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comments for Incremental Universe Growth

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Derpenheim February 25, 2024
+25comment score: 25

I know you already responded about this, but it is not a "5 minute timewall". statistics say i last bought a dimension 20 minutes ago and i just crossed the 1e26 threshold, meaning i have 10 times that (3 and a half hours) before i reach 1e27, the next upgrade. it took less than hour to get this point. That is a crazy timewall.

developer response: I didn't LITERALLY mean 5 minutes...

BongoFin February 25, 2024
+22comment score: 22

i love how all the dev responses are just them being upset

scopaf countest February 26, 2024
+21comment score: 21

I want to be as constructive as possible here, but it is really hard to address some of these issues in a way that won't be at least somewhat triggering. There is a decent foundation here, but there are also some issues:
1. The timewalls are too much, too early, and too long. There just isn't enough gameplay before you start hitting them. You get to the first one, and wait it out - but on the other side you aren't really greeted with any meaningful change to gameplay. Then you do it again, and its a bit longer, and still not much of a change. Why would a player want to sit through a third?
2. There are points when it isn't clear whether making available purchases is going to help at all with getting toward your next goal or just set you back in your current timewall.
3. When you hear the same exact complaint from multiple users multiple times, responding passive aggressively or changing your description to effectively tell users to "get over it" is just going to make them leave a bad review and quit.

I think you can refocus and steer this into a decent game, but I would strongly reconsider your current course.

developer response: That would basically be impossible now. The game was posted on v0.2.5.3, three updates since the game moved to GitHub, fourteen major updates since the game moved to Replit, and 23 major updates since the game began development.

galaxyuser63274 countest February 24, 2024
+17comment score: 17

why the sudden timewall in 3 dimensions?

developer response: Sometimes better sorting out your upgrades is the better move...

Bazil_25 February 25, 2024
+11comment score: 11

why here 1+ hour timewall from 5 to 6 dimensions?

developer response: Sometimes you make a softcap overly powerful. Sometimes you want that, other times you don't.

JaymanMDev countest February 25, 2024
+9comment score: 9

One piece of advice:
Respectfully, sort out the ridiculous timewalls. :)

developer response: I'm currently testing!

Rilmkl countest February 26, 2024
+9comment score: 9

just some dogshit, well i mean not that bad but its very bad, it takes way too long, like i have had multiple days of playtime and have only gotten the the 6th dimension, you REALLY need to balance some stuff out, and all you are doing is just becoming defensive which doesnt help you case in any sort of way. getting angry does quite the opposite of helping your case, it just makes it worse. and i know im not a game dev, i might not know much about games, but i know this is too much of a timewall. TOO MUCH. i can complete multiple long games by the time i finish your game, you say it takes days but its should be weeks, months or maybe even a year or more. its too unbalanced. just fix it and stop getting defensive, as i said before it doesnt help your case. listen to player feedback. GETTING DEFENSIVE DOESNT HELP YOUR CASE.

developer response: Help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

tristan countest February 25, 2024
+9comment score: 9

Timewall from a 3-dimensional universe to a 4-dimensional universe is stupid. I'm not waiting that long just for no foreseeable changes in the gameplay. This is NOT a good game in my opinion.

developer response: Something happens.

AndyShow1 February 25, 2024
+8comment score: 8

like if you want to cancel the dev for poor responses

2020survivor February 26, 2024
+8comment score: 8

Developer needs to reconsider how they respond to criticism.

developer response: I hope the next update will help with that to a degree :)

Citrine gamedev February 25, 2024
+7comment score: 7

I like the premise of this game, but I feel like only thing you have to do after 1st Dimension, is just to wait for new Dimensions, without some new content. This gets even worse, when you are grinding for Dimension 3 as it takes unbelievably long time to get there, because of how strong rooting effect feels to me.
I hope it gets changed as I find hard for many players to just go on with the game, if you have to click and watch mindlessly, how numbers go up and how requirements feel more further away, the more close you get to it.
6 / 10, maybe will continue if the timewall gets changed.

JaymanMDev countest February 26, 2024
+6comment score: 6

This abomination of a developer (can't even qualify as one honestly...) updated the game's description invalidating our opinions on the obviously ridiculous timewalls.
Don't waste your time on this one!

BeeRex February 25, 2024
+5comment score: 5

listen when there's multiple 20+ minute timewalls with absolutely no way to speed it up or pass the time in-game of course people are going to complain

developer response: Trying to fix that right now...

AshvekMiga February 29, 2024
+5comment score: 5

and Challenge 5 in dark matter broke the game for me entirely, game now refuses to load at all.

developer response: ...I have no idea.

Mamkagod counter February 26, 2024
+5comment score: 5

Here is my opinion:
1) If you are planning for your game to be very long (a.k.a mostly idle) by adding ridiculous timewalls here and there, then just say it in the description or something. Saying that this game has almost no timewalls/the timewalls dont take very long, while in reality it absolutely does really makes people click off the game. Personally, i just dragged myself to e120 universe growth, got a dark matter, contemplated my life choices because the dark matter effect is not worth the time, and left. Overall, the game has potential, but it needs a lot of work and rebalancing. 4/10

2) Responding passively-agressively to player's feedback really builds a bad reputation for you. Now that i know that you can't take constructive critisism from your audience, i will think twice before i play any of your future games. Also, its not a problem, but i personally dont think that creating a whole wiki for a game this small is necessary, but, you do you.

developer response: Coming in the next major update!

ghajestis counter February 26, 2024
+5comment score: 5

in my humble opinion, you should try to listen to player feedback to make your game more enjoyable instead of getting defensive about it.

Endovior February 25, 2024
+4comment score: 4

Growth needs a "buy all" button. Cost quickly scales to the point of letting you buy huge amounts of Growth, but only if you're willing to click thousands of times, and my desire to not get carpal tunnel says no.

developer response: Well, you'll see that to the next level in upgrade form soon (Don't worry the upgrade will only be like 1e15 m)

Bazil_25 February 25, 2024
+4comment score: 4

buy Growth upgrade is pain without autoclicker

developer response: An update will come out soon to fix that...

tylert528 countest February 26, 2024
+4comment score: 4

I used to like it when daniel worked on it, but the "rebalancing" you did (otherwise known as just adding absurd amounts of timewalls to the game for no reason other than that OM did it) completely ruins the game for me.

developer response: Ok. When we were rebalancing, that was rebalancing the endgame. That's how the second antimatter boost became x^logx.

DatrixTHLK February 26, 2024
+4comment score: 4

I'm not really sure what to feel about this, on one hand it is an incremental game and the other is just a waiting simulator. I don't mind the wait so long as the wait isn't too long or it varies itself up during that period of waiting time so we have something else to do while we wait. Just waiting with nothing to vary it up isn't that fun to me.