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comments for The Mario Maker 2 Tree

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Marioman64 March 22, 2024
+20comment score: 20

is there a way to turn off the "milestone gotten!" from popping up for coin milestones on EVERY single push of super mushroom, fire flower, etc resets? they block the buttons i want to push.

barancan12 March 22, 2024
+16comment score: 16

For the love of god please a fix for milestone messages, game is already too clicky.

new42ur3jeans countest March 19, 2024
+12comment score: 12

The start of the game oddly reminds me of The Pro Tree. Way too much grinding for upgrades at the beginning with layers looking like they have no substance outside of upgrades and milestones, which can get repetitive and boring for some players. Also, I don't think the first upgrade should have a base effect of , when you reset for 1 and use it on the upgrade it made the reset practically pointless, and one of the no-nos in incremental games is to let people have any type of soft-reset in-game that does not have any reward in turn.

Only good side to this game is I can clear courses faster than in an actual copy of Super Mario Maker 2, but other than that this TMT unfortunately joins The Pro Tree in the club of Not-Too-Good TMTs.

developer response: Thans for your advice. Now when you bought 1st Super mushroom upgrade with 0 super mushrooms you would get a x2.378 multiplier to cleared courses. (x+1)^1.25 to (x+2)^1.25.

hotcatgirl69 March 22, 2024
+12comment score: 12

The coin milestones resetting every time you get prestige gets really annoying really quickly, i.e. they get in the way of upgrades. I'd suggest moving the unlock to them not resetting to the fire flowers milestone 1.

Nitraatpiraat March 26, 2024
+9comment score: 9

bro fuck that frog layer man

Lustre March 20, 2024
+4comment score: 4

A little too grindy. In the Fire Flower section and each upgrade you're grinding towards every upgrade. I'd like a little more idle, especially since the game doesn't run well when tabbed out, if at all. I can't tell.

lingluo December 8, 2024
+3comment score: 3

Many of the subtabs don't work when the game is unfocused. I think the update() of those layers are written wrong, and they should use delta-time instead of assuming each tick is 50ms.

incraldanerd counter March 19, 2024
+3comment score: 3

ah yes, a new and cool galaxy game. actually highly underrated, ngl. nice job, dude!

cornucanis April 7, 2024
+3comment score: 3

Yoshi Eggs are way too strong. If you push both types of Yoshi it allows you to absolutely blast through that layer plus the next couple in no time at all. I'm at power balloons now, but it seems completely unreasonable to afford the first one. I've pushed 25+ frog resets since plateauing out on gains, kept buying master swords while firing the bow, and let the enemy grabs build up for a good while with all my frog points unspecced for the bonus.

Even after doing all that, the best gain of mushrooms I can get is about 1.8e22 every 30 seconds. That means 500+ resets to reach the goal of 1e25, which will take 4+ hours. Either I'm missing something important or some balance change made it completely impossible to reach power balloons in a reasonable manner.

S2-_ May 6, 2024
+3comment score: 3

Hope there will be no BUG
hope so.

Stereotomy May 14, 2024
+3comment score: 3

Am I missing something or is it now pretty much impossible to get the first power balloon?

Biroulik March 20, 2024
+3comment score: 3

so, I don't mind the grind too much, although I do think it is a bit high, but right now I'm stuck on the 14th super hammer upgrade (the one costing e65 ish super hammers) and I'm at e56 super hammers and can't make any real progress towards the unlocked 2nd super hammer challenge. I don't really see any way of getting the next upgrade, is it normal?

TeleKawaru counter March 22, 2024
+2comment score: 2

So far I like this game, but I'm up to 29 Master Swords and the next milestone says to get 7 Containers of Heart, but those are something I can acquire. Am I missing something?

bagelbits March 28, 2024
+2comment score: 2

This game both adds automation too slowly and also frequently it is a bit lack luster. There are many times in Layer 4 and 5 where I am doing the same set of actions 10-20 times to make progress that really should have been automated at that point.

aiueon March 22, 2024
+2comment score: 2

The reset button for Fire Flowers has disappeared, and I can no longer proceed with the game.

aiueon March 22, 2024
+2comment score: 2

Furthermore, the Pink Key Coins have turned negative, and since they do not increase, there is nothing I can do.

yankeesown March 21, 2024
+2comment score: 2

How do I get enough SMB2 Shrooms to get first Power Balloon?

Pro gamedev March 24, 2024
+2comment score: 2

bug report: i dont see mario

Despacitoian March 19, 2024
+2comment score: 2

This is actually pretty good, nice job

Ilvin April 15, 2024
+2comment score: 2

would adding a way to hide milestone notifications when doing FF resets be possible? they currently cover the upgrades and have to wait to be able to buy them.