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The Fame Tree


developed by

developed by jezzacozzie



77 ratings

rated 3.9 stars, 77 ratings.

Posted December 1, 2023. Updated January 11, 2025. Played 7582 times for a total of 9824 hours.


get more famous i guess

latest update

The "jezza where have you been" Update v0.4.2 January 11, 2025

  • Added 2 bars.
  • Added The Internet.
  • Added 2 achievements.
  • Fixed an interaction milestone 1 bug.
  • Added an extra message from jezzacozzie himself:
    Yeah, I know it's kind of a stretch updating this game over a year since it's last update, but I found myself with a lot of free time and nothing much to do so I thought to myself: "let's see if my coding skills have improved much" and challenged myself to make this update (also, one of my friends was practically begging for it). I know this isn't much content, but I guess seeing as it's been a year in the making it's kind of important? Anyways, you guys will have to wait another year for the next update!
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newest comments

stel346 February 14, 2025
+1comment score: 1

A little too slow for my tasteright now but definitely well made. It feels like maybe the game is a bit overbalanced towards the late game and that makes the early game quite slow. Honestly if the game was maybe 5-10% faster overall I'd be happy. It's interesting though, and the different branches feel unique rather than just being "the next thing". I'll keep checking for updates!

Mantus January 21, 2025
+1comment score: 1

I think something is wrong with the 7 follower bonus. While the buyable remains unlocked, My production lags until I actually buy the karma upgrade that unlocks it.

Termt January 12, 2025
+3comment score: 3

Looks like that 1% passive interaction gain never got increased, shame.
Like, by the point that becomes active you can do an interaction reset about once a second (if not slightly more) so playing active for 10 seconds is roughly equal to one thousand seconds of passive production.

hampterss January 11, 2025
+1comment score: 1

Thank you for the update, much appreciated!!!

Ray-man countest December 17, 2024
+1comment score: 1

I'm top 40% I might have an small addiction to this one (like 50% of my time on Galaxy was spent here)

developer response: Thats not good bro

top comments

Termt December 2, 2023
+9comment score: 9

I don't think the beginning's right?
0.2 base popularity gain (Exist & Post-Existence) * 2.5 (Growth) should be .5, but my actual gain is .37?
And the first Viewer seemingly provides no bonus.

developer response: you are very correct lol. I coded the start of the game with awful js knowledge, but it's balanced isn't it?

edit: looked into it, growth is added before post-existence.

Termt January 7, 2024
+7comment score: 7

Still feel like the passive Interaction gain could be 10% instead of 1%. I don't notice the existence of the 1% gain when I actually need more interactions, only notice its existence after already completing all the karma milestones and upgrades. The subscribers double interaction count, alleviating the issue a bit.

developer response: it used to be 10% but I thought it was causing too many balancing issues
new update might change that

bdh2022 January 20, 2024
+6comment score: 6

The game was fun, but it gets very repetitive at interactions, karma layer. And row 3 is extremely repetitive, I think this should be fixed by reducing requirements. I chose followers first by the way.

UserDidntUnderstand December 2, 2023
+5comment score: 5

Cool tree, with big numbers!

developer response: im kinda scared, how big did your numbers get

Mystery7520 December 1, 2023
+5comment score: 5

Really good TMT mod.

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