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The Silly Caverns

developed by ambwuwu gamedev
rated 4.1 stars, 314 ratings
rated 4.1 stars, 314 ratings

Posted December 10, 2023. Updated July 23, 2024. Played 33651 times for a total of 163409 hours.


Start your journey from nothing and craft your way to the most overpowered pickaxes to ever exist! Collect ores ranging from 1/30 to over 1/1,000,000,000,000,000!
Inspired by

latest update

July 23, 2024

  • Rebalanced the commons (and some rares) for all World 2 recipes
  • Added 2 new World 2 gears to hopefully make it not feel so slow
  • Bug Fixes :3c

After claiming your prize from the depths of the oceans, you get the feeling that the God you've always known might not be the true God of this world... it is imperative that you find the true God, as it will be needed for the continuation of your journey...

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newest comments

Acamaeda July 26, 2024
+1comment score: 1

It would be nice if there was some form of offline progress (maybe it gives you a temporary rarity boost for rare things and amount boost for common things)

MarcElAcoplao July 24, 2024
+1comment score: 1

Damn, I still remember the times where a 1 in 1bil base rarity used to be rare... Nowadays the description doesn't lie, you need to reach the 1/1,000,000,000,000,000 ores and it's just so insane how far this game has reached [loved every single new rarest I've achieved so far and that are yet to come]

Sven July 24, 2024
+2comment score: 2

I like the game on long work days.
-Is there a website to learn about the game such as subrealms and their purpose and should I do that realm as soon as it unlocks or should I keep at World 1?
-Maple leafs - 2 8 hour days and none. I was using geode staff/rng man./makeshift accel.. I am using powerups 1, 3, 4 as often an I can remember.
-When hovering the mouse over the layer selection button directly under the 'teleport!' Button, it always shows brown square instead of whatever material is selected
-Do Realm1 workshop upgrades (tree of life) and other realm1 items affect world 1 & 2?
-On computer when I close browser and open it the next day, I lose the discovered layers down below and the teleport to them. Is this on purpose, to only get to those layers in a single playing session?

UnashmdCreatvty July 22, 2024
+1comment score: 1

I don't understand what the game means when you're digging into the indefinitely repeating layers and it makes a static sound, along with the alert that you have a "... a strange sense of unfamiliarity" and can't find an explanation anywhere in the menus.

developer response: secrets :3c (a rare ore is added to the layer if you get that message)

QQLZNDTD July 22, 2024
+1comment score: 1

I never thought I'd find something like this. Good game!

top comments

EndlesSky December 12, 2023
+29comment score: 29

Cool Game! I think that naming more things would give more impact to getting new upgrades, make them more easy to differentiate between, and also make it seem less bland 🙃

Electromagneta December 14, 2023
+25comment score: 25

Should add ores between 1/100 and 1/750k ... there is a bit too big hole.

zerop February 29, 2024
+12comment score: 12

this game is awesome i have 284 mil blocks mined in the roblox one and this one is fun to leave playing when i play other games u just need to add ores between 1:100 1:750k and give a buff to crypt smasher the jump from it to any other pick is very big thats all i have to say

• 2024/02/26

sebastiano123 December 21, 2023
+12comment score: 12

Very addictive, and a game to play in the background in your browser while playing a different game!

UnephenStephen May 2, 2024
+8comment score: 8

Can we get illogical randomizer to tell us which ore it buffs and by how much? Maybe limit the ore it buffs to the layer you are in also.

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