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comments for The MJ Tree

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Entropy counter April 17, 2024
+58comment score: 58

i love getting exponential amounts of michael jackson

Termt April 21, 2024
+45comment score: 45

These tree-type games really need an option to turn off the notification spam.
Yes, I know I just got 3 milestones. This is the millionth time I've gotten them and they've long since lost any value.

developer response: There's also keeping milestones which removes the notifications if you did not know

VillainousWolf April 17, 2024
+32comment score: 32

every layer resetting every single time is very annoying. need to implement keeping layers at some point.

developer response: There's automation in version 1.3.0

hectic_scone April 20, 2024
+23comment score: 23

Layer 1 Speeders really need to be automated

developer response: Layer 1 Speeders get automated when you complete the Hyper MJ Challenge

Lustre November 12, 2024
+15comment score: 15

This game is just messy. Seems like you add things to it and don't really take the previous things you've done into account. SPE and SC should both be fully automated by now, and yet they aren't. Still have to buy those upgrades.

bluebowls April 17, 2024
+12comment score: 12

The blue on MJ Points is way too dark. Have to highlight or look super close to the button and the amount on hand.

developer response: v1.5.0 made it brighter

Termt May 6, 2024
+11comment score: 11

For the love of god... PLEASE add automation or something to keep upgrades on lower layers.
Everything resetting does not provide a challenge, it does not provide any strategy, it does not provide anything of interest.
It is a dull chore.
Also, something went wrong in this update where my ultra scalers are getting reset by something even though they're the highest layer I've unlocked, so there shouldn't BE anything that CAN reset them.
Generators also got reset which I feel is a bit bull but they're not shown as being the last layer so I can still accept it, begrudgingly.

Warrior May 13, 2024
+8comment score: 8

My guy, why is u playing Bad Piggies or something on the scaler MJs button?

Lustre April 17, 2024
+8comment score: 8

Rather slow and uninteresting start. And looking at the achievements, there doesn't seem like there's going to be much variety between the different layers.

dddw countest April 23, 2024
+5comment score: 5

is this game about michael jackson?

Termt June 11, 2024
+5comment score: 5

Seriously, is there a way to disable the notification spam in the beginning?
The notification spam is an issue with nearly all tree mods and it really makes me wonder why it hasn't been fixed in the framework itself.

IncrementalKing April 19, 2024
+5comment score: 5

cool game, a bit short and it was annoying to continously reclick the upgrades and do the challenges over and over and over again

Akami October 13, 2024
+5comment score: 5

waiting an hour for 1e38 hyper mj, just why?

Lustre May 23, 2024
+5comment score: 5

Your "big upgrade" was completed in less than 30 seconds, so... I'm disappointed.

thetouchoftism November 8, 2024
+5comment score: 5

and why is ultra scaler not working

TacticalFail November 12, 2024
+5comment score: 5

The lack or automation for a lot of intermediate layers remains the biggest annoyance of this game. Having to rebuy all of the Generator upgrades or Ultrascalers after buying is just extra busywork after the 20th or so time of rebuying them for the grinds of upper levels. It's certainly a decision that pads out the game, but not in any interesting or enjoyable way.

The dev mentions in a comment reply that there's automation in v1.3.0 and it's v.2.4.0 and every reset still necessitates having to go back to the first, third and fourth layer to turn them back on as well as the one of the only pieces of purchase automation. There's nominal automation in those layers, everything in the 4th 5th and 6th layers are continuously reset even as one gets into the 7th layer. It's just an exercise in tedium much like the challenge that's literally waiting 5 minutes.

RTLF2024 October 9, 2024
+5comment score: 5

Timewall occurs at purchasing last upgrade of MJ clicks layer.

Momm September 11, 2024
+5comment score: 5

In v2.2.1, can you add formulas?

mlr223 countest April 26, 2024
+4comment score: 4

There needs to be a Speeders autobuyer at some point.

Goober counter April 19, 2024
+4comment score: 4

i thought scaler MJ's would scale my MJ cost drastically :sob: