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comments for Odyssos

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Entropy counter March 22, 2024
+34comment score: 34

there is, theoretically, an absolutely awesome game here

however Wisdom inflates so quickly and sharply that the game quickly loses all sense of balance (that and all the placeholders everywhere make it a little difficult to tell what upgrades actually do)

can't wait for further updates, though, because this is an absolutely solid start

developer response: thanks for the feedback! balancing is definitely something I'm still working on. Balancing and tuning the game (not least of which Wisdom inflation) is next on my list. The placeholders are temporary as I flesh out more of the game mechanics but yeah I need to take those out for future releases and just utilize them in development only. I really appreciate the encouragement! Will update soon!

Derpenheim July 8, 2024
+27comment score: 27

Zone cost upgrades do not actually lower zone cost. I have no idea what zone production does, as I cannot any mention of it other than things that supposedly upgrade it. What do the zones produce?

Hyppy March 22, 2024
+17comment score: 17

0.0.7c is a good start, but quite unfinished in many aspects.
- The balancing of the progression is way off. Basically everything becomes locked behind exploration VERY quickly
- Rebirths are brutal, since any automation is locked behind manually progressing exploration
- The dropCapNames for the various effects are hard to parse
- It's hard to tell what is placeholder text for upcoming features or if what's just named oddly
- Essence can be spent in what appear to be useless upgrades. I don't need 100 skill points when there are only a few dozen skills
- Clicking to "collect" achievements for radiance feels awkward
- Many spots in exploration, especially in Peninsula, are slightly out of order, missing/miscalculated, or inexplicably unreachable
- Refreshing seems to reset rebirth multiplier. This made me step away because doing yet another rebirth feels like torture

developer response: Thankyou for this detailed feedback, it's really valuable. Definitely have a lot to clean up and balancing/progression/rebirth are next on the list to optimize so I can get a normal flow. And exploration needs a lot of tweaking for sure, it's one of the newest systems and still a bit green

In regards to clicking to claim achievements I definitely agree that is too cumbersome, especially with some other plans I have for achievements. I had toyed with hovering over them to claim too, but you're right that them being tied to Radiance makes that less than ideal. Will brainstorm a few other solutions for this :P

I'm sorry about the refresh issue as well, will be probably trying to clean up some glaring things like that today

Thanks again

Sea2Sky counter March 22, 2024
+7comment score: 7

So far a pretty enjoyable game, I would love if the achievments could be a little less bulky and more organized though.

developer response: yep I've heard this a couple times and am working on a way to make achievements way less annoying for people. thank you for the feedback!

Chet_Awesomelad July 11, 2024
+7comment score: 7

This game comes to a crawl after unlocking energy training. For some reason there are 10 upgrade levels that each double force and wisdom training, but only 1 upgrade level to boost energy training??? Getting to 1e65 energy is turning out to be insufferable.

tristan countest March 22, 2024
+7comment score: 7

Odyssey is a little bit broken, I cant finish some of the areas.

developer response: I definitely feel that, I knew releasing would put some glaring errors in the limelight and reveal more to me to help guide further development. I'll be fixing a lot in the coming weeks so stay tuned! Thanks for playing

Jeremymia March 30, 2024
+6comment score: 6

This game has most of what it needs to be great, but it's missing that last 10% of (1) polish and (2) balancing that takes 50% of the work to make it really compelling. In terms of balancing, right now it proceeds in a strange way, masses of things unlocking at once before you have time to even appreciate what you're unlocking. Plus, the numbers get stupid big far too quickly. Incremental games are more fun when you have to struggle a bit for your unlocks. Looking forward to this becoming wonderful.

Mastenship July 16, 2024
+6comment score: 6

Energy is soooooo hard to obtain. It's crazy.

tristan countest March 22, 2024
+6comment score: 6

There very quickly becomes no reasons for skill points.

developer response: Agreed, I plan on expanding the skill tree and adding more meaningful choices there in a future update

incrementalGOD July 8, 2024
+6comment score: 6

Ive been stuck on energy levels of e67, and no matter how many times I rebirth and level stuff up nothing works. i feel like ive tried every possible combination fro the skill tree, but i dont understand what the green and the purple branches actually do. please help

Neffdigity March 29, 2024
+5comment score: 5

Also there are three zones in the wooded island of the peninsula that are unclickable.

corgis March 22, 2024
+5comment score: 5

The ability to auto-progress exploration should be linked to Essence instead of Crystals. As it is, you have to trudge through the first two levels every time you ascend, and that gets very old very quickly.

developer response: fair point about the tedium of replaying early exploration after ascending. I'll consider moving auto-progress to Essence or otherwise streamlining that part of the game loop.

SinisterSinnner August 20, 2024
+5comment score: 5

Great game! Not sure what I need to do to bust through the energy wall I seem to have hit at e70+. Not sure if I am just to supposed to spam rebirth and build that multiplier or wait for energy to build up to slowly push through exploration. Or I am at the theoretical current endgame.

zwie July 25, 2024
+5comment score: 5

artifacts get stuck and lock you out of purchasing them, cant progress anymore

aplombity July 14, 2024
+5comment score: 5

really liking the game. running into the same energy wall others are, but I'm trying to trudge through it.
leaving a comment because I've noticed what I'm pretty sure is a bug. I have 55 'duck tape wraps' and 55 'stick ring' artifacts, and the cheapest further upgrades for each cost 1 of their respective shard, which I have e5 of. I cannot purchase them, probably because the amount it says I will be purchasing is '+-5'. If I had to guess, when I was buying max at some point it calculated me past the 50 cap and now I'm stuck here. any way out of this?

Galacticweatherly23 July 8, 2024
+5comment score: 5

Most of my own complaints have already been noted by the previous comments, especially the zone cost skills being broken as it's quite clear from reading zone text with them active that they're needed for getting past most of the energy-based zones and how the "all training" essence boost only affect force rather than everything, but I'd also like to mention a glitch with Artifacts that lets you keep getting levels past the intended caps which gets "fixed" after enough rebirths, resulting in the purchase buttons showing negative numbers based on extra levels bought.

rei July 9, 2024
+4comment score: 4

are the achievement icons ai lol

Speegey May 24, 2024
+4comment score: 4

i really want to play this game but it breaks so easily or i accidentally click a placeholder and become god to the point playing the game normally becomes difficult. please do not leave experiemntal features or placeholders in the game if they will just get in the way or ruin everything.

Beespoon July 8, 2024
+4comment score: 4

- i'm honestly not sure if any of the zone upgrades do anything
- the same bug reports as the other comments
- it would be nice to have some sort of tip to get automation before your first rebirth, since i think it would fix the softlock reports if nothing else

it's cool, i just wish it was easier to understand

Beespoon July 8, 2024
+4comment score: 4

if the essence energy training upgrade is meant to cap at 1 vs the force/wisdom training upgrades' caps of 10, it should maybe be noted that it's not a bug. if it's not meant to be capped there... uh, maybe it shouldn't cap at 1