The Fame Tree
developed by jezzacozzie | rated 4.0 stars, 52 ratings.
52 ratings
rated 4.0 stars, 52 ratings.
Posted December 1, 2023. Updated January 7, 2024. Played 3818 times for a total of 4764 hours.
get more famous i guess
latest update
Bugfixes v0.4.1 February 3, 2024
- Nerfed costs of advertisements when grinding for karma milestone 5
- Added an interaction milestone
newest comments
How to get hyperinflation
my save got wiped
e1e100 = Googolplex
No worries i was talking about the endgame Hyperinflation
developer response: lol i was scared
Galaxy user's worst nightmare : Hyperinflation.
developer response: where???????? im scared now
top comments
I don't think the beginning's right?
0.2 base popularity gain (Exist & Post-Existence) * 2.5 (Growth) should be .5, but my actual gain is .37?
And the first Viewer seemingly provides no bonus.
developer response: you are very correct lol. I coded the start of the game with awful js knowledge, but it's balanced isn't it?
edit: looked into it, growth is added before post-existence.
The game was fun, but it gets very repetitive at interactions, karma layer. And row 3 is extremely repetitive, I think this should be fixed by reducing requirements. I chose followers first by the way.
Really good TMT mod.
Cool tree, with big numbers!
developer response: im kinda scared, how big did your numbers get
Still feel like the passive Interaction gain could be 10% instead of 1%. I don't notice the existence of the 1% gain when I actually need more interactions, only notice its existence after already completing all the karma milestones and upgrades. The subscribers double interaction count, alleviating the issue a bit.
developer response: it used to be 10% but I thought it was causing too many balancing issues
new update might change that