forced it under my cursor while I was rapidly clicking something else.

developer response: This is strange! When releasing this version I made sure that when a new module appears, it appears minimized.

Strictly speaking, the game doesn't scroll, you just get a new block appear and move everything else down.

But please tell me if the new modules appear minimized when they get unlocked.

sharpnova October 22, 2023
+1comment score: 1

Yep they're minimized now. I haven't refreshed in a few days so I hadn't gotten the new update. That's much better, thanks

sharpnova October 23, 2023
+1comment score: 1

Where are "fire seeds"? I saw that mentioned by another commenter here. I peek at this game once or twice a day in one of my side tabs and I've gotten 16X global multiplier from that singularity/four-locks reset tier. But I don't see any sign of some other level of prestige with "volcano breathers" "fire seeds" etc.

developer response: That commenter was talking about my other game Incremental Fortress

unicodes gamedev May 2, 2024
+1comment score: 1

Bliss: there's nothing left
reference: ?

Lustre October 13, 2023
+1comment score: 1

I don't know how this guy manages to do it, but every game he makes it really unappealing visually.

developer response: I wish you were more specific. Especially given that your claim is about every game of mine, which feature very different visual styles. Do you really dislike every one of them? Why? What can I do to improve my interfaces? Or is it just a matter of taste?

dudial October 14, 2023
+1comment score: 1

I like your games, since 'million bananas' a few years ago.
Some guys are just strange, i bet they would celebrate you if you would pump out a tree mod :)

Keep it going. You are a true dev: own code, ideas and games.

developer response: Thank you for the kind words, it does mean a great deal to me.

xdkristof countest April 30, 2024
+1comment score: 1

"you haven't seen shit" 😭

RomanQrr October 15, 2023
+1comment score: 1

developer response: Could you point me to a game where the beginning of the game is handled better? And what exactly here you feel requires your complete attention?

I haven't said anything bad about your beginning. Quite the opposite in fact. But for other good starts I can point towards the two currently top rated games on this site: Shark Game and The First Alterhistorian. Both have a nice core of mystery while also providing a great introduction to the resource flow they use.

As for what requires my constant attention, that would be the ceiling upping until I buy the batman upgrade, then the Flying Brain upgrades. It takes just long enough not to be immediate but just short enough that I can't switch to other tasks without loosing efficiency. And I can't configure an autoclicker for the Flying Brain upgrades because if you are not buying the most efficient one you have to wait longer to catch up.

IncrementalKing May 24, 2024
+1comment score: 1

this takes so long, ill play some more and hope it speeds up but for now it's so slow

unicodes gamedev May 5, 2024
+1comment score: 1

also i have 2€
what does that mean

QX_423 October 13, 2023
+1comment score: 1

always looking forward to a new louigi incremental game :D

developer response: Thank you! <3

sharpnova October 17, 2023
+1comment score: 1

I was enjoying this until I unlocked Moon and it was just some offline mechanics. I HATE when incrementals design mechanics around offline progress. I play games perpetually open in a window in a corner of a side monitor. And even if I didn't, I could care less about offline progress anyway. Either it's identical to online progress and therefore mechanically boring and irrelevant, or it's worse and a penalty. Or it's weirdly better in some games and then that makes the game SUPER pointless because you'd rather have the game closed than open. It is a REALLY bad and outdated mechanic (anything to do with offline progress) and it needs to die.

What a huge disappointment.

developer response: I was convinced by a player on my Discord that the mechanic is outdated (she brought up a number of good reasons, as you do too), so I made offline available by default (it's already available right now). And I'll have the Moon do a slightly different thing - add +1% to the rate with every purchase.

Thank you for playing!