comments for The Fame Tree
sort: go backStill feel like the passive Interaction gain could be 10% instead of 1%. I don't notice the existence of the 1% gain when I actually need more interactions, only notice its existence after already completing all the karma milestones and upgrades. The subscribers double interaction count, alleviating the issue a bit.
developer response: it used to be 10% but I thought it was causing too many balancing issues
new update might change that
Cool tree, with big numbers!
developer response: im kinda scared, how big did your numbers get
The game was fun, but it gets very repetitive at interactions, karma layer. And row 3 is extremely repetitive, I think this should be fixed by reducing requirements. I chose followers first by the way.
Really good TMT mod.
Game has loading error for me
my interaction fame requirment didnt become e12 and stayed at e15 at 100 total interactions :((
Looks like that 1% passive interaction gain never got increased, shame.
Like, by the point that becomes active you can do an interaction reset about once a second (if not slightly more) so playing active for 10 seconds is roughly equal to one thousand seconds of passive production.
Seems good so far, I think the "ULTIMATE RIZZ" achievement is broken? Doesn't seem to have improved my interaction gain at all.
developer response: so you know how it takes 1e15 fame to get interactions? that achievement makes it only cost 1e3 to get it. it isn't meant for getting more interactions, it's meant for making interactions cheaper so you can reset for them faster.
A little too slow for my tasteright now but definitely well made. It feels like maybe the game is a bit overbalanced towards the late game and that makes the early game quite slow. Honestly if the game was maybe 5-10% faster overall I'd be happy. It's interesting though, and the different branches feel unique rather than just being "the next thing". I'll keep checking for updates!
Game seems unrealistic, I lose popularity every day, I don't gain it.
@lustre not sure why you think the upgrade would do that, it doesnt say "get 50 viewers per tick"
After getting subscribers and unlocking followers, you lose all your subscribers (making it inaccesible aswell) while the costs for followers are still as if you have choosen it after subscribers. Meaning its pretty much impossible to progress anymore
developer response: you do not lose subscribers, I hid the layer away cuz u aren't meant to get subscribers in that time
i need someone to tell me why i need to play without offline progress
developer response: the game is designed like that, it's not a requirement, just a suggestion
Bit of an issue where if you push interaction the price rises slower than the production increases. Eventually you reach inflation and the numbers go into F notation everywhere.
developer response: I added a softcap to the interaction effect so it should be less of a problem. I'm really sorry about what happened.
v wait what the hell they have spoilers now that's new
Will not load for me
developer response: that's not a bug on my end so idk why that happens
For anyone confused, you need to get the first viewer buyable once in order for the viewer effect to work. Should be changed, or at least clarified to the player, since if you don't get that buyable it makes the first few viewer prestiges very slow
developer response: pushed a fix that shows what to do
thanks for letting me know lol
im not having the loading error everyone else is getting 🤷
developer response: that's my point, I'm not sure what's going on
I don't think the beginning's right?
0.2 base popularity gain (Exist & Post-Existence) * 2.5 (Growth) should be .5, but my actual gain is .37?
And the first Viewer seemingly provides no bonus.
developer response: you are very correct lol. I coded the start of the game with awful js knowledge, but it's balanced isn't it?
edit: looked into it, growth is added before post-existence.