comments for The Silly Caverns
sort: go backShould add ores between 1/100 and 1/750k ... there is a bit too big hole.
this game is awesome i have 284 mil blocks mined in the roblox one and this one is fun to leave playing when i play other games u just need to add ores between 1:100 1:750k and give a buff to crypt smasher the jump from it to any other pick is very big thats all i have to say
• 2024/02/26
Very addictive, and a game to play in the background in your browser while playing a different game!
Man. I did not know there was a sound effect for the hearts and stuff when i first started playing. Imagine my surprise when i found that button AFTER actually texting my neighbors "are you guys hearing that loud boom?? is there construction or something?" smdh
Can we get illogical randomizer to tell us which ore it buffs and by how much? Maybe limit the ore it buffs to the layer you are in also.
you should add a setting that only shows ores from what location you are in so you can navigate your ore inventory better
tutorial how to play :
9.craft something bad lol
10.repeat everything above.
anyways, 5/5
The new update makes it extremely difficult to tell where each ore is mined. If I click on an ore, it no longer shows an icon of the ore it's mined under at the top. A couple of the new UI elements are much harder to navigate around with, too. The pop-out mining list is in the way and too easy to close and too annoying to bring back up again. Otherwise, the rest of the changes seem nice.
REx but browser and not ridiculously laggy? nice
developer response: I try very hard to make sure performance is good :3
would be nice to automatically convert explosive / radioactive / electric ores
I hope at some point we can have a lot more fissions and crafts please amber(:
caves spawn randomly when mining if you have geode staff (if your in w1) or cavern capacitator (in w2)
We need dark mode
Also I have never played the original game so uhh yeah this might be a weird ride for me but I'll work it out
The abilities (for example, Terrestrial Terror or Illogical Randomiser) are not activated automatically regardless of the "Allow Auto?" toggle.
really like the game, dont know why its getting rated as such a low score, but that could be from people not understanding the "concept" of these luck based games
heres a tip for some new (or experienced) players that are having troubles with a system that isnt yet/cant be implemented
"When i alt tab the game doesnt run, any fix?":
Theres a loophole you can do by turning on music and just letting it mine (i dont use but i use the website it originally came from so no idea if the same system works here) the music acts as a way for the tab (and all the code in the website) to keep running even though its out of focus!
how do i get SEVEN WOOD but NO MAPLE LEAF
lets just say that by the time you finish this game youll probably have level 40 on
Jxe, the "God of the mine" ore spawns in all layers where the w1 commons spawn (so no silly/flute layer). But you need a variant of gotm that requires a craftable from a water "subworld". How to get there:
Plus SW1 takes abysmally long to get anywhere
Cool Game! I think that naming more things would give more impact to getting new upgrades, make them more easy to differentiate between, and also make it seem less bland 🙃