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The Silly Caverns


developed by

developed by ambwuwu gamedev



543 ratings

rated 4.2 stars, 543 ratings.

Posted December 10, 2023. Updated January 10, 2025. Played 106789 times for a total of 540233 hours.


Start your journey from nothing and craft your way to the most overpowered pickaxes to ever exist! Collect ores ranging from 1/30 to over 1/1,000,000,000,000,000!
Inspired by

latest update

January 10, 2025

Hi everyone, this is the final update I will be making to the game! I appreciate you all being here, you've been an amazing community. ILY all <3
There will be updates if someone else takes over development, just dm me if you want to.
As I mentioned in a previous announcement, I will be shifting to developing for Portgee's Caverns on Roblox full time now, please consider playing!
If there are terrible game breaking bugs, ping me and I'll fix them but that is all I will do

  • 1 New Pickaxe
  • 1 New Gear
  • Changes to an orb ability
  • 6 new ores
  • Buffed Cat Eye rarity (4m -> 10m)
  • Implemented intercept revamp
  • Variants now have a hue shift applied to them along with their glow, making them truly unique now (apart from black, white, or gray ores, the hue change does nothing to them lol)
    (for some reason, the glow for normal ores doesn't apply unless you have the base emojis, or your screen is smaller than normal LMAO im so confused)
  • Bug Fixes
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newest comments

Wrab today
+1comment score: 1

Jxe you can see all important polychromatical ores in ore index after you unlock them. You can't find them if they don't show up in index.

Jxe today
+1comment score: 1

For people who has all normal four galactica gears and pickaxes,

The1AndTheOnly February 7, 2025
+1comment score: 1

I found a bug, once you get the

bob_storm countest February 1, 2025
+1comment score: 1

(for null chroma)

bob_storm countest February 1, 2025
-1comment score: -1

I'm about to smash my head into my computer I swear to god. WHY IS THE SECOND CELESTIAL NEED TO BE MINED WITH THE KEY AHHHHHHHHHHHH

top comments

EndlesSky December 12, 2023
+52comment score: 52

Cool Game! I think that naming more things would give more impact to getting new upgrades, make them more easy to differentiate between, and also make it seem less bland 🙃

Electromagneta December 14, 2023
+35comment score: 35

Should add ores between 1/100 and 1/750k ... there is a bit too big hole.

zerop February 29, 2024
+21comment score: 21

this game is awesome i have 284 mil blocks mined in the roblox one and this one is fun to leave playing when i play other games u just need to add ores between 1:100 1:750k and give a buff to crypt smasher the jump from it to any other pick is very big thats all i have to say

• 2024/02/26

sebastiano123 December 21, 2023
+19comment score: 19

Very addictive, and a game to play in the background in your browser while playing a different game!

daniel March 19, 2024
+13comment score: 13

Man. I did not know there was a sound effect for the hearts and stuff when i first started playing. Imagine my surprise when i found that button AFTER actually texting my neighbors "are you guys hearing that loud boom?? is there construction or something?" smdh

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