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The MJ Tree

developed by Sanas gamedev
rated 3.4 stars, 58 ratings
rated 3.4 stars, 58 ratings

Posted April 14, 2024. Updated July 25, 2024. Played 6030 times for a total of 4440 hours.


This game is about getting a lot MJs and there is 13 layers to unlock! The current version is 2.0.0 and is
getting more updates! Endgame e2130000 MJs
Game I am working on:

latest update

Big update 2.0.0 July 25, 2024

Added 10 more upgrade that are op, added 1 new savebank, made it possible to reach e1M MJs, added 1 new layer that is called Galactical MJs, added 3 new achievements, added 2 new milestones, more

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newest comments

Ilvin July 26, 2024
+1comment score: 1

would be nice of you could change the Galactical MJs color or add a new theme that doesn't make it hard to see

Nerlahh777 July 26, 2024
+1comment score: 1

Additional idea
Add galactic MJ challenge named cosmicless challenge
All Upgrade from upgrade point and MJ click is deactivated, all currency layer except galactic MJ is ^0.2, and buyable scale so faster and all upgrade is extremely expensive
Goal:perform a galactic MJ reset
Reward:new 5 upgrade from layer 1 speeder and galactic MJ and upgrade tree, layer 1 speeder boost galactic MJ, 2 upgrade is work with galactic upgrade 11

airetho July 26, 2024
+1comment score: 1

It's funny that the endgame is in spoiler text in the description and then it's just at the top of the screen the entire game

unicodes counter July 26, 2024
+1comment score: 1

the text on the MJ Click layer is sticking out of the layer box thing

lastata July 26, 2024
+1comment score: 1

hyper^2inflation moment

top comments

Entropy counter April 17, 2024
+36comment score: 36

i love getting exponential amounts of michael jackson

Termt April 21, 2024
+30comment score: 30

These tree-type games really need an option to turn off the notification spam.
Yes, I know I just got 3 milestones. This is the millionth time I've gotten them and they've long since lost any value.

developer response: There's also keeping milestones which removes the notifications if you did not know

VillainousWolf April 17, 2024
+25comment score: 25

every layer resetting every single time is very annoying. need to implement keeping layers at some point.

developer response: There's automation in version 1.3.0

hectic_scone April 20, 2024
+18comment score: 18

Layer 1 Speeders really need to be automated

developer response: Layer 1 Speeders get automated when you complete the Hyper MJ Challenge

bluebowls April 17, 2024
+11comment score: 11

The blue on MJ Points is way too dark. Have to highlight or look super close to the button and the amount on hand.

developer response: v1.5.0 made it brighter

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